"MY" Washboard Glide 4 Prochem Stairtool



Mikey P said:
If dead beat Al has sold more than 40 of those stupid things I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Does Fraud Allen let you sell your crap for free Al?
"YEP" :mrgreen:


Oct 7, 2006
Mr. Slide said:
Your not to bright! Now I have a GREAT Washboard Glide for those nasty matted down dirty STAIRS! (Get it ? WASHBOARD, FOR AGITATION :roll: ) And the slot is the same size as the stair tool ! :roll:
Not designed for easy slideing! :roll:

Al, let me try and better explain my position, if you want to scrub stairs with a 7" wide short awkward tool, knock yourself out, but don't mislead folks by telling them it's some type of glide, heck the stock SS lips of the wand scrub fine under vacuum in the first place, and to be honest, if a Customer actually bought a piece of plastic for the bottom of their wand to agitate, I would have to question their thought process?

As an additional note: if the vacuum slot is flat, and the SAME size as the tool, there will be NO improvement in water recovery, so it's very misleading to represent such.

You only prove that your a jerk, when you try talking shit about something you have never tried! :roll:
They just don't want people to know about much better products being made out there, then the poor performing glides you make! :lol:

I'm the jerk?

I turn my cheek to you, I just think you are misunderstanding the purpose of my reply, I DO NOT make a competitive product, I could care less what you make, my business is focused on non-glide products.
I wish you all the best, let me know when you are ready for some more O2.

Cheers, AL


Greenie said:
Mr. Slide said:
Your not to bright! Now I have a GREAT Washboard Glide for those nasty matted down dirty STAIRS! (Get it ? WASHBOARD, FOR AGITATION :roll: ) And the slot is the same size as the stair tool ! :roll:
Not designed for easy slideing! :roll:

Al, let me try and better explain my position, if you want to scrub stairs with a 7" wide short awkward tool, knock yourself out, but don't mislead folks by telling them it's some type of glide, heck the stock SS lips of the wand scrub fine under vacuum in the first place, and to be honest, if a Customer actually bought a piece of plastic for the bottom of their wand to agitate, I would have to question their thought process?

As an additional note: if the vacuum slot is flat, and the SAME size as the tool, there will be NO improvement in water recovery, so it's very misleading to represent such.

You only prove that your a jerk, when you try talking shit about something you have never tried! :roll:
They just don't want people to know about much better products being made out there, then the poor performing glides you make! :lol:

I'm the jerk?

I turn my cheek to you, I just think you are misunderstanding the purpose of my reply, I DO NOT make a competitive product, I could care less what you make, my business is focused on non-glide products.
I wish you all the best, let me know when you are ready for some more O2.

Cheers, AL

Sorry for calling you a jerk, jeff.
But you just don't get it.
Here's a reply about what a Washboard design is all about!:
Posted By Michael Ellis on 5/5/2009 at 1:37 AM
I have an RX20 that sits in my garage now that i am using the slides.
I have scrubbed dry cream paint from a dark blue carpet using the washboard slide.
Another (Frank from Freshaire) that tested it here in Australia got the same result.
You can change them in a matter of seconds and there is a slide for almost every situation.


And the 45 deg. chanfer on the inside of the Slot does give better water removal results, then a round edge. PROVEN.
Like I said, your so far behind. , Why don't you get it, that every one of my SLIDES OUT PERFORMED YOUR HOLE GLIDE, ???
O'well, like I said I'm sorry, and I got a case of cobb power max, (something like that/) but still love the 0-2 , but it will be a while before i need any more, biss is a bit slow.

Cheers, AL


Oct 7, 2006
Big Al,
I know better than to listen to Michael, he doesn't post here becuase he knows he'll be questioned.

Frankly, (not that it matters) because it doesn't affect my bottom dollar much, but I don't care if you say all the slides perform better than one of three major glide designs, I know different, and no amount of bulletin board sales pitch will change that. You do understand I don't make glides any more right?

One thing about experience with a product line, after 80+ models in a dozen different designs over the years you learn what works in most situations, works really well in some, and frankly doesn't work so well in others. We as an idustry started with flat glides 25+ years ago, it's not where i would return to, to be quite honest.

It's a big market out there, there are plenty of cleaners to sell to, I wish you the best, and if there is something I can help you with in the future, just ask.


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
mikey if mr slide cant play by the rules i think he should be kicked out of the game. if all other suppliers or vendor are paying the fee this guy should pay the fee as well.

mr slide if you are not confident enough to pay 20 a month for incredible exposure and you are trying to sell your slides under the radar, i for one will call you out and call you a cheap coward when it comes to biz and probably you are in need of an education on how to deal with people in a public sales arena.

i do biz with these other legit suppliers and i will not even consider your products if dont do biz the right way.

you are on track to become the next joe brystor!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Al was placed on "Read Only" status.

I didn't ban him out right because I believe that deep down he is a good guy, stupid as a rock but a decent human being.

Besides his wife will force him to quite this petty cash wasting endeavor any day now.

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