a tale from Detroit

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
DSL division.
Complaining to them about my slow connection when after ten minutes or so I asked where the lady lived..

"Detroit" she says.

We trouble shooted for a while more before I told her I has an ex lover in her city who owns a carpet cleaning company..

"Oh yeah? she say, what company would that be"

Well who do you use I ask..

"Hogo p i on, haga peean..."
I break in wiht you mean the purple truck guys?

"Yes thats them!!

No kidding I says.. and are you happy with them?

"to be honest .....

they do a terrific job, yes I'm very happy.

Now about that connection issue..."

Ooops, Mam I have to go, I have a call I have to take, can you call me back in an hour?

Sure thing sir..


New lady calls back two hours later. More trouble shooting about my slow connection then I get around to asking her who she has cleaner here carpets

"Oh I use this guy, whats his name.... Top Service something or other.."

I then ask if she has heard of Hagopian..

"Oh sure, they have those purple trucks but their probably out of my price range..."

Why do you say that? I hear they're actually very affordable..

"Really? with all those commercials I figured they must cost a lot"

You should call them, I think you may be surprised..

"Well to be perfectly honest, I usually clean my carpet myself."

Really? with a Rug Doctor or Hoover type machine?

"Oh no, I'm old fashion and like my things real clean, don't laugh, I've never told anyone thins but I gets down on my hands and knees With a bucket and scrub brush and go at it like my grandma did."

And do they come out nice?

"Very nice! But when I don't have the time to do it I call that Top Service man...."

made my day.

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