Rug newbs, it's coming!


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
So how much they charg’n for the snake oil ?

"Believe It Or Not... There's An Unbelievably CHEAP Way For YOU To Become An Expert In Area Rug Cleaning, And Do It Right From Home!"

"Now, for the first time ever, YOU can get the SAME TRAINING as the rug cleaning elite, for LESS than you'll charge to clean ONE RUG!"

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
rhyde said:
"Believe It Or Not... There's An Unbelievably CHEAP Way For YOU To Become An Expert In Area Rug Cleaning, And Do It Right From Home!"

"Now, for the first time ever, YOU can get the SAME TRAINING as the rug cleaning elite, for LESS than you'll charge to clean ONE RUG!"

I'll admit I'm turned off by the marketing HYPE

"Become An Expert In Area Rug Cleaning, And Do It Right From Home!"

do they have a double ought spy mail order course too?
I've always wanted to be an eXpeRt double ought spy.
They always get the coolest gadgets and the hottest chics.....

I haven't been thru the course, so i haven't clue about it.
But honestly it might be a good place for a buck rookie on a budget to "start" their learning, no?



Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I was asked to sit through the course a few months back to give my opinion I even have the CD but I’ve never reviewed it. It’s not a bad class it does offer value, pertinent and tangible information for cleaning rugs and a few things I tend to disagree with mostly my personal preference and opinions and not worth dredging up….in case you haven’t noticed I’m a tiny bit opinionated when it comes to rug cleaning :roll:

Yet, It’s too bad a program like this has to soil itself with over the top hype, and snake oil sales charm. I’m curious of the price but afraid to fill out the form I get enough cleaning related SPAM I didn’t ask for!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

I sat through the class and the less you know about rugs the more it's worth.

I would say it was worth about a grand to me.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
did you becone an Expert In Area Rug Cleaning...From Home? :roll:

I'll add another :roll: just cuz Mike posted this. :)

Could be worth the money, but credibility is immediately destroyed with the expert from home promise. I might be interested in their fighter pilot from home course.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Yeah, Probably not If you’re fantasizing about me in the wash pit

I’m gonna send your wife a dildo if your nice I’ll send you one too choose your color perhaps one that accessorize with your vortex


Jun 3, 2009
About the rug cleaning demystified class...

Hello everyone. I just wanted to comment and let you all know what the intent was behind this thing. This is my first comment here. Mike invited me in, and I have to say... It looks like a great forum.

With regards to the marketing hype. Yeah, I suppose I'm guilty of that. Unfortunately in our over-marketed world, you almost have to scream from the rooftops in order to get anyone to take notice. I have to say I wish that weren't as true as it is. Unfortunately sometimes I have to put my 'marketing bastard' hat on before I sell stuff! Anyway, hopefully you can forgive me for that. :twisted:

With regards to the class, here's the thing: It costs a small fortune to attend most classes (many are $5,000 and even more!) and that never made sense to me. You can learn how to do almost anything for a few hundred bucks in this industry, but not when it comes to rugs. (I'm not saying they aren't worth it... but they ARE expensive!)

Many of the classes are heavily focused on rug ID. I used to clean a lot of rugs, and I made a lot of money doing it, but honestly I couldn't tell you where most of them were made. I COULD tell you what they were made of and how to clean them though...

I've worked almost exclusively with large carpet and rug cleaning operations over the past 12 years, and what was always interesting to me was who was actually cleaning the rugs in most of these plants... It wasn't some textile god!... No, it was some 23-year old kid that used to work in a video store. Now of course that guy was trained, he knew what he was doing... sort of... but was he an expert? I'm not so sure he always was.

This class grew out of several conversations I've had with people in the industry about rugs. They were asking me why more people didn't get involved in cleaning them and my response was that rug cleaning in some cases would almost qualify as a religion! Many cleaners are very intimidated by rugs, and some people really get 'out there' about rug cleaning! But what's happened is that rug cleaning hasn't been made very accessible for the average carpet cleaner.

