Congratulate me!

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
The real money is as my team grows and I make money from the efforts of others.

then why can't you just say the main goal is to add recruits the pyramid?? :roll:

no, I'm not interested in watching the vids, cause I have no interest in being a brick that supports the top of the pyramid

when you run out of Aunt Martha's and $12-15 dollar an hour shop/officer workers to pester (if you haven't already) start focusing on Kirby, Electrolux and Rainbow salesmen !gotcha!



May 27, 2011
dc klaatu said:
[quote="Ruff Hewn":18vhqfjo][quote="Mikey P":18vhqfjo]Forsyth you rollie pollie teletubbie oompa looOmpa mudda fooker...

You will pay for that lack of better judgment...

Oh you will pay.

Bob posted it

you mean Bob posted it and then SQUEALED on the the guy that sent it??

tsck tsck tsck, Bob


Ohh jeezes settle down Larr...WTF do you think he sent it to me....he knew the RIGHT Time would come and i couldn't resist it.........
we'll call it BASH by proxie...............'cides F's been calling me names..............[/quote:18vhqfjo]

Bob knows that if he didn't come clean, MikeyPhisowndamnself would get the ol' Gerkinky "Itchy Finger" and ban is ass to Joan's bingo club.

The thing that bothers me the most is that the poster said mikeyp was an attractive woman. :shock:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ruff Hewn said:
The real money is as my team grows and I make money from the efforts of others.

then why can't you just say the main goal is to add recruits the pyramid?? :roll:

no, I'm not interested in watching the vids, cause I have no interest in being a brick that supports the top of the pyramid

when you run out of Aunt Martha's and $12-15 dollar an hour shop/officer workers to pester (if you haven't already) start focusing on Kirby, Electrolux and Rainbow salesmen !gotcha!


I'm learning as I go as well. I do know the residual money is the big money.. But it's slow growing compared to the bonuses.

YES, the whole point of an MLM is getting more and more people to leverage so that everyone makes money.. Not just the guy "at the top" like the CEO of most companies.

It's a fair system so the harder you work the more money you make... Yes, you can make more than the guy at the top unless you have the mentality to not.

Try doing that in a "real job".

That's why I own companies... I don't want to be told what to do or when to do it.

Traditional businesses are fine but the reason people don't like MLMs is because they just don't see the big picture.

All they see is recruit everyone you can... I don't do that. I recruit guys who want to do it.. If they don't, I leave them the hell alone.

Ask anyone I've talked to about this...There are plenty here.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Traditional businesses are fine but the reason people don't like MLMs is because they just don't see the big picture.

i disagree.
They soon see the big picture is just a another job in sales .
Problem is, the product isn't worth the effort due to commissions spread up the chain.
So the focus has to be selling the prospect to buy into the network

To be successful (as in actually making a good living) it's a full time sales job.
Most good salesman already know they can make more selling good products
(cause their commissions aren't so diluted)
Any "go getter" salesman you might be fortunate enough to snag into the network, will be young or has a problem ....when the young ones get wise that they're good at sales, they'll move on to much greener pa$ture$ selling products ...not dreams

Never the less, congrats (seriously)


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Thanks for that Larry.

But I have to ask. Is Verizon not a good product/Service?

Electricity? There is only one grade of it.

The commission is set once you have a few accounts (around 20 to top out the %)

The sales is in selling it to other people..The business... The product/services are already being used by everyone so they don't need to be sold.

It's hard to break 2 barriers.

1. The traditional business owner who thinks it's a "scam" due to the many failures in the biz...But there are soo many failures in any business model.

2. The job minded person who can't see spending $499 to start a business. They think they should just be able to start selling.

But the people who see it are the ones you/I want. The ones who you have to convince, are the ones you have to convince of everything... Including getting off the couch.

Thanks again.. I didn't mean to rant.

I'm heading to Houston again tomorrow to meet the rest of my team.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Just hit the website. Cool!

I made the mistake of creating a "carpet cleaner" leg on my team.

That's changing. I'm starting to add people into that leg that are not carpet cleaners as well.

As I take over the world... I'll continue to be a Mikey's Boarder !gotcha! 8) somewhat amus

Greg Loe

Oct 7, 2006
MLMs offer 99% chance of losing your money

Whenever the economy slows, the big pitches from multi-level marketing operations (MLMs) emerge.

MLMs can be a legit opportunity. It is possible to make money by selling products or services to strangers or by recruiting others to do the selling.

But here's the rub: You need the gift of gab and you'd better not even have a trace of shyness. You must believe in the product or service you're shilling; how it's priced; and you've got to be willing to approach total strangers with your pitch. You also need a great deal of time to dedicate to the whole process.

Forbes magazine recently did an analysis of a hot MLM of the moment called Team Leadership Development. It turns out that only 1 out of every 100 people could recoup their expenses. So you have a 99% chance of losing money if you get involved!

Again, there are legit MLMs out there -- but only a handful of people are making money.

A lot of folks get pressure from relatives or friends regarding MLM pitches. Clark recommends countering by saying, "I don't have the selling ability you do." Or you might try, "Clark Howard doesn't want me doing that." That way they're mad at Clark, not you. Don't be pressured to get involved because you feel obligated. If they're really your friend, they'll still be your friend when you turn them down. And you're stuck with your relatives!

So, yes, amid all the hype there is a kernel of truth. The brains behind Team Leadership Development is making unreal money. But the silent majority isn't making a dime. So be careful out the

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison

How many traditional businesses try and fail?

Here is the issue... This is network marketing. We don't put an ad in the phonebook, we don't get on angieslist etc.

We do... however use the power of social networks. Therefore it's not like it used to be.

You don't have to be like me... Able to walk up to anyone and speak. You have facebook friends etc. You have emails and texting.

true, those won't work as well as high touch... but they do work.

AND, like you mentioned... a great product of service goes a long way.

I can honestly say that what we offer is something EVERYONE uses and needs already... I don't have to change their buying habits.

It's a new world and there is a ton of "opportunity" in MLMs.

It's like being the CEO of a huge corporation without the payroll taxes. !gotcha! Not to mention all the other headaches.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ken Snow said:
Uh Brian- CEO's of huge Corps tend to make millions a year~ ya big dork :-)

That's correct..... It's like that... without the headaches of payroll etc.

Congratulate me again!!!

I just promoted to Executive Team Leader where I will be making over $7000 per month part time.

Not bad for only being in a little over 3 months.

Who wants to take over the world with me??

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Here's the video of my goofy arse onstage getting promoted to ETL!!


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