Feedback on an In Home Sales Video


Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
Requesting constructive feedback.

I just created a video for upselling the value adders. The idea is while I am measuring the rooms and working up the quote they can watch this 5 minute video which will explain the benefits of our top two upsells.

Then I simply price them in the quote and let them decide if they see the value to do the upgrades.

Has anyone tried this and is there way to make the video better, without hiring a videographer and doing a big production?



Dec 17, 2010
St. Charles IL
Steve Mastio
In my humble opinion NO one will watch an video more than 90 secs unless it has nudity :biggrin: I understand the goal you are shooting for, but all I could think is "what are they stealing while I'm watching this video" . Lol Some people I bet will think that. I would give them more that 5 minutes to evaluate and learn why they would want certain things done to their carpet. It's why we built pop up info boxes for each and every optional service you may offer. They can take their time and choose to think about it before the sale is made.
I like the idea of automation, but I would like it better if it were well before the process of service. Asked and Answered Counselor.
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Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
In my humble opinion NO one will watch an video more than 90 secs unless it has nudity :biggrin: I understand the goal you are shooting for, but all I could think is "what are they stealing while I'm watching this video" . Lol Some people I bet will think that. I would give them more that 5 minutes to evaluate and learn why they would want certain things done to their carpet. It's why we built pop up info boxes for each and every optional service you may offer. They can take their time and choose to think about it before the sale is made.
I like the idea of automation, but I would like it better if it were well before the process of service. Asked and Answered Counselor.

I can pretty much guarantee I won't even get a minute view time if I am nude.

I initially had the same thought about stealing, but then I thought I am already going through the house to measure and they aren't following me or when I am actually doing the cleaning.

Thanks for your input
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
We recently put up 3 videos. A 6 minute, a 2 minute and a 20 second one. Nobody gets more than 4 seconds in on the 6 minute video and only 20 have clicked on it.

The 2 minute video has 60 clicks with a 10 second average. The 20 second has over 600 clicks with 50% watch half of it.

Content certainly could play into it but the reality is people have short attention spans. If you don't grab them in those first few seconds they are moving on.


Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
We recently put up 3 videos. A 6 minute, a 2 minute and a 20 second one. Nobody gets more than 4 seconds in on the 6 minute video and only 20 have clicked on it.

The 2 minute video has 60 clicks with a 10 second average. The 20 second has over 600 clicks with 50% watch half of it.

Content certainly could play into it but the reality is people have short attention spans. If you don't grab them in those first few seconds they are moving on.

I agree with you in theory, but I think a lot has to do with content and timing.

I am going to have my client watch this why I am their home to explain what I am about to offer. It would probably take longer then 5 minutes if I tried to explain in person and may be percieved as higher pressure. I could be wrong but I think the video will be an easier solution for the client. It will likely depend on how I ask them to watch it.

I would like you just consider the possibility that longer video can perform better under certain conditions. Here is what I found on a different video I have on YouTube on How To Remove Paint From Carpet

It is one of the longest youtube video on paint removal from carpet. Almost 9 minutes.

It has the second most views, I think, on youtube for that subject, 94000 +. Over 150 like, over 50 dislikes and 30 comments.

I say that in no way to brag because it has only got me one job, but I did get a person from germany emailing me asking question about it. LOL. Just to point out if a person really wants information sometimes a longer video will perform better because they will perceive there is more value in it.

Here is a screen shot from today of the stats.

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Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Give them links to the videos via email and put how long the videos are next to the link so they have an idea of how much time they're going to invest. It'll drive organic traffic and if they have something they're doing while you're there or have children to attend to they won't think of the videos as an inconvenience.


Consider putting this in your stylesheet because the top menu isn't visible very well.

.top-menu ul li a { color:white; }

.social-links span { color:white; }

The above code will make the font color white for the top menu as well as your follow us text to the right of that.

