Five Dollars a month.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
For some of you the five dollars a month is a bargain to get into the two extra rooms. For others the two rooms dont matter as much as just wanting to give some $upport. For what ever the reason, I want to thank you all very much for your support and be sure that it's very much appreciated.

At first I let any and all of you who have given, into those 2 rooms. But to be fair to those that signed up for the monthly payment plan or those that paid for the year in full, donations of $5 to $20 given, months ago will not earn you the Supportive Member tag once the math runs out.

I understand perfectly if the board is not worth $5 a month to you. Everyone has their own needs but to those that do find it worthwhile, I'll make sure you get some perks for your support.

In fact, lets have a little contest.

Tell me us how this board has helped your business. Doesn't necessarily have to be more income related, maybe you've just became a much better cleaner form things you've learned here. Bring a tear to my eye and you'll win a $200 shopping spree at

Yeah this is obviously tainted toward BB newbies....

So shoot me.
Feb 20, 2007

I find this board "interesting" to say the least. I enjoy reading and posting. I would like to support it financially, but there are not enough people supporting my business financially at this point in time.

I can understand that running a board can be time consuming, I mentor over on another board, but I don't know if shutting out newer business owners is the way to go. I can understand having secured subscriber areas for more detailed info (that's what the other board does). I can even understand shutting out "lurkers" ( this we have discussed).

But sharing info, to only those that can afford to pay a monthly fee, IMO is not the best thing for our industry.

I would put up with advertisements if the vendors are legit.

As for Mikey's board helping in my business, I haven't been here all that long yet, and am still checking things out. I'm sure that I will find something & share something.

Unless I get locked out first.

Feb 20, 2007
It has a carpet care forum. But it is mostly for the resi & commercial cleaning business. I handle the carpet care forum there. Will I be banned from here? :cry:

Or are you looking for help?

Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Two years in biz and you're a mentor?

It takes nearly ten years to run into most of the snafus that will make you an expert.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
This Board has help me waste countless hours and has only done harm to my business.I think it is you Mikey who should pay me $5 a month.
Actually this board has helped everytime I need a question answered I post it and have all the information I need right away. When I was started going on BB's it was the ICS BB and if I had any question about why is my truck doing this or that every answer was your motor is seized or your blower is gone oops need a new heat exchanger. On here you get actually answers.
I like to visit the other BB's occasionally, but there is one thing I can not figure out.
Why do people on this BB struggle sometimes in their business but the people on the other BB are making $25,000 a month even with a porty.
Best choice I made was to leave my Job January 1, 2007(shoulda waited til march 1,2007 but hey a couple months part time is good) now it seems to be working out and If I had stuck with the other BB I do not think I could make that same claim.
So thanks to Mikey and all the people running this BB and if it weren't for all your big headed egos err I mean big hearts it wouldn't be as good or as fun.


It helped my biz by not distracting me when I was put in 'time out'!


Jan 1, 2007
Its the Same People on both Boards, Its nice to get Info and I like being able to say what you feel..

The only difference is some of the people that have been kicked off ICS will give you input here..

Im not putting this one down and I'll more than likely sign up for it, Free Speech is nice, that you don't have on ICS..

But if you had a Problem with your equiptment your going to get the same answers over on the other Board as well
Jim McDannel


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Jim Just a quick follow up. You may not be putting this board down and there may be the same people on this BB as the others, but I have asked the questions and gotten completely different answers on ICS and here. Maybe people are more free to speak here or as I suspect that the sales weasels on the other board are more apt to point you to new parts or machines.
We have plenty of sales weasels on this board, but when they say something stupid the mob mentality steps up and crushes the false assumptions. I like going on the ICS Board but I wouldn't pay $5 a month to do so.
Jan 15, 2007
Let me see, where do I start? It's funny, because I decided to subscribe about a week before Mike required it for the two extra rooms. To me, even though I am a newbie, the $5 a month is not even a thought in my mind. I'm not just paying this money for the present, but for the future.

Am I a lurker? I don't know. I don't post much because I just don't know a lot. I read some of the suggestions for some problems that people have and I think "oh wow.... I had no idea." If I see something where I think me two-cents will be beneficial, I'll throw it in there. Otherwise, I keep my mouth shut and learn all I can.

