A moment with Brian Robison

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
-You moved to Texas for what reasons?

-Besides your website how will you go about getting customers in that flooded Dallas market?

-Have you hit up flooring retailers yet? I would think every JP and HP zombie has them worn down and ready to shoot at any carpet cleaner who steps through the door..

-Do you have equipment for yourself to clean with there in case things get ugly?

-How many subs do you have in the area so far?

-At what point will you start including the word's Ya'all,over yonder and I'll holler atcha into your vocabulary?

-Did Fiddy shed a tear when you drove off?

-How well are you showing up in the Googles at this point?

-What is Jen doing for income out there and is that here in your avatar?

-Are you coming to MF?

thanks Cork!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Awwweee....You DO love me. :wink:

Mikey P said:
-You moved to Texas for what reasons?
Family (Jen has some here), Business has been booming for me in TX, Economy is good, Gas prices are low along with most else, I like Southern folk and their ethics as a whole...there are some crooks as well but whattygonnado?, I am not a Liberal and don't see how anyone can be. TX just seemed like the place to go....it sure as shit shootin wasn't for the weather.

-Besides your website how will you go about getting customers in that flooded Dallas market?
Letip (transferred), All networking groups, other internet venues (no paid), Warm Chatter, Selling to commercial accounts in person, Repeats and Referrals of course...anyone have more suggestions??

-Have you hit up flooring retailers yet? I would think every JP and HP zombie has them worn down and ready to shoot at any carpet cleaner who steps through the door..
No, but that's not a bad idea...fits in the referral category. I work with a flooring retailer in the Sac area...I refer them out more than they do me.

-Do you have equipment for yourself to clean with there in case things get ugly?
Not a chance. Buying equipment would be admitting defeat in what I am doing. Jump in with both feet or don't jump in at all.
If I grow and buy equipment for an employee? Maybe.

-How many subs do you have in the area so far?
I use two guys full time but I have used about 10 guys total on the onesy twosies and further out jobs. I am starting to use another guy with a TM and a Porty. Really nice people in this area as far as that goes. Even other Carpet Cleaners...I still want to meet Jay D. and Mike L....I'm getting close to settled. Jay invited me to lunch and I just couldn't make it. I think I will call him after the holidays.

-At what point will you start including the word's Ya'all,over yonder and I'll holler atcha into your vocabulary?
I'm really trying hard not to but sometimes it slips because I kid about it with the Wifey a lot. She uses those phrases and has since I met her...she's an Oklahoma girl. Funny I forget sometimes what I used to say when including more than one person in a reference. lmao.

-Did Fiddy shed a tear when you drove off?
Sadly...KP and I went our separate ways well before I left...even before I had made plans to leave.. I have a new guy for the number 1 position (I used him a lot even when KP was around) and still use the others when needed. KP is one of the best carpet cleaners I've met...he is extremely skillful and knowledgeable. We just had some differences I guess.

-How well are you showing up in the Googles at this point?
Number 1 baby!!...what did you expect?? Ok, maybe not in all the areas but I like the areas where I AM first. I am working on that constantly.

-What is Jen doing for income out there and is that here in your avatar?
That's my Daughter in my Avatar...but one of my Techs here thought she was my Wife when he saw her sitting in the car with me. I guess she is growing up. Jenifer has been doing work here since before she moved to CA 10 years ago. She has Clients everywhere...more places than I do, I think. Her Mary Kay business is still booming and Dallas is Mary Kay Headquarters. She was thinking of moving to Florida at one point but I suggested TX for all the reasons above..plus I didn't want any of Harpers skank rubbing off on me. Jenifer has been a huge reason and driving force to what I am doing professionally. Not sure I would have come this far or this direction without her. I model my company after Mary Kay a bit and have attended their seminars and training courses to learn more. Jenifer just set the unit record in retail sales last month. A hell of an accomplishment...I don't think she will have any problems here.

