Not giving in to low balling

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner
I thought I'd share some experiences with you in the last year. Keep in mind I did not own my TM until a few weeks ago. I have been on several jobs with a close freind and mentor of mine over the last few years.

My freind had a commercial job at a library. For those of you who complain about low prices, stay far away from commercial work. We were doing 5800 SF at 9 cents per. This included moving eveything, padding/blocking it up. It was an all day gig.

But to my point...

There was a guy across the street. He was poking his head in (door is open with hose blocking it). After telling the guy he really wasn't supposed to be in there. He gathered enough intelligence to ask us what we were doing. After the obvious was stated he shrugged and left.

Two hours later we're getting close to packing up and he comes back over.

"Hey guys", he asks...

Turns out he wants his bedroom and his living room cleaned. He waves this thing out of an ad stating he can get each room done for 20 bucks.

"Sounds like a killer deal... hope it turns out for ya."

My freind death stares me asking me what the hell my problem is. I continued to tell this other guy that We've been working all day and all that effort to go across the street, unload, move crap, and pack it all back up was quite a bit of work.

"Ya well, can ya beat 40 bucks?"

"Absolutely not... you're nuts. I don't need your business that bad. Now if you want to call that ad on a Saturday, God bless. I don't have time for this...or honestly you sitting here thinking I NEED to clean your place."

"Okay, well... what will you do it for?" (This just proved the guy needs or wants it done worse than thought)

I replied with, 75 bucks.

"How about 60?"

I came back and said... 80, or I am packing it up. ( I just went 5 bucks over what I said 15 seconds ago).

45 minutes later my freind hands me a fifty (we got 100.00 after all... cleaned a couch as well) and everyone is happy.

My point is simple. Most people call for a reason. If they want a service, odds are they want it right damn now! Who calls and wants to get their carpet cleaned two weeks into the future?

Don't give it to people badgering you with their ads and low prices. Tell them you're willing to provide your service to them for what you charge. If they try to lower you, raise it over your original quote. They'll either back off, or give up. If they want something now, know you're willing to do it, and can do it... you've got them in a spot where you can call a majority of the shots.

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