I pay the money because I feel that I am a part of something. Jeez, that sounds so freakin corny... It's true. A lot of you guys I feel like I know just from reading your posts on here. Some of you scare the hell outta me, others of you really impress me... but most of you give me something to aspire to, and I appreciate that.

Mike, I'm not looking to bring a tear to your eye, I just want you to know that what you do is appreciated. So, I'll continue to lurk, learn, and occassionally post some. And the rest of you keep doin what you're doin... thanks to all of you. Ok, I'm crawlin off my soapbox now.


Jan 1, 2007
Rotovac ( Greg ) No Im not Putting this board down, To a newbie this board may be to there advantage, But if you have been around a while you know who's kidding and who's not..

Would Lee Stockwell, Bill yeadon, Steve Touberen, Lisa Wagner, this is just a VERY short list of who I can remember off hand, give you bad advice,

NO they would not, they would answer your question the same way they would on here, AGAIN Im not putting this one down..

The Only thing this board offers is a little FREE SPEECH, Which is nice I must admit more than once my post have been removed from ICS..

I wonder if ICS gave up on Advertising and just charged a monthly dues and LOOSEN up a bit, Evan could leave his bible at home at it too would be a better board...

Im not putting this one Down the only point IM making is you can get the same answers from each one, just sift through the junk...


The Magician

I learned everything from the Red board.................from you and will pass sit on.
Glad you have spell check, don't want failing papers on ..
Hate the hassles of pay-pal and would rather send a check.

now you see it......But where


Whats the money for? Is this for proffit? I dont have a problem with that but would like to know.

If its a labor of love and for expenses then how much is needed for that? The software for a board like this is almost free so the only real expense is labor.

I made $700 last year with my Google Adsense program. This board ought to do 10 times that.


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
$75 a month for hosting.
Occasional changes to the main format cost me $120 an hour.
Promotional items like cards, t shirts, decals.

Right now I feel that for $700 a year I dont want to clutter up the board with worthless Google ADwords.

I run a one truck show here Jeff. I am on the truck 5 to 6 days a week, 8 to ten hour days. Need I say more?


No you dont need to say more and i wouldnt have been offended if you didnt say anything. I was just trying to figure out if payment was for proffit or for upkeep. I like proffitt and hope you make millions.


PS. you pay too much for hosting. I pay $120 for the year and it includes a shopping cart and a message board identical to this one which i dont use.
Feb 20, 2007
Lee Stockwell said:
Two years in biz and you're a mentor?

It takes nearly ten years to run into most of the snafus that will make you an expert.

Mr. Stockwell, I see that you have a sharp eye for detail. While it is true that my business is only two years old, I have been cleaning carpet for over 8 years. And in that 8 years I have made a few mistakes, but mostly I have surrounded myself with genius! I scour countless trade magazines, bulletin boards, classes, and study on my own. I am carpet obsessed! I respect those that came before me.

By the way, I once worked for someone else that had twice as much time on the wand as I did, but I had forgotten more about carpet than this other fella would ever know. It's all about dedication to your trade. All he wanted was to collect his money. He didn't want to know why a stain is a stain. Or why Olefin cleans up so well. He is a "splash & dash" man.

And like I said this other board is mostly for janitorial & residential cleaning businesses.

And I am not here "trolling". I would never do that to another board. I am here to learn and share what I can.

Yours truly,


Well, Mike....I've had 3 customers in tears of laughter over your "poop" stories.

Of course, I've changed the names to protect the innocent. I just tell them it's some far out dude cleaner from Cali.....


I tell them the one about the mailman spankin' his monkey after you broke into the wrong house...

Oct 7, 2006
Hastings, NE
Eric Valentine
Well, since you asked...