The average carpet cleaner is usually scared to death of rugs because they cost a fortune and people figure if they don't know the difference between a Heriz and a Kilim, then they have no business cleaning them.

My point was always that these are pretty much a lot like anything else, they're fibers, usually wool and cotton, and once you know how, cleaning them is pretty straightforward. You DO have to know what you're doing, but learning how doesn't have to be that hard.

So what does the class do? Can it really make you an 'expert'? Well, loosely yes, in other words, you can learn how to stay out of trouble and learn a process for dealing with rugs that works. You can definitely market your services and probably know more than almost everyone else in your town does about actually cleaning rugs. (Most cleaners either don't touch them at all, or treat them like regular carpet, imho, neither approach is right.) Are you going to know as much as the experts that often post in this forum?

No, of course not! But you'll be able to clean rugs... You'll be able to get started. That's the point. You can make money, and do it relatively safely.

Should you take the other classes? ... Definitely.

After all, you can't know too much. But as a jumping off point, a starting place, there isn't anything like it out there right now. And maybe you can pay for those other classes out of the profits you're making from cleaning rugs. That makes sense to me.

It's going to sell for $297, and Robert's going to teach the thing 'live' one more time, also comes with a 30-day guarantee.

Is it for everyone? Probably not. But I really do think it will help out a lot of people. We've had some pretty incredible responses from the first time out.

Now I have a favor to ask you. I've got Mike set up as an affiliate. The way that works is that if anyone actually buys this thing from his list, he'll get credit for it and he'll get paid something for each sale. But in order for him to get credit, people have to use his affiliate link. So I think he just posted the regular address at the beginning of this thread and NOT his affiliate link! So if you're interested, use this link:

instead of the regular address that he posted. That way he'll get credit for it.

If you Do opt in, I can positively guarantee you a steady stream of 'snake oil' emails! (Hey man, it's what I do!) But it is a good class and we are giving away some good bonuses. Anyway... that's your call.

Good to see you all here. I'll keep in touch now that I know about it. I'll leave my snake oil at home...



Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Mark19 said:
I've worked almost exclusively with large carpet and rug cleaning operations over the past 12 years, and what was always interesting to me was who was actually cleaning the rugs in most of these plants... It wasn't some textile god!... No, it was some 23-year old kid that used to work in a video store. Now of course that guy was trained, he knew what he was doing... sort of... but was he an expert? I'm not so sure he always was.

that's the truth!

Mark19 said:
I've got Mike set up as an affiliate. The way that works is that if anyone actually buys this thing from his list, he'll get credit for it and he'll get paid something for each sale. But in order for him to get credit, people have to use his affiliate link. So I think he just posted the regular address at the beginning of this thread and NOT his affiliate link! So if you're interested, use this link:

now i know why mikey was so grumpy ...sellout! :lol:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'll whore myself to people, products and programs I either use myself or truly believe in.

But a douchebag like Cox HAS to wear a 2 rubbers.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
What the hell does that mean? C'mon Mike, you whore yourself for anything free. lol.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
s'matter Hydes, fraid some porty hack is gonna under cut you for $2.50 a foot?

Your hoitty toitty clients would never know the diff.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Not really, mikey. Do you know how many times I hear from guys that spend $$$ go through classes, books, tapes, CD’s equipment and can’t make the “big money in rug cleaning” and worse ruin shit.

As I’ve said it‘s NOT a bad it has soem good info but lets talk about what it’s not going to do….it’s not going to turn anyone into a rug cleaning god there no big secret. Ok, there’s one and I’m going to share it here FREE for the first time EVER normally a charge 19900 in "secret rug cleanig GURU guide" …here it is, ready! It actually takes time, energy, work, and a desire to learn to become a rug expert and the people thinking a 200. Class that promises a fast path to being an expert, quick and easy riches will never make it. Of course you know this Mikey which is why you’re whoring this program howz about you tell us a little more about service monster too! It’s too bad you’ve gone down the road of so many others can we expect you to pitch Ken Harris products soon too!


