I have been asked this several times


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
Several people have called or e-mailed with the same question. Why would you leave your business and go to work for someone else? Most take the opportunity to make a jab saying my company must suck or I am not making any money. Most of it is all in fun but I will set the record straight.

I am selling the company for enough money to be debt free. I am paying off my Mom and Dads house. I have a good (not great but good)401k started. My kids collage funds are getting a big boost and a nice down payment on a house.

I love cleaning carpet. It has been the best thing for me and my family. (I may do some part time stuff in Az. just don't think I can completly stop)

My father has rods that go the full length of his back. He is in pain all the time. I never could play catch or anything like that with Dad because he was in pain all the time. I now have 2 disks that have degenerated to the bone and the Doc. said I will be like my father if I keep doing what I am doing. I started therapy 2 months ago and feel better than I have in years. I can actually sleep for more than 4 hours. I can live a normal life if I only clean every third day or so but thats hard to run a business like that. I want to have fun with my 4 kids, they don't need to see dad hurting all the time. I don't want to live like my father has.

My wife has been having lots of health issues. She has had 3 surgeries in the last year and the Doctors can't find out whats going on. Self employed insurance sucks and getting her the help she needs has cost tons. We have always been able to do it but it cost $26,000 out of pocket last year. Would have been 3xs that without insurance.

Getting the office out of the home and getting great insurance will be a big benefit for my family. Working for guys that really care about their employees is going to be a great move for us. The Blueline team has been fantastic. I talked to the guys out in the shop and none of them could remember one person that ever quit working for Blueline. That says volumes for the company.

If I was a business man like Ken Snow I would never leave the cleaning side of the business. However, I just could never seem to let go enough to let employees do the work. I am amazed at those that can.

Fortunately I get to work on and sell equipment I know can benefit and make other cleaners more money. I get to work with a group of guys that actually care about you the cleaner.

I am excited for the new challenges ahead. Blueline goes farther out of their way for customer service then anybody and I will do my best to to make it even better.


PS A little FYI, my company is selling for a good price but if I had just ran the business and not did most of the work it would have been worth 2-3 times as much. If I could do it all over again I would try very hard to get off the truck full time as soon as possible.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Island Boy has a special report on selling your business and going to work for a mfg.

Just email him and he can have it crane lifted to your door within the week.

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I'm happy for you Adam.

When Adam first told me of the selling of his business I thought he was crazy. I've been with him on jobs and have seen the kind of money he makes. He does not have to advertise and is always stacked up with work. I constantly get unhappy customers from other companies but have never ran into a dissatisfied customer of Adam's. He ran an outfit that most of us would kill for.
When I found out about the back conditions that Adam has, I understood why he would walk away, because some day he might not be able to walk away. Adam has great integrity and puts a value on his family that other wives and kids are jealous of.
I am only glad about one thing in this matter...... he is no longer my competition.
Congrats Adam, and good luck in the new adventure. I look forward to handing you a check for a V in the near future.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I had sent you a PM before I read this. Do what you have to do, family is more important then anything

I will be in the same spot at the end of 2009, trying to figure it out now

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
My back is tweaked and I can't blame you at all. I would do the same thing, but no one wants a broken down Carpet Cleaner. Always do whats best for the family.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon


You are going to work for some great people. Toomy and mark and even old Rick will take good care of you.

Good luck in your new position.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen

Even though you certainly have no need to explain (defend) your business move I will say that was a great post. Like Bill says, we at Jon-Don work closely with the Blue Line folks and with your work ethic and industry knowledge my guess is you will have a ball.

Actually many of our best Truck mount reps/ store managers at Jon-Don have come out of the carpet cleaning industry. They tell me that they love it! Some carpet cleaners, just like you, have had a great career but reach the point either physically or emotionally where they just want a change. And for the very best people out there in our industry who want to use what they have learned on the truck but in a different venue Jon-Don is always happy to talk with them.

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training and happily semi-retired ex-carpet cleaner piddling around with a fulfilling second career with a great company.
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS Now that I think of it, all three SFS instructors are ex-carpet cleaners. Just a bunch of "has-beens"!

BTW, my porkly friend from down south is right. I do have a what I humbly think is a great Special Report called, "Cleaning Up: Building Personal Wealth in the Cleaning Industry". It is based on my personal experience of retiring at 38 years of age and also on lots of feedback from some of our most successful SFS members. I wrote it straight from my heart. If anyone wants a free e-mailed copy just write me at stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com If you want the accompanying DVD sent out you need to include you mailing address. No charge for either the Report or the DVD- all I ask is that you read/ watch them.

I should also remind everyone about a new seminar Howard partridge and I are trying on for size with Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame. "The Secrets of Building Your Business to Retire Wealthy" will be in Houston, TX on January 11 and 12. Just go to http://www.bnpevents.com/ICS/SBYB/ for more information. I believe the program will be very worthwhile.


Oct 7, 2006
I didn't get all the way through all the replies.

I just wanted to interject. ARE YOU NUTS explaining, I know dozens of guys that would gladly sell out for any reasonable sum and go work for a top of the line Mfg.

As far as I'm concerned more companies should hire cleaners, who wants to buy from a guy who has never cleaned?

And maybe just maybe they will allow a cleaner to help "direct" the future of the machines, like actually working on them.

Numero Uno

Oct 16, 2006
You do what you need to do...

As for backs,I fully understand...

Best off Luck...Caes...

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Blueline got one of the best when the snagged Adam.

I think Adam could make a great instructor someday as well.

Believe me, I understand about the health insurance part. I fear the day my lupus gets worse or one of us has a catastrophic illness.

Take care,

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Welcome to the BlueLine family, Adam. Your insights and experience will not only help BlueLine "Corporate", but also those of us who are distributors.

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