Chicken sh!t person........

Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Well, I had to go clean a 1br and 1lv full of pee from the previous tenants cat and current tenants dog. It's a townhouse, the kind that is connected to eachother and stacked. Anyhow, I was told that I could hook up water next to there car. I was parked on the street and had to run my hoses across the sidewalk (using cones of course).

The tenants who lived above where they park their cars was having there flooring delivered and installed. So I didn't want to be a d!ck and run my water hose across there walk way while carrying the material in. I used the next closest hose bib. It was next door to the original bib in front of the neighbors house.

I was finishing up the lv and I notice my jets didn't have water coming out. I dropped everything and run out to the van to shut it down. While going to shut it off I see a lady who turned off the hose bib and threw my hose on the grass. I was pissed. Good thing I wasn't a chick cuz I would have had to get bailed out. (I had to take deep breaths to keep me from losing it, but I did keep my composure.) :evil:

So, I shut it down. Hooked up where in the original spot was. Finished up the rest of it. I was glad I was using a wand and not my RV360 because I probably would have blew my pump. This is the first time this ever happened to me in 13yrs of cleaning. This place has a maintenance fee for all tenants and water is included in it. I found it very chicken sh!t to say the least.

It was a charity cleaning. The son who was 23yrs old got stabbed 18 times while hiking on a trail, the day before enrolling into The National Guard's boot camp. He fell 30ft and left for dead. Other hikers found him and called the 911. The person who stabbed him is going to get off claiming insanity. POS I tell you...........

So having the hose disconnected was a pretty unconscious thing for that lady to do. I was going to give her a piece of my mind but she knew what she did, and booked it into her house. I hope karma comes around for her.

Sorry, I had to vent. The job turned out the best I could get it without pulling the pad and treating the sub floor. Used Judson Quat-a-lot, then presprayed with BP Zone Perfect and Hydrocide. I very rarely do this type of cleanings because it's not worth it, but I was for a good cause. The mom flew in from Cali to take care of her son. She's been out of work since it happened. Gave all her furniture away to her previous neighbors to be able to rent her house out. Nicholas is getting around good, but still has to watch how he turns his head or moves. ... _halo.html

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Strata communities are world famous for being full of vendettas and infighting. In every strata there is one or two alpha assholes that think they run the place or feel it their duty to squeal on every strata bylaw infraction they interpret as being broken. Commonly called Strata Nazis.

I know I owned a townhouse in a complex that had several assholes just like that lady. I will never own another strata property.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Bob Foster said:
Strata communities are world famous for being full of vendettas and infighting. In every strata there is one or two alpha assholes that think they run the place or feel it their duty to squeal on every strata bylaw infraction they interpret as being broken. Commonly called Strata Nazis.

I know I owned a townhouse in a complex that had several assholes just like that lady. I will never own another strata property.

I hear you on that. My parents live in a ASSociation and it's rediculous. You can't paint your house without it being approved by the BOD. This sh!ts just lame. The lady didn't even use the water hose or anything. I was wondering WTF, really?

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
It might have been worthwhile to knock on her door and ask her to explain the problem. You might be able to avoid further confrontations just by talking to her. If she's nothing but bad attitude you could tell her that shutting the water off might have damaged your equipment. If so you're going to call the police and report what she did. This would probably also stop future confrontations.

I've had water turned off several times by the in-house cleaners at commercial jobs. I have to find them and tell them that once might be funny, but if they do it again building management and security will hear about it.

Twice had neighbors turn the unit off and take the key. Knew who did it in each case, and both people were notorious for irritating the rest of the neighborhood. The first guy pretended he wasn't home when the police arrived, and since we hadn't seen him take the key they couldn't do anything. The other guy started explaining why he did it and got a handcuffed ride to the police station. Neighbors came out and applauded as he was driven away.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
The Great Oz said:
It might have been worthwhile to knock on her door and ask her to explain the problem. You might be able to avoid further confrontations just by talking to her. If she's nothing but bad attitude you could tell her that shutting the water off might have damaged your equipment. If so you're going to call the police and report what she did. This would probably also stop future confrontations.

I've had water turned off several times by the in-house cleaners at commercial jobs. I have to find them and tell them that once might be funny, but if they do it again building management and security will hear about it.

Twice had neighbors turn the unit off and take the key. Knew who did it in each case, and both people were notorious for irritating the rest of the neighborhood. The first guy pretended he wasn't home when the police arrived, and since we hadn't seen him take the key they couldn't do anything. The other guy started explaining why he did it and got a handcuffed ride to the police station. Neighbors came out and applauded as he was driven away.

I know I should have. I just wanted to finish up and get out. I will call the person on it next time. This was the first time this happened to me in 13yrs. I will also make a sign to put on the hose bib "Do Not Turn Off, Damage Will Occur" (& A A$$ Beating) :lol:
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
The Great Oz said:
I like the sign idea.

Although it might encourage the janitors.

Or maybe a lock out that covers the hose bib and hose so you only can disconnect it with a key. Similar to the door knob lock out. Just thinking outside the box.

Jim Nazarian

Oct 7, 2006
So. Cal
Jim Nazarian
While cleaning a travel agents office in a strip mall on a Sunday morning some prick sliced my hose with a knife :twisted:
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Jim Nazarian said:
While cleaning a travel agents office in a strip mall on a Sunday morning some prick sliced my hose with a knife :twisted:

That's messed up....... :evil: Anything get damaged besides the hose?
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
danielc said:
Question: Did you need permission to get water from the source?

I'd have to say, in a townhouse setting, no. Private house, yes.

Maybe she didn't like the hose going across her walk way. Because I never questioned her on it, I'll never know the answer. I find it rediculous in this situation. I guess it's my fault for only having a mix tank and no fresh water tank...... :|

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
If you're looking for what justification they used, good luck. If you want to know why I'll bet it's strata fighting behind it.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Bob Foster said:
If you're looking for what justification they used, good luck. If you want to know why I'll bet it's strata fighting behind it.

I only now understood what you meant by strata. :oops:

Possibly. The lady was just unconscious in what she was doing. I should have did what The Great Oz said and called the police. Take legal action. If the pump did blow, I'd sue for parts, labor, downtime, and court fee's.

I'm just glad nothing broke.

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