I walked off a bad deal today empty handed

May 13, 2012
I estimate a VCT strip and wax in a 4,000 sf medical office that is about to open. The building is probably empty 20+ years, but was a medical practice until about 1990-91, when they moved to a better, larger location. Appears nobody entered the building in over 20 years. Seems an internal medicine doctor, about 35 years old has decided to open his own practice and scoop up some of that Obamacare money. He told me it was going to be a "low cost clinic" with him running the show and some Nurse Practitioners or Physicians Assistants doing the bulk of the work.
He tells me he wants a very low price. The painting is nearly done. I should come in and do 3 coats of 18.5% latex finish. That is in my brochure at 35.5¢ per sq ft. That's a teaser rate. Nobody wants 3 coats of 18.5%. But if they insist, they will get it. I prefer 4 coats of 21% latex. That's 45.5¢ per sq ft. Maybe we can get by with a 22% acrylic and 3 coats. That is about 39.5¢ per sq ft, but I really think you need 4 coats or more, plus burnishing at least once, which is only 10¢ per sf. I'd come do that 24-48 hours later.

For NY, these prices are reasonable. He insists he only wants 3 coats of 18%. I have nothing better to do, so I go get my buffer an a pail of finish and some stripper. I plan on doing one of the exam rooms, like 150 sq ft, let him see it and then upsell it. Takes like 15 minutes to strip it. While it is drying, I start to dust mop the whole place. I come back and put on the first coat. Waiting for that to dry, I decide I'll damp mop the place. With 24" microfiber pads, it takes some time. I had my 24" and 36" dust mops with me. I do about 1/2 the building before coming back for coat 2. Finish up and put coat 3 on. While it dries, I start to put my things in my car. I go find the doctor who is outside caulking his own windows and repainting the frames. I want him to see 3 coats of 18%. I want him to be unimpressed. He doesn't like it. I'm thinking I will get him for 4-5 coats of 22% acrylic and burnishing, like I originally suggested. He does in fact want that now, that's good, but not really, he wants it for the same price as 3 coats of 18.5%!
I tell him that is impossible, I'm losing money on the deal. Back and forth, he wants the most for the least and will not budge. My last ditch effort was 21% latex instead of 18.5%, still 3 coats, same price. That's about $25 more for materials, maybe 1-1.5 hours extra time, for free. No.
Well then you can pay me for this room I did. No. He was very close to needing a doctor himself. Not worth getting physical, I called the police. They said, "bill him and when he doesn't pay the bill, file in commercial claims court". This is not criminal, it is not their problem. Big help they were!
About $15 worth of material and nearly 3 hours time down the crapper, but I will not let it ruin my day.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Too many options IMO.

We only use 1 finish and its around 30% but only need 2-3 coats.
Makes life much easier.

We start at .50 cent and only go down if its wide open or new install.


First, you really shouldn't be offering 18% acrylic at 3 coats, unless you are prepared to burnish , it's not gonna pop

Second. You're idea of an " up selling " opportunity is to take 3 hours out of your day providing an unimpressive result in the hopes of him offering to spend MORE money?

What happened to " under promise, over deliver"

I don't know where the heck you came up with this type of selling method but it is absurd

The guy prefaced your initial meeting with " I want cheap" did you really believe you would have e ability to squeeze more juice out of with a shitty result?

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Yeah, talk to tom king about some sales training.

To do this day in and day out is insanity. :hopeless:

Joel D

May 23, 2007
Oakfield, NY
Joel Darker
I cant get most to pay properly for vct so dont feel bad about that part. Just dont give them any of your time. You could give a ballpark over the phone of at least 40 cents and if they balk move on. No time wasted.
May 13, 2012
Too many options IMO.

We only use 1 finish and its around 30% but only need 2-3 coats.
Makes life much easier.

We start at .50 cent and only go down if its wide open or new install.

We always have 3 levels, plus green. When it is a large place, like 12,000 sf, it makes a huge price difference. Actually in active retail I have for the same price of 3 coats of 18% one coat of a high build 22%, NCL Perfection. They want me off their floors ASAP and the one coat solution works. I tried NCL One Coat 25, it levels poorly and I just don't have the skill to lay it down nice.
I always start with a low price like 18% latex with 3 coats for a simple reason, too many will hang up and call a Mexican if you don't give them a cheap out. That is NCL Visions for me. I always have a 5 gallon pail on hand of that, it costs about $48. My main finish is NCL Impressions, the 21% latex about $57-58 a pail. I always have at least 1.5 pails on hand. Either of these can be laid down successfully by my nephew or other part time helpers with little experience and they don't care. A monkey could lay down latex finish.
If it was to go my way all the time, it would be Invincible from NCL, easy to put down, but don't let it's 22% solids fool you. This stuff wears great. I have a deli/fried chicken joint I did a year ago. They don't burnish. Heck, they don't sweep every day and mop maybe once a week. I did a scrub and recoat just before Christmas, it was perhaps 7 months old at the time and looked good. I put 2 coats on the traffic lanes and one coat overall. I have to hit them up for another scrub and recoat soon. The initial job was 5 coats of invincible in the traffic lanes and 4 coats overall. I really like that finish. I only keep 1 pail or less on hand at any given time because so few will be willing to pay for it, it costs me $71 a pail but takes twice as long to dry compared to anything else. The manufacturer says 15-20 minutes like latex. Latex for me is more like 20 minutes. Invincible at least 30 minutes, even with a very thin coat off a nylon mop or microfiber pad. I will not use the candy stripe rayon on non-latex finish, I insist on a better mop for everything else.
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May 13, 2012

I liked it better when he picked on Ofer's people. :p
I don't pick on anybody.
I will not deny I avoid certain people, but I don't pick on them either. If anything, I fear getting my ass kicked by them, as has been the case more than a few times.


