Blue Baron Heat Ex


Chris Sheldon

Don't buy ANYTHING from Peter Garland/Blue Baron Truckmounts.


Jun 29, 2009
I'm aware of his business ethics, Peter Garland is a POS! I'm just wondering why these heat exchangers are supposed to be any better then others on the market. I thought the basic heat exchange techonolgy was fairly old I wonder what he patented? Anybody on here had a chance to see one up close?


Oct 7, 2006
wow...for Chris to make that statement, the dude must be related to Ken Harris?

It does speak clearly. I hope this post gets lots of views, you never know about internet retailers until you've spoken to some of their customers.

Chris Sheldon

To be fair, Greenie, I didn't personally buy anything from him, but there was a big deal over at Tee emm eph about it.

A gentleman over there purchased a HX from Blue Baron for his Prochem 405; the owner of Blue Baron said that his HX would be made to fit into the 405. Well the guy posted the pictures of the HX and it wouldn't have even come close to fitting in that machine; I found 3 or 4 mistakes from just looking at the pictures. He sold this guy his basic HX that didn't look to be at all customized to fit the 405. The customer even went so far as to send his broken Prochem HX (on his dime) to the guy so he could have the exact measurements, etc.

Anyway, the guy who bought the HX is still waiting to get his $800 back from Blue Baron eventhough he sent the HX back. Peter Garland who owns Blue Baron truckmounts, proved to be very unprofessional. He assured the customer it would fit into his machine, then told him he was on his own once the transaction was complete.

That is the story in a nutshell for those of you who can't or won't go Teee mmm FFF to read the threads. As Greenie alluded to...buyer beware!!

Chris Sheldon

To answer your question Ryan, I don't know what supposedly makes the Blue Baron HX any better than other HX's. He could be making a HX that produces better and faster heat, but at what price? Has he measured the engine exhuast back pressure to make sure he is not choking the engine's performance and shortening the service life of the engine? Have his engines been application reivewed by the engine manufacturer to ensure that his exhaust system is in keeping with the engines specs?

These are questions I would ask if I were considering buying a HX from someone like this.....but knowing what I know about him, I wouldnt consider it anyway.
Feb 5, 2008
As a former customer of Blew Baron I can confirm that Peter Garland is one shady character, IMHO. Whether or not his HX will in fact heat anything remains to be seen, as we have not been able to install it in a Performer 405, even though we were assured it would be made to fit in our machine. My business partner Chris Newman has been waging the battle online with Mr Garland, since he will not return phone calls and has stated, "you're on your own". We purchased his HX because a percentage of our business is pressure washing, and the HX we purchased was supposed to be 3000+ PSI, which we hoped would allow us to do more than clean carpet with our Performer. The OEM HX was only rated to 1200 PSI.

Perhaps we were suckers, or naive, but we've done a lot of business on ebay for all types of items and in general, people are pretty decent. When we considered Peter's HX, we did so with the understanding that we were trying to find a part for one of the most widely used machines in the industry, and Peter was clear in his answer when we asked if he could make it to fit the Performer. He assured us it would fit, no problem.

Peter has since agreed to refund $830 of the $1005 we have invested with him. Oh yeah, after we paid him for the original agreed upon amount, he told us he would need an additional $200 in order to actually ship us the part, due to all this additional work he had to do to make the HX fit such a rare, exotic machine. It is over a month ago since he agreed to a refund, after having us send the HX back to him. We have not received anything from him, other than excuses. Mr Garland thinks that he can avoid negative feedback by closing deals off ebay, but what he's finding is that google does a good job of tracking discussions like this, and the negative karma surrounding him online will cost him much more than $830. Too bad this thread will not be seen by google... or will it? We still hold a glimmer of hope we'll see our money, but life's lessons aren't free, and we'll learn from this one.

Best Heater

Hi I am Pete Garland owner of Axis Point Heat Exchangers......and I am sincere I about putting out a High Quality High Profermance Heat Exchanger.

My service is second to none this year I have sold more Heaters than ever.

I am sorry Chris Newman would not take me up on the offer to install his Heat Exchanger in Prochem for free. I refunded his money.

I can prove to anyone that this Prochem After market Heat Exchanger is still the best option. I have made many changes since 2008 and I have sold many since then with a HUGE Following of Happy Customers. Call John Spears on my Ebay I have more Customers you can talk to to prove what I am selling is the Best Heat Exchanger.

See my video on for proof of the amazing Heat!


I wish that some individuals will not name call me (who never dealt with me) and give me half a chance to prove to them I am a GREAT GUY and HONEST BUSINESS MAN!

Thanks for Reading this Sincerely Pete Garland

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
anyone else have a Blue Baron here?

I got a call from Peter today. He is having issues with Rob Allen, big surprise.

Peter inquired about advertising here but I wanted to do some due diligence first.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
I say........ let him come aboard. I think all we have heard are rumors. He sounds sincere on the phone. We would like him to post pics and videos of his product.

Sent from my g2 using tapatalk. Whofat

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
OK...about a year ago i put a blue baron on a custys slide in....
it was well built and worked great......
SOMETIMES...ya gotta TWEAK things a little to make 'em fit......

i find more than an ample share of yous ...
don know which way to turn a wrench............
Oct 7, 2006
I dont have a Blue Baron Heat Exchanger,
and I never will.

