2.5 Hose..finally

Jul 12, 2008
I like it...it works.....ALOT mo vac brother...Thanks you Judson.

NOW I have the power ....one stroke... like Mikey vOrteX.....and cheaper...lol

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Like I have said before 2.5 is the best money I spent last year, and THE fastest way to burn up a rug rat. :lol:


Bill Soukoreff said:
[quote="Rex Tyus":15jt7n6s]Curtis, post this on ICS and watch the Greenie haters come out in groves.

I guess Cooper hasn't seen this post yet. Remind me again why this guy is allowed to post here?[/quote:15jt7n6s]

Bill , I have volunteered to do the testing Greenie wont , so as soon as I get it in I will plan a fair and thorough series of tests that will not only let you know which hose setup is better , I will let you know by how much .

Amazing what can be done when your sole primary motivation is to provide fair and acurate testing and numbers instead of hype and hot air - especially if you have nothing monetarily to gain .

I will post the results and protocol as soon they are complete ( and after I post them on T M F . You can view them over there 1 week earlier though . They get the exclusive first rights ) .

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Are the test going to be timed? How much longer does it take to pull out one hose versus two 2" hoses and hook the shit together? I carry 150' of 2.5" just pull the stuff out once, and get to work. No hooking up Y's or dual hose shit. Does it take twice as long to roll up 100' of 2" hose versus 50 feet of 2.5"? Answer: yep! And no, I'm not a hack so don't ask me if I scrape the shit out of all my custy's corners. Never scraped one corner. Never once. 2.5" hose is just smarter and makes more sense if you are interested in quick dry times and quick setup times.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Cooper said...
I will post the results and protocol as soon they are complete ( and after I post them on T M F . You can view them over there 1 week earlier though . They get the exclusive first rights ) .

I get the feeling that Cooper's report will be like the President saying there won't be any earmark pork in the new stimulus bill, then it get's passed with 9000 earmarks in it.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
James Cooper said:
[quote="Bill Soukoreff":12kfv7se][quote="Rex Tyus":12kfv7se]Curtis, post this on ICS and watch the Greenie haters come out in groves.

I guess Cooper hasn't seen this post yet. Remind me again why this guy is allowed to post here?[/quote:12kfv7se]

Bill , I have volunteered to do the testing Greenie wont , so as soon as I get it in I will plan a fair and thorough series of tests that will not only let you know which hose setup is better , I will let you know by how much .

Amazing what can be done when your sole primary motivation is to provide fair and acurate testing and numbers instead of hype and hot air - especially if you have nothing monetarily to gain .

I will post the results and protocol as soon they are complete ( and after I post them on T M F . You can view them over there 1 week earlier though . They get the exclusive first rights ) .[/quote:12kfv7se]

So you are going to test if 2.5 is better then 2"? Or are you going to run 4 to the door?

I thought 4 to the door worked great but was a huge pita (set up and break down) myself... Less hoses the better in my book.

If you can't tell the difference between 2.5/4 to the door over 2" just by using it...You are retarded!!


Oct 7, 2006
James Cooper said:
Bill , I have volunteered to do the testing Greenie wont , so as soon as I get it in I will plan a fair and thorough series of tests that will not only let you know which hose setup is better , I will let you know by how much .

Amazing what can be done when your sole primary motivation is to provide fair and acurate testing and numbers instead of hype and hot air - especially if you have nothing monetarily to gain .

I will post the results and protocol as soon they are complete ( and after I post them on T M F . You can view them over there 1 week earlier though . They get the exclusive first rights ) .

Coop, you kill me with your fair and thorough Exclusive stuff....Do you think people trust you or even listen to you for one minute?
Don't forget I was cleaning with 2.5" hose before I ever offered it for sale, I transitioned from 4 to the door to 2.5 cause it was better all around.

Mathematically 4 to the door has a larger area, but it doen't deliver any better dry times, so the point is really moot, the PITA factor alone settles the arguement for those that have the funds to set up this way, you are 4 years behind the curve, please catch up, soon you'll be giving the *** Bayco valve review, I'm glad Mikey allows you here, occasionally we need someone to kick the shit out of.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
James Cooper said:
[quote="Bill Soukoreff":3uwvfsjd][quote="Rex Tyus":3uwvfsjd]Curtis, post this on ICS and watch the Greenie haters come out in groves.

I guess Cooper hasn't seen this post yet. Remind me again why this guy is allowed to post here?[/quote:3uwvfsjd]

Bill , I have volunteered to do the testing Greenie wont , so as soon as I get it in I will plan a fair and thorough series of tests that will not only let you know which hose setup is better , I will let you know by how much .

Amazing what can be done when your sole primary motivation is to provide fair and acurate testing and numbers instead of hype and hot air - especially if you have nothing monetarily to gain .

I will post the results and protocol as soon they are complete ( and after I post them on T M F . You can view them over there 1 week earlier though . They get the exclusive first rights ) .[/quote:3uwvfsjd]

Cooper you dumbass. Who the fook do you think your fooling? It's clear your goal is to discredit Greenie. Give it your best shot, then after you fail at that, you might just might bugger off back to *** AND STAY THERE.
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Cooper, why do you feel you need to save carpet cleaners who HAVE chosen to use 2.5" hose because THEY feel a difference?