Oct 7, 2006
I guess you already has a good sense what was going on by the doctors business model.

wounder how he would feel if you wanted to haggle for his services

hey you gave it a shot and got kicked in the balls so next time wear a cup.
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bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Peter....allow me......
it would seem that you are wound up tighter
that a one day watch......
you are doing this prolly for one reason only.......

you don wanna work for some azzh*le that makes you FEEL LIKE THIS!!!! right.?
My advice.....slow down...mellow out.....and look at this lik it really is........
you've lerrnt a lesson here.......YOU are the boss.....act lik it!
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Supportive Member
Dec 11, 2006
Modesto, CA
Doctors are jerks and lawyers I don't do business with. Time to just spill some stripper on the floor and leave.


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
I would be glad to help.

I sold to Doctors for 13 years.

Doctors are not jerks, some are, most are overeducated, overworked and underpaid. They are trapped and what you are getting is some of their frustration with a system that is handcuffing them.


Start with full service and then adjust for the clients budget.

Only educate the client to the level they need. Too much information is confusing.

Too much information with well educated males makes them feel like they know more than you.

You set yourself up for failure. They guy is doing his own work. Painting. He has 10-13 years education you are a janitor in his mind.
You give him all this education and 5 minutes later he is as smart as you and ready to run your company.

I would have told him the following

You have x sf. I can refinish the floors for $ this amount.

"My process will allow a quick refinish each year and depending on your maintenance program and office traffic we could go up to 2 years before we have to redo the whole thing again".

STOP talking at this point. wait for a reply.

When is your deadline?

I can maintain these floors weekly, monthly quarterly for these amounts.

If you do not have regular maintenance what ever I do will not hold its finish well.

You made this too hard of a purchase. He wants shinny floors like the hospital he was trained in.

Just tell him how much to get the results not how you get the results.

He probably thinks you are doing this cause you can't do anything else. THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!

(You are a professional. I know more millionaires in the cleaning and restoration business than I do doctors.)

You have more freedom than he does you probably have more job satisfaction than he does. Even how you have been telling us you feel about yourself.

I learned about VTC just from your post. I don't know half that stuff you explained. Remember being a technical genius does not make you a great salesman.

I would not have gotten into any sort of pressure conversation about payment.

I would have walked and thanked him. You have no idea who this guys network is. You are playing with fire leaving a sales situation like that.

This guys knows the guys who live in those big houses. They probably taught him. Especially if he did his residency in a local hospital. 95% of doctors never leave the state they do their residence in. Most practice in the state they go to medical school in. Internal Med doctors are very confident individuals.

These are the guys that specialize and often you want in the room if you are sick. I have several friends that are internal med docs and they are cocky SOB's but if you win them over they are loyal, no nonsense guys who will trust you. You could have had a guy that would have developed into a great customer.
You gave him to much info.

One question was this doc from a country with a caste system? If he was their are very specific ways you must sell to someone from a caste background.

The caste system values people for their family line. You are at best the owner of a service company. You have to present yourself as a owner not a worker.
To sell in the caste system it is suit and tie and stand around and watch your guys work.

I do not mean to sound like I discriminate. This is the reality of working with different cultures.

Everyone gets the same service they just get sold in a different manner.

Hope this helps.

Yeah, talk to tom king about some sales training.

To do this day in and day out is insanity. :hopeless:
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Ofer I checked into it and I can become one of your people by joining the Jewish religion. BUT no matter how much you tan you can never become a Mexican.

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P.S. You can become a Kansan but if you didn't like being a Texan....you'll like being a Kansan even less! :winky:
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
This was from another thread with Peter:
Some carpet cleaners get into this mind set of "the client is the enemy".
It is not a good mind set to be in. It never leads to anything positive.

The client is not the enemy (they actually allow us to make a decent living) and your actions are your choices.

Nobody forces you to provide free estimates. I don't. Well, I do on the phone. My on location free estimate is $184.00
If you don't like giving free estimates, don't do it.
If you do do it. Be nice and feel good about it. Otherwise, chances are that you will not get the sale and get even more annoyed than you already are.

Which will keep perpetuating the same vicious cycle.
his response:
Some are the enemy. When people have ulterior motives, I just move on and cherry pick the ones with the least hassle.

Peter, unless you change the attitude and take good care of yourself first, nothing is going to change in your business.
I wish you the best of luck.

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