Jun 3, 2009
Quick and easy riches? ... No

This class has over 10 hours of pretty intense video. To really get it into your head, you'd probably have to watch it a few times. That's work, I don't care who you are.

Listen, I don't think anyone can take ONE class and have a path to riches. But can they at least learn how to not screw things up and start to clean most rugs they're likely to run across, without waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night for fear of screwing them up!

That's what this class does. It gets people started. Are they going to be able to give Randy a run for his money? No way, he's been doing it for years, and there's no way to buy experience. This is information, and that's something different entirely. You take the information and apply it, and then you get some experience, and there's no shortcut for that. It takes time and it takes work.

But people have to start somewhere, and right now, it's not very easy to get started cleaning rugs in the industry. Classes are expensive, and few and far between. Rugs are like most other things, once you know how, it's often easier than you thought.

Right now, most cleaners avoid them like the plague, and I don't think that's necessary. (Of course there are a few that cleaners SHOULD avoid like the plague, and hopefully if people get nothing more out of this class... they'll learn which ones those are!)

There are more and more hard floors out there, and like it or not, cleaners probably do need to move into rug cleaning more than most of them are right now.

My hope... is that I'm able to get a bunch more people started down the path of cleaning rugs. I can't see that would be a bad thing. People who do, have taken a first step towards becoming experts.

You really can make more cleaning a rug than you do cleaning a house of nylon carpet. People need to know that and use it to their benefit. That's all I'm saying.

As far as Mike selling out... well, I can tell you he paid full price to come to this class, and really liked it when he did... and I'm going to be selling it to cleaners anyway... he's done so much here with this board, I can't see the harm if he gets some benefit out of it. And he has been very up front about the whole thing. It's not like he's hiding it from anyone.

One thing's for sure... If you can clean rugs and other exotic textiles... you can certainly clean carpet, and probably do it better than anyone else. I know a lot of people that get a lot of really great carpet cleaning jobs simply because they clean rugs.

The whole point is that people shouldn't get hung up on the word expert. Expert compared to what? I mean there are people that have been cleaning for 25 years that are absolutely 'experts', but they never stop learning. If people take this, and get started, I certainly hope they don't stop after this one class... if they do, they're not experts... they're hacks! So hopefully I won't end up being responsible for more hacks in the world! Hopefully most will keep going and become experts. Whatever that is.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Mark I don't think anyone here is going to dispute there is value in education and your training looks to be value priced. It's the packaging that turns peoples stomachs and makes them defensive.

It comes off as a greasy snake oil salesman, and we have enough of them in the industry already without adding more.

RICH RUG CLEANER hype is tough for anyone to believe, sure it's possible but it won't happen for most and it sure won't happen over night.

I don't intend to be critical of you program, rather your approach. I think you'll scare off more that you'll ever gain. I may be wrong but I think you'd do better with a straight forward approach than the sensationalism.



Jun 3, 2009
You have no idea how much I wish that were true...

You always have to take marketing with a grain of salt. And don't worry, I happen to agree with you.

Harry Myers

Oct 13, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Harry Myers
There has to be a sale pitch in Marketing . It can be annoying , Funny , Rememberable or whatever . They are trying to sell a product. All in all the class was good. I picked up some good info . As long as you can get that knowledge and use it , It can be very valuable. :D


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
rctpks said:
Mark I don't think anyone here is going to dispute there is value in education and your training looks to be value priced. It's the packaging that turns peoples stomachs and makes them defensive.

It comes off as a greasy snake oil salesman, and we have enough of them in the industry already without adding more.

RICH RUG CLEANER hype is tough for anyone to believe, sure it's possible but it won't happen for most and it sure won't happen over night.

I don't intend to be critical of you program, rather your approach. I think you'll scare off more that you'll ever gain. I may be wrong but I think you'd do better with a straight forward approach than the sensationalism.


Chavez gets it!

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