Busted Low Level Water Sensor, Continued


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Well today at last job the tech came and got me and said the water drain value (where we fill chemical jug) wouldn't shut off. So I checked it out and sure enough couldn't get it to shut off. Tied the black 1/2 inch hose in a knot to keep from draining the tank. Figured the valve had rusted or something, maybe even thought "something" might be stuck in it. Stopped by Lowes on way home and got a new 1.5 inch value. Got home drained tank, and took off value only to find a big piece of gray plastic stuck in it! Put valve back on and proceeded to take lid off of the fresh water tank. Here is what I found!

this gray piece was what was stuck in valve, part of the inside of the low level water shut off.

The rest of the insides of float switch

Then I found this, which I already knew was lost down there!

Then the mystery solved of how the low level switch got broken,
anybody recognize this?

Yeap, the tank baffle welds broke and it fell to bottom snapping the guts of the low level switch.

Off to Shop Saturday to get baffle welded.

Thought I would add this pic just for the heck of it, the other end of the 150 gal fresh water tank that holds the antifreeze tubes that preheat the water as you drive. I was actually pretty impressed that the calcium built up wasn't worse. Haven't been in tank for about 2 years when I replaced the fill float that lasted 30 days.

Jim, ordered sensor from that company and still haven't received, ordered parts from AeroTech 2 days later and they have already arrived. Good thing is the Delutch tape is holding good for now.

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