Go to Appearance > Editor in Wordpress and it should default to the style.css page. Copy and paste that in and it'll change it for you.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I agree with you in theory, but I think a lot has to do with content and timing.

I am going to have my client watch this why I am their home to explain what I am about to offer. It would probably take longer then 5 minutes if I tried to explain in person and may be percieved as higher pressure. I could be wrong but I think the video will be an easier solution for the client. It will likely depend on how I ask them to watch it.

I would like you just consider the possibility that longer video can perform better under certain conditions. Here is what I found on a different video I have on YouTube on How To Remove Paint From Carpet

It is one of the longest youtube video on paint removal from carpet. Almost 9 minutes.

It has the second most views, I think, on youtube for that subject, 94000 +. Over 150 like, over 50 dislikes and 30 comments.

I say that in no way to brag because it has only got me one job, but I did get a person from germany emailing me asking question about it. LOL. Just to point out if a person really wants information sometimes a longer video will perform better because they will perceive there is more value in it.

Here is a screen shot from today of the stats.

View attachment 82566
Yes but as you said these people were seeking this information. In the case of your in home video, you are trying to sell them something they may or may not be interested in.

If you asked me to watch a video that long, I'd ask what it's about and make my viewing decision based on my interest of the subject. I'm not willing to give up 5 minutes just because you asked, and certainly not if I think it's just a sales video where you benefit more than I will.
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Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
Give them links to the videos via email and put how long the videos are next to the link so they have an idea of how much time they're going to invest. It'll drive organic traffic and if they have something they're doing while you're there or have children to attend to they won't think of the videos as an inconvenience.


Consider putting this in your stylesheet because the top menu isn't visible very well.

.top-menu ul li a { color:white; }

.social-links span { color:white; }

The above code will make the font color white for the top menu as well as your follow us text to the right of that.

Go to Appearance > Editor in Wordpress and it should default to the style.css page. Copy and paste that in and it'll change it for you.

I will try that. Thanks


Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
Give them links to the videos via email and put how long the videos are next to the link so they have an idea of how much time they're going to invest. It'll drive organic traffic and if they have something they're doing while you're there or have children to attend to they won't think of the videos as an inconvenience.


Consider putting this in your stylesheet because the top menu isn't visible very well.

.top-menu ul li a { color:white; }

.social-links span { color:white; }

The above code will make the font color white for the top menu as well as your follow us text to the right of that.

Go to Appearance > Editor in Wordpress and it should default to the style.css page. Copy and paste that in and it'll change it for you.


Do I just add that code to the end of the Style Sheet or do I need to replace current code with it?



Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink

Do I just add that code to the end of the Style Sheet or do I need to replace current code with it?


Do NOT replace the current code with it.

I just downloaded the theme you're using and took a look. Your best option would be to go to Appearance > Theme Options and then click on the Custom CSS tab. Copy and paste it at the top in the box they provide. It looks like you might have some existing custom CSS already so do not delete what is there. Then hit Save Options.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
too damn long

and dumb idea

if you want to upsell me something after I've already looked at your site, or talked on the phone and decided to schedule, then look me in the eye and tell me how my "specific home can/will benefit from additional "X, Y and Z upsells

I have no interest in watching a canned spam vid when you arrive and are there to start work.

the time it will take to set up your tablet and explain what you want me to watch and get me to sit down and watch it..... is a big waste of my time and yours.
'cause you can explain and sell me face to face in less time than dog 'n pony show

....and I won't have to watching a boring azz sales vid and take notes if I have any specific questions

I can't ask a vid specific questions "how does one sanitize a porous surface like carpet without flooding it?"

dumb idea Tim
That kind of vid/info/stuff belongs on the front end when and where prospects are considering your service.
Not once they've decided and you show up to do scheduled work.

sell face to face



Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
too damn long

and dumb idea

dumb idea Tim
That kind of vid/info/stuff belongs on the front end when and where prospects are considering your service.
Not once they've decided and you show up to do scheduled work.

sell face to face

Hey Sooper,

Don't hold your feeling back, but if you want to call me stupid you may try getting my name right. Its Travis, not Tim.