I am tired of hearing you come here with one objective to bad mouth Greenie. Go back to *** and stay there. You contribute nothing positive here.

If you contribute something positive over there, then just stay there. It's really getting old.


Bill Soukoreff said:
Cooper, why do you feel you need to save carpet cleaners who HAVE chosen to use 2.5" hose because THEY feel a difference?

I am tired of hearing you come here with one objective to bad mouth Greenie. Go back to ® and stay there. You contribute nothing positive here.

If you contribute something positive over there, then just stay there. It's really getting old.

Thats a pretty poor attitude Bill , and I must say I am disappointed . I was trying to do testing to let the consumer know what the numbers are BEFORE they spend their hard earned money - do you know the numbers Bill ??

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
As a true dual wanding company I want Nick to tell me how to run 8 to the door more effectively and economically than running two 2.5 hoses.


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
Please cooper GFYITASS you are a complete fooken dumbass - alot of us here have successful companys and we a re using 2.5 hose everyday. we know the difference in performance it does not take a sheet of data to let me know that the carpet dries in thirty minutes instead of three hours.

cooper are you a complete moron or just a cheapskate that cant afford 2.5 hose so you attack it as a defense of your shortfall?

if you are a bit intelligtent you would go to your local supplier and ask him to let you " demo" at least 100 feet and so you can see the difference.

i personally think you are a complete jackass and perhaps need to get your ass out of the allens ass! - and you can take that EXCLUSIVELY TO ***!


dealtimeman said:
Please cooper GFYITASS you are a complete fooken dumbass - alot of us here have successful companys and we a re using 2.5 hose everyday. we know the difference in performance it does not take a sheet of data to let me know that the carpet dries in thirty minutes instead of three hours.

cooper are you a complete moron or just a cheapskate that cant afford 2.5 hose so you attack it as a defense of your shortfall?

if you are a bit intelligtent you would go to your local supplier and ask him to let you " demo" at least 100 feet and so you can see the difference.

i personally think you are a complete jackass and perhaps need to get your ass out of the allens ass! - and you can take that EXCLUSIVELY TO ®!

well, I guess you are right . If I am going to test 2.5 hose , as I have already stated in this thread , I guess I will have to get over being a cheapskate and a moron and actually go to my local supplier and buy some. I am so glad you pointed that out. Mikeys board has such helpful and competent people here.

Thanks again

ps is there a specific color of hose that works best ?? What cuffs work best with the 2.5 hose ??

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Do yourself a fave and dont buy that stiff as a telephone pole stuff that Hydromaster sells unless you plan on sticking it up Nicks ass.

Blue has more cfms then orange.


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
i dont have the numbers on the orange or the yellow but the blue has had good results up to now. also you might need to get some 2.5 hose certification from TNF before you use it just for your own safety!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
About testing, it has been done to death. Anyone that has a truckmount that is not handicapped with horrible internal plumbing will notice a significant drop in hgs on the guage going from 2 to 2.5

4 to the door compared to 2.5" will (AS GREENIE and others have said OVER AND OVER) not show a significant difference either way on the guage. The pita factor for the 4 to the door IS the main reason to make a conversion.

Anyone that doesn't trust the findings of the NUMEROUS other people on the boards and would like to test for themselves, I say good idea. But just STOP trying to say there has not been testing. It is just an out right lie.
Jul 12, 2008
James Cooper said:
[quote="Bill Soukoreff":yjlej4q1][quote="Rex Tyus":yjlej4q1]Curtis, post this on ICS and watch the Greenie haters come out in groves.

I guess Cooper hasn't seen this post yet. Remind me again why this guy is allowed to post here?[/quote:yjlej4q1]

Bill , I have volunteered to do the testing Greenie wont , so as soon as I get it in I will plan a fair and thorough series of tests that will not only let you know which hose setup is better , I will let you know by how much .

Amazing what can be done when your sole primary motivation is to provide fair and acurate testing and numbers instead of hype and hot air - especially if you have nothing monetarily to gain .

I will post the results and protocol as soon they are complete ( and after I post them on T M F . You can view them over there 1 week earlier though . They get the exclusive first rights ) .[/quote:yjlej4q1]

James you know Im a straight shooter and there is a difference just simply adding the 50'....if it didnt seem to work I would be the first one on here yelling "board Hype BS'....anyway my wand and my hand over the cuff dont lie and I know my TM like the back of my hand...even my techs were like...."wow".
Feb 26, 2008
dealtimeman said:
Please cooper GFYITASS you are a complete fooken dumbass - alot of us here have successful companys and we a re using 2.5 hose everyday. we know the difference in performance it does not take a sheet of data to let me know that the carpet dries in thirty minutes instead of three hours.

cooper are you a complete moron or just a cheapskate that cant afford 2.5 hose so you attack it as a defense of your shortfall?

if you are a bit intelligtent you would go to your local supplier and ask him to let you " demo" at least 100 feet and so you can see the difference.

i personally think you are a complete jackass and perhaps need to get your ass out of the allens ass! - and you can take that EXCLUSIVELY TO ®!