All I knew about carpet cleaning when I started, was from watching someone else do it. He would leave the carpets soaked most of the time, with 24 hours not being unusual for the carpet to dry. I bought a used (abused) portable at a pawn shop, thinking I was off and going, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
I attended the Connections trade show, feeling like a nobody, and not knowing anybody. Greenie and Lisa were the first people I met that I had actually heard of before. I got a lot of samples, and bought one of the demo Rotovac 360's directly from Chuck Monson, taking it home that evening. At this point, I was more confused than anything, still not knowing the correct way to do things.
Then in October, this wonderful board was started, and I immediately signed up. In those 6+ months that have passed, I have learned just how little I still don't know, but have learned more from here than I thought possible. I have repaired the porty, getting it working up to par, and have refined/improved my technique with every carpet I clean. I have learned a lot about equipment chemicals, and techniques, and am a much better cleaner because of it.
I am still flat broke, with a van that doesn't run, due to an unscrupulous mechanic that didn't even know the correct way to do the work (I know more than him on how to do it right now). With all I have put into the van, and still not having it running, it is very hard to transport the equipment, but I can still do the carpets that are in my apartment complex. The van should be running within the next week or so, providing that the mechanic shows up.
In short, without this board, I don't think I would be able to do as good of a job as I am now able to do, and feel that I owe a lot to Mikey for starting it. My goal after getting the van going is to get a TM, and join the league of real carpet cleaners, and not be a POG.


Sheeeeesh...5 bucks will get ya 3 beers at Santa Cruz Yacht Club...

50 cents leftover...A little more needed for a nice tip.

This is a tough choice.


Oct 7, 2006
Gosh, should not have to justify the NOMINAL charge for this board!

Where else can folks go for a 'HOT SEAT' interview? Nowhere...oh you can sign up for Chemspec's infomercial at some other site...but how does that compare to being able to interview the really cool folks we have had here?

What if you want to speak your mind about a product or service you received? (or maybe didn't receive...Kenny!) Try that on another board and get treated like you have head lice!

Want to hotrod your tm? Where you gonna go for that? Your dealer? "Better not put a Kunkle valve on that machine,'ll void your warranty!"

Got something you need help on? Post it in the bird room...or the photo section and folks will flock to your side...I'm forever indebted to the folks who posted replies on my "End of the Trail" post on Oct 9th, 06...thank you SO MUCH!

So my point's worth more than the 5 bucks...way more. Let me know when my 20 months runs out...and Thank You, Mike. Jim


Oct 7, 2006

I watch the new sign ups, it's interesting to see the geographical pattern, I can tell when a distributor puts the Mikey's Board biz cards on the display counter.

And I don't even want to go into the "been doing this since Jesus was in diapers" crowd, it's the newbies that move forward the fastest, they are still open minded.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Oh pleaseeeeeeeeee Greenie!

Its the newbies who are the most gulible and buy from all these snake oils salesmen who lurk on these boards.

The older wiser ones are here to tell the newbies about these assholes!
To them its about shooting fish in a barrel.

I come here because I feel loved!



Oct 7, 2006
KoKoKarpetKlown said:
Oh pleaseeeeeeeeee Greenie!
Its the newbies who are the most gulible and buy from all these snake oils salesmen who lurk on these boards.
The older wiser ones are here to tell the newbies about these assholes!
To them its about shooting fish in a barrel. KMA!
I would be very interested in knowing who Jimmy buys from since presumably they aren't assholes....that is assuming that Jimmy actually uses formulated carpet cleaning chems.

KoKoKarpetKlown said:
I come here because I feel loved!
Not like you have a whole lot of choices dude, lol.



Oct 10, 2006


If you ask me...the information that was given to you on the other BB was great.

You are only 4 months into business and you should expect a rough road for the first couple of months.

I personally credit MikeP for me being able to raise my prices to what my services called for. When Mike was on the other BB...nobody believed his posts either, now he is considered a shaker and mover in the industry. And I guarantee you that other can claim the same as I.

The only difference from this BB to the other (that I have noticed) is that the other BB attracts a lot of whining and fighting that Evan has to Babysit. Everybody seems to be pretty cool with eachother over hear. Probably because they already know that free speech is one of the main reasons this BB was started. matter what BB you are on, you still have to know who to listen to and who not to listen to and that is a choice that you have to make.

Long Story Short....Everybody has rough times, but the longer that you run your business the correct way...the rough times seem to just die out. (or for some....they just prepare for them better)

Wishing you the best of success.


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