Too early to tell for sure, but the first client who watched the video purchased sanitization and carpet protection. They did not buy sealer for their tile however.

They likely would have bought if I took the time to explain in personally, but it did flow well and saved time. By the time I had the bid written, they finished the video. I priced it and they said Yes, Yes, No.

They probably won't all go that well, but so far I am ok with it.

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Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
Did your tech or techs request that you create these?

Let them watch it a few times to get the verbiage down pat, if so.

So you must be ok with the verbiage, just not the automation??

I actually don't have techs, I am an O/O.

I do have the verbiage down pat, just looking to automate and simplify. For me and the clients.

Secondarily, I am now positioning the company to sell in about three years and trying to make it as turnkey as possible for a new owner.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Don't hold your feeling back,

I won't and don' can count on that
BTW, I didn't call you stupid ...I said it was a dumb idea
there's a difference

I am now positioning the company to sell in about three years and trying to make it as turnkey as possible for a new owner.

I actually don't have techs, I am an O/O.

Travis, I AM stoopit, and a pi55 poor bizman too (it's why you rarely see me post in this section of forum) forgive a dumb question
how "turnkey" can a biz be if the new owner has to wait tables, be the cook, wash dishes and drive the bus?

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Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun
I won't and don' can count on that
BTW, I didn't call you stupid ...I said it was a dumb idea
there's a difference

Travis, I AM stoopit, and a pi55 poor bizman too (it's why you rarely see me post in this section of forum) forgive a dumb question
how "turnkey" can a biz be if the new owner has to wait tables, be the cook, wash dishes and drive the bus?


I will have to assume you are referring to a business not being turnkey if it is designed as a owner / operator? Was that your point?

I have been an owner operator for 18 years this august. It was a decision I made not to go the route of employees.

To sell my business I figured I have two options:

Try to sell it to a business group which would require me to expand in a multi truck, multi route business because that type of investor won't want to work in a business they just want to own a profit center.

I don't have time, nor do I care to take the financial risk to build the business to that level.

My other option is to position the business to be attractive to people who are currently technicians, who are good at the work but want to make more money.

For them if I can systemize all of the business procedures that they are not currently and expert in, it will increase their odds of survival as they transition from a tech to a business owner.

They are already use to the work, I am just trying to simplify everything else.

I have never sold a business so that may not work, but it is my plan as of now.


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
Requesting constructive feedback.

I just created a video for upselling the value adders. The idea is while I am measuring the rooms and working up the quote they can watch this 5 minute video which will explain the benefits of our top two upsells.

Then I simply price them in the quote and let them decide if they see the value to do the upgrades.

Has anyone tried this and is there way to make the video better, without hiring a videographer and doing a big production?

You asked for some feedback so here it is.

I was bored and much of you talking sounded like you are leading a seminar at MF. I liked how you said some things and it made me think about how we say stuff.

Honestly I would lay this down and pick up my phone if you where at my house. I think your idea is amazing and could have great impact.

I would think you would want to work on your messaging and set it up to educate so the client can see why they need the add on service. I would dress nicer, stand up, center the shot. You being in your office was super distracting. You would have been better off in a neutral setting. 30 seconds for each service would be best. I would choose the service I thought I could up sell first and go for one not multiple. A rifle shoots farther than a shotgun. It has more impact and velocity so does a single sales message.

I would hire a spokesperson to do this. This could be awesome if done right. I think it's the sort of thing that there really is not a quick video hack.

Look at FB, IG, You tube no body with thousands of followers looks like this. The feeds that people are getting daily are awesome. There are people who are making a living being social media influences. A head shot in your office doesn't even come close to what people are used to seeing. Ask your wife to look at her Instagram feed and who she follows. That's what the standard is.

