


Hello from San Diego,

My name is Eric and I own Knockout Cleaning. I've been lurking here for several months. I'm very new to this industry, and I purchased an existing 2 year old business in July. I come from the residential construction industry with about 12 years experience. I was laid off earlier in 2008, and I saw that either myself or any of my friends were finding jobs, so instead of drawing unemployment, I decided to buy my job :). After much research, I decided to purchase a carpet cleaning business. I found this board on google, while searching for more general information about this industry. I am glad I found this place, because it has fast tracked me into the latest tricks and methods to clean better, faster, and make this work more enjoyable. Here are some of the great things I've learned and implemented just within the last months.

1. Nylon stalking inside inline filter (one of my favorite)
2. Greenhorn Stair Tool (easier doing stairs now and faster drying)
3. Green Glide for backup cheep wand
3. Parker Parflex 112 ft. (thanks for the info from Greenie, he was right)
4. Biggie indirect advice, someone had a wrecked coupler on their boxxer 427, and someone gave the advice to make sure every service they check bolts and coupler. I just had a basic service, and I told them to check those things, and sure enough my coupler was loose, and some black rubber thing inside was worn out.
Future upgrades: 4 to door with all cool cuffs, pimped wand from Greenie.

So, I can say thank you for having this board, and I will be a paying member, just because of all the information I sucked out of this place, really fast tracked me and helped save me money.


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Thanks for chiming in Eric.

So how is it going?

Did the client base you bought stay with you so far?

Are you calling them or sending cards?

how are you find new customers?


Thanks Mike,

The previous owner is also a back up helper when I have enough jobs. Luckily he was a good guy, and prep'd his customers for about 6 months before I bought it, that he was trying to sell his business and go into law enforcement. Then when I started, it was still busy (before the market crash) and he was with me for the introduction to his customers that didn't konw. Now I weed out the good customers from the price customers who do not want to pay the new prices. Most of my new customers are from advertising in targeted areas and now a BNI group, and referrels. I'm enjoying this business, it's not the most glamorous, but I don't care, I'm my own boss, call my own shots, and I can zone out while cleaning :lol: .

Mikey P said:
Thanks for chiming in Eric.

So how is it going?

Did the client base you bought stay with you so far?

Are you calling them or sending cards?

how are you find new customers?

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