I concur!!!


Rex Tyus said:
About testing, it has been done to death. Anyone that has a truckmount that is not handicapped with horrible internal plumbing will notice a significant drop in hgs on the guage going from 2 to 2.5

4 to the door compared to 2.5" will (AS GREENIE and others have said OVER AND OVER) not show a significant difference either way on the guage. The pita factor for the 4 to the door IS the main reason to make a conversion.

Anyone that doesn't trust the findings of the NUMEROUS other people on the boards and would like to test for themselves, I say good idea. But just STOP trying to say there has not been testing. It is just an out right lie.

I think the real testing includes more than feelings . Performance claims have to include a key factor when running a series of tests , and thats the end results . So in addition to testing for actual numbers , actual drying times and setup and break down testing has to also be done .

For you guys that say its less expensive to use 2.5 , unless you are just starting up , you have all the 2 in . hose you need right on the truck - get a y and hook it up . 2 2 in hoses for 50 ft . then in the door.

And no on said testing hasnt been done . I simply asked the distributor for the info and either THEY didnt do the legwork or they didnt like the numbers so they with held the results.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
James, why don't you DO YOUR OWN DAMN TESTING, confirm or deny performance claims OR STFU.
You bitch about unsupported claims yet you can't back up any of the bullshit you sling in CONSTANT opposition to a set up you don't have a click clack or clue about. I am done with you. From now own I will simply copoy and past any of the NUMEROUS post on this subject for any newbie to read.

The "manufacturers" that say 2.5 or 4 to the door don't improve performance are the very ones that have units CHOKED down at the blower intake. No reasonable person would give a shit what they thought any way. They certainly wouldn't give their disputed claims credibility.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
And don't forget that Cooper thinks he gets the same performance out of his old Vortex as his Butler.

Cooper here's a song for you. It's all about 4 to the door and 2.5 and *** and and everything.......



Rex Tyus said:
James, why don't you DO YOUR OWN DAMN TESTING, confirm or deny performance claims OR STFU.
You bitch about unsupported claims yet you can't back up any of the bullshit you sling in CONSTANT opposition to a set up you don't have a click clack or clue about. I am done with you. From now own I will simply copoy and past any of the NUMEROUS post on this subject for any newbie to read.

The "manufacturers" that say 2.5 or 4 to the door don't improve performance are the very ones that have units CHOKED down at the blower intake. No reasonable person would give a shit what they thought any way. They certainly wouldn't give their disputed claims credibility.

If you could read , you will see that I said just that _ I will be doing the testing.

These same manufacturers you are accusing of improperly engineering their machines do years of R & D to create a machine that will with stand the every day grind associated with carpet cleaning. They dont have disclaimers telling you they wont be held responsible if you take their advice like you High peformance gurus do. Lol , " use at your own risk , we wont be held responsible ." Weak shit , right.

You can copy and paste all the " it feels so much stronger " bs all you want . Real people investing hard earned money want and deserve more.

Carry on .

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Forum rules

MIKEYSBOARD.COM LLC will not be held responsible for any damage to equipment, voided warranties and or injuries as a result of advice taken from this website or its members.

That is there to protect ME, not my mods.

And you know it.

I will not be responsible when a numbnut such as yourself installs his Kunkle backwards or when his rusted out galvy pipe and goop gets sucked into the blower.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
They dont have disclaimers telling you they wont be held responsible if you take their advice like you High peformance gurus do. Lol , " use at your own risk , we wont be held responsible ." Weak shit , right.

Actually cooper....Butler has more disclaimers than I wish to read. They would practically void your warranty for any minor simple alteration you do. You should use a large machine when you do your testing. Anything with a size 407 blower or larger. It seems most people own blowers that size. I'm sure Bristor has done lots of testing, you mean to tell us you've never talked with him about it?


May 19, 2007
Saying 2.5 hose isn't better than 2" hose because of the feel that you have at the wand from the incresed suction causing the wand to be harder to push is like saying there is no difference between 150 ft of hose vs 50 ft of all 2" hose just because it feels like the wand is pulling harder at the carpet......

And as EVERYONE knows the less sections of hose you run, the better your dry times will be and the harder the wand pulls at the carpet.

It's quite a simple concept but I guess some people feel you have to put a scientific number to everything to make it worth buying.

Or just because you can do something cheaper yourself makes it so that it's not worth buying too.

Greenie has always been up front about things. He tells me not to worry too much about 2.5 on my cds because of the way it's plumbed and how the fast the blower is spinning. Not all TM's are created equal and some have much better results than others. I'd listen to greenie way before I listen to someone who has ties to and listens to someone with mental problems....especially without doing their own tests to prove that what the others are saying is wrong.

Also BTW CFM doesn't indicate how much vacuum you have. CFM multiplies by LIFT. 300 cfm at 15hg is a lot different than 400 cfm at 15hg.

you may get the same CFM at the end of an open hose with 2.5 vs 2. But being at lower lift meaning you have more efficiently transfered your lift to the end of the hose makes a difference. But most don't and also refuse to understand that concept.
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