Here is our latest commercial. It is not relevant for a service company but I will break down the costs so you can see what we got for very little money. I think if done right your could justify the production cost based on what you could earn.

$800 for the video
$300 for the voice track. I have used the track on my last 2 commercials. The first commercial was not that great.
$1,100 total



Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
So you must be ok with the verbiage, just not the automation??

Secondarily, I am now positioning the company to sell in about three years and trying to make it as turnkey as possible for a new owner.
So do you plan to have employees? If not in three years you will have nothing to sell but a list and a used truck.

I can finance a brand new truck for $900 a month. I can go out and start walking in every strip mall, restaurant and realtors office for free.

If someone is not doing the work for you and your collecting the checks you will be selling a job not a business.

I know that sounds crass but it is the reality of being a one truck owner. Unless of course you are doing $200k each year take home. Then you might have something I could buy.

We have bought three 1 truckers and only a small fraction of the clients stayed with us. We currently only earn about $70k per year from those 3 purchases. They got us where we are but long term we built our own client base.


Aug 18, 2009
Peoria, Arizona
Travis Miklethun

I really appreciate your thorough opinion. I have a higher produced video on the home page of my website it still me talking, but in front of a green screen and superimposed before and afters flashing the whole time I was talking.

I may have made a mistake in my though process, but I purposely choose to tone this one down a little a make it more conversational and relaxed.

Boring I was not going for and hope that no speakers for MF got offended. LOL

I do know that my business will carry a lower value, but if I try to go multi truck I will probably be carrying to much debt to sell in three years.

I have basically been advised by my doctor that I only have a few cleaning years left do to some damage to my neck.

My hope is to find a technician who want to upgrade. Have them qualified to buy and hire them for the last year meet all the clients and hopefully that will help the clients carry over.

We will see how it works, but its the best plan I have now.

I will think about how to make the video less boring, but I don't want to lose the conversational feel.

Thanks again


Dec 17, 2010
St. Charles IL
Steve Mastio
You asked for some feedback so here it is.

$800 for the video
$300 for the voice track. I have used the track on my last 2 commercials. The first commercial was not that great.
$1,100 total

You ought to be able to have it professionally done for a couple hundred. by professional I mean someone that does it all the time. If you are not familiar with you should be.

Also - glad you like the look of the vid in my image, but it's' not about looks - it's about empowerment! If you want to learn more just reach ojut.

All the Best - Steve

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I was going to mention fiverr but didn't want to make Tom feel bad for over spending. :winky:
I suppose when you have big bucks to waste you can spend $300.00 on voice over but for the rest of us schumcks $30.00 can get you a primo voice over.

We have used Fiverr for video animation never spending over $20.00 and yet getting great quality. Its easy, much like 99 design but a lot cheaper with more services.
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Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
You ought to be able to have it professionally done for a couple hundred. by professional I mean someone that does it all the time. If you are not familiar with you should be.

Also - glad you like the look of the vid in my image, but it's' not about looks - it's about empowerment! If you want to learn more just reach ojut.

All the Best - Steve
Could you put up some samples of your couple hundred dollar videos? I would like to see what you have done to build your company. Maybe I could learn a few things.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
@TomKing - that voice over work sounds a lot like my friend Alisha Bond. Is that her by chance?

If you want another option for voice over here is her Facebook page with many examples of her work. She's has her own recording studio and does really great work. She also sings and does Broadway type musicals and theater acting.


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
@TomKing - that voice over work sounds a lot like my friend Alisha Bond. Is that her by chance?

If you want another option for voice over here is her Facebook page with many examples of her work. She's has her own recording studio and does really great work. She also sings and does Broadway type musicals and theater acting.
Nope our lady is out of Nashville.

Thanks for the offer. We are in with our pick. We had all of our phone message on our new system done by here also. She is doing all our brands.
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