I inquired with Blue Baron about a Truckmount Heat Exchanger and the guy went off; rude, profane, insulting.

I will NEVER do business with them and advise others to beware.


Nov 23, 2006
Binghamton,New York
Kevin Dumas
That's the only bad review I ever saw. (1) (one) (uno).
Probably sold it to a mechanically challenged person.
In the truckmount biz things need to be adapted to fit sometimes.

Best Heater

Peter Garland
July 17th, 2011 at 10:56 pm

It took me a little while to realize the person who entered this Smearing Thread (June 30th 2011 @ 3:04PM) is Mark Cermak owner of Web Designer Services.

All your doing is doing a Disservice to those Carpet Cleaners Looking for a Good Heat Exchanger just because things did not to go your way through your Barter Deal. That is Selfish!

Mark solicited a Barter for a Heat Exchanger for his Website Services shortly after I returned from a Trip in New England during my Dad’s passing.

I kindly refused his services and merely commented on the fact that I have seen sites made by other companies (NOT HIS) that appeared to be “Cheezy” and Unprofessional….and for now I am doing fine on my own. Since my site has already brought in 100?s of Customers this year. I am very patient with every Customer that comes through my door, even at 9 PM on Sunday when they need assistance with their Heating needs...or advice on even other Name Brand Units. I only wish that you were professional to me as your Customer as I am to my own.

I merely was giving my opinion with no insult intended.

He blew up at me by Emailing me and telling me my Website was Dated and I was rude and unprofessional. This led to an unfortunate response. So now you are talking dirt about me just because you do not respect the Customer's Opinion or the refusal of your solicited services.

Mark, I believe I was the Customer you were soliciting. You came to me with the offer and did not ask one question about my Heat Exchangers but only to push your services.

If anything I was the Customer that should complain. Other people may think twice before offering their opinion or buying services from Mark at

Prospective Website Design Customers Beware!!!


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Cool make us all believers. But mark is the one who would work on ur add if u do advertise. So....... Now...... Post pics and some videos not on your site

Sent from my g2 using tapatalk. Whofat

Best Heater

Joe: It was nice talking to you the other day. Call me anytime you need Technical Support or to talk Truck Mount Stuff.

Since mark is in charge of putting together the ADS, I will have to advertise somewhere else as well as create some You-Tube Video Presentations on my own Website.

I was willing to spend $500 per month to advertise on this Forum and has been Cleared by the Big Boss Accounting & Budgeter namely (My Wife). but since he is charge of this, I will pass for now.

I will use this Forum just to help others as I always have on other Forums. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around.

Thanks, Pete
Oct 7, 2006
Most of the guys here know me better than to believe your BS accusations.

First off, "Kindly"? Haha

Nice of you to post parts of our private conversation, but at least get it right.

I emailed and asked if you would were interested in working a barter ( hoping to work win win scenario for us both ), you responded calling our work rude unprofessional names.

I responded and tried to explain I thought a barter would have helped us both and gave you a free website evaluation with tips to help you, whether you use our services or not. While I was hoping to work a barter (beneficial to both parties), I would have bought the parts for our truckmounts if a barter was not agreeable. ( I most certainly didn't 'blowup' ).

I made no further responses to the profane, unprofessional, rude emails that followed.

You then responded calling me an asshole.

A simple "not interested" or "no thank you" would have sufficed. I considered this closed and moved on.

Then you emailed me again, calling me an asshole again.

Then you emailed me again, telling me not to email you and called me trash.

Then you emailed me again calling me a dumb ass

Then you emailed me again to tell me I was full of shit

Months later, after you see my opinion and experience with you posted online, you attempt to apologize. Except when you called you were very rude to my wife and then rude to me (again). I told you I was on vacation, yet you proceeded to tell me how I was wrong. I ended the call asking you to not contact me again ( and said I would re-evaluate this after returning)
What did you do? You called me back again 5 minutes later. I told you again I would not deal with this bullshit until my vacation was over.

Then you posted that on the 13th. (Notice that post is between two apologizes.) Another fine example of your character, or lack of.

Then you emailed me again after you posted that BS, with another apology.

That is all I posted, my experience and my opinion. You are the one who is SMEARING our name for no reason.

You are not now, have never been, and will never be, a customer of
We only work with nice people. Life is too short for this BS - Good day.

and btw, I'm not the owner of (my boss is)

This is not the first barter proposition I've ever sent, but it is the first response of this type.

I dont care that I couldnt work a barter (sometimes it works out, sometimes not) and that has absolutely nothing to do with my "experience" or opinion of Peter Garland of Blue Baron Heat Exchangers. I was merely commenting on the nature and style of the responses I received to a simple inquiry. I simply could never recommend a friend to contact them for anything based on the responses I got.


Oct 16, 2011
I keep hearing all this stuff about peter. Does anyone own one of his machines? are they any good??

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I installed another Blue Baron Hx on an old Steam Genie twin 22 ( i sED old).......
of course we made new brackets to make it worked OK......not great heat from an air cooled motor....
HOWEVER i do know Mark and Andrechelle....
you won't find 'em any better than them two........

pic of HX we installed...again we DIDN'T make the exhaust!

Best Heater

Pat you were willing to distribute my BB machines in NY but now that I told you that area is taking up. Now I am a great piece of work! What have I ever done to you! All I do is try to help people!

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