-Are you coming to MF?
When will it be in Dallas? I just can't make it bro, wish I could. I can hardly meet other Carpet Cleaners where I am, let alone in another State.

thanks Cork!
Anything for you big guy.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Part One: Preparation
Before you warm chatter:
1. Spiritually prepare
A. Declare God's favor. Ask Him to bring you sharp, successful ladies who either need MK the product and/or MK the
opportunity. Write down a specific prayer or affirmation that really speaks to you, and repeat it while you are
getting ready.
B. Get out of your own way! Ask God to give you courage to approach the women He is bringing into your path. Remind
God that you are on His side, and that you want every word you speak to bring honor to Him.
2. Physically prepare
A. Dress for success! Imagine Mary Kay Ash was going with you.how would you want to look? Then remember this: you
ARE Mary Kay Ash to everyone you meet, so dress accordingly!
B. Wear your pin! Quite simply, it validates to people that you are a representative of the Mary Kay Company.
3. Mentally prepare
A. Check to ensure you have all the materials you will need: business cards, samplers, Look books, date book, extra
B. Read over the script(s) that you plan to use. If necessary, write them on index cards and take them with you. You can
even practice (not always out loud) while you dress, while you drive, while you wait in line, anytime there's not a lady
within three (3) feet of you!
Ready for warm chatter:
1. Smile! A smile radiates positive energy, and you must be an energy-giver.
2. Raise your eyebrows slightly. This will help you look pleasant and approachable.
3. Stand up (or sit up) straight! Remember, you represent the #1 best-selling brand for 12 consecutive years.act like it!
While you warm chatter:
1. Look the person in the eye. (Your right eye to her right eye whenever possible.)
2. Control the speed, tone, and inflection of your voice. (Your tendency will be to go too fast.slow down and enjoy the
3. Always thank the person for her time. (Whether you have booked her, gotten her information, or she has flat turned you
down.she has given you the gift of her time; show your appreciation for that.)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
That list is for amateurs. :wink:

But it works for the newbies.

Sometimes you have to spell out how to be personable.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
"I am dEvIStAtEd"... :shock: ... :cry:

"sKaNK".... thathurts

Good LUCK...!
I think you have done a Great Job...In your PLAN... :!:
With the proper SUBS...in this "Day & Age"....you truley do NOT need equipment.. :!:

Like-it or- NOT...We are all BUYING ....New customers... :shock:
With brians business plan...he can actually "control" his expense for each cleint purchase..

While I am sure ...He would LOVE to retain every customer... :!: "It is NOT imperitive"
He can assign a FIXED cost to each cleint... 8) He is in COMPLETE control of his OVERHEAD..

Removing such TANGABLES as..purchase of equipment,maintaince of said equipment,insurance,
fuel,repairs,employee's taxes & benefits,offsite office,chemicals,ect.................. :wink:

He in essense has the ability to FUNCTION as a multi-truck operation .... with NONE of
the FIXED overhead... :wink: he is drawing from an endless NATIONAL customer LIST...

He has CREATED....a NATIONAL FRANCHISE...with his IDEA's & a set of BALLS...BRAVO.. :!:
He is NOT a B&S company...&...He obviously...hires quality SUBS...

"I"...more than ANYONE HERE...have bUsTeD HiS bAllS....So.."I"..should be the 1st :!: ...To
congradulate him is his SUCCESS.. :D

The ..KEY to his success is HIS personality & a GOOD women that BELIEVES in HIM..!!!!!!!

SKANK.. :oops:

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Brian Robison said:
[quote="Brian Robison":3npsa1h6]Damn Harp,
You almost brought a tear to my eye.
Sorry about the Skank thing.
Thanks for that post.

Oh, and Jenifer says thanks as well.[/quote:3npsa1h6]

Your are welcome..!!!

Heaven know's...you EARNED IT....I cut you NO slack... :wink:
I know you WON'T....But try to get some REST... :idea:
Those black circles..under your eyes..WILL KILL YA... :!:

If your ever need some HELP in fl... Call me ...I know a FEW good subs..that would work well
in you system....NO CHARGE...anything I can do to help... :!:

I think you made a WISE move for your family....Just the TAXES in CA. is enough to PACK-UP..

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I'll take you up on that Harper.

Lee, I know 2 one million dollar a year Consultants. One of them lives near me in Texas. 10,000 sqft house, hallway in the closet (that's what Jenifer tells me)...you name it. Nope, haven't cleaned for her yet...but I am working on it.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Dude... :shock:
I think the two of us need a Mary Kay Make Over ASAP!

Does Mary offer wigs?

you're hat is losing threads.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Yeah, whattyagonnado? I'll look like my Father soon enough. I can't figure if it's genes or because I wore my hair down to my ass for so long. I may need to lose a few pound as well.

And that picture was probably touched up a bit too. God help me.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Mikey P said:

Dude... :shock:
I think the two of us need a Mary Kay Make Over ASAP!

Does Mary offer wigs?

you're hat is losing threads.
will Jenn....errrrrrrr you and Jenn be at Nashville?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
yeah, I don't take good pictures.

But the whole realtor or used car salesman doesn't work...pick one or the other.

I think of a used car salesman as dirty and a realtor as cleaned up.

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