A tale of 2 thermostats. 1999 777. Nice tip at the end.



spoken with a few of you about this problem. Just installed a new engine that works perfectly, no heat whatsoever in the E1.

After doing some research (aka calling around. thanks Jim, George, Brad, and Michael<who gets special props for automatically knowing what was wrong>).

What happened was when my new (used) engine was put in, it had a thermostat where UD originally put it on all trucks, mounted right to the engine block in a housing.

The problem with this design for the Vortex is when the thermostat is in this location, it dumps the hot water from the engine to the radiator where ALL the heat is dissipated before it can travel through the E1.

The vortex designers moved the thermostat to the silver cylindrical shaped housing directly after the line going to the E1, so when the engine gets the heat it needs, the excess heat is then circulated into the fresh tank.

If you replace an engine, and the engine you get has a thermostat mounted, follow these steps.

1) very important, Vlad saved my ass..Verify if there is a thermostat in the cylindrical housing right after the line leading to the E1. This is important because mine had NOTHING sitting in it.

The mechanic cut the "extra" thermostat out when they put the new engine in.

2)disconnect the housing connected to the engine block by 4 screws. this will reveal the thermostat you want to get rid of.



Clean it up, Make sure it has a good seal and put it back in.

4)Install the new thermostat in the Silver cylinder secured by 3 bolts. MAKE SURE ITS FACING THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

Now heres the nice tip.

It's worth noting when I spoke with Vlad, he said the thermostat they had in mind when they designed this unit was

PART # 13469 set at 195 degrees!

Lots of people have therms set in the 180s but Vladimir told me 195 was what its designed around.

I was lucky and the first one I found at Advance Auto Parts was exactly the right one. I had to drive 30 minutes across town because my store didn't have it in stock.

Jim i thought i had a good pic inside that housing on the engine. I apologize but its not there. It's pretty much just a hollow aluminum elbow.

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