newbie introductions


Oct 17, 2009
Hi everyone, Im Brad and I am gathering information on starting my carpet cleaning business. I plan on doing this parttime as I work fulltime. (utility+pension=hostage) My main concern, like so many others, is equipment. I have a budget of $4k max. Looking at portables. TMs might be overkill for me right now. Planning on hustling up 2-3 jobs a week. Not looking to get rich quick, I would rather let my business grow steadily over the next 10 years thru hustling and word of mouth. I might get a trailer to haul my equipment also. I'd rather go new (warranty, etc).
Ive looked on line and found "mikeys board" by google'ing "carpet cleaning forums". Glad I did. Thanks in advance for your help and advise.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
It's good to have you here, and you don't realize just how lucky you are to have found THIS site. There's several carpet cleaning boards around and this one is the only one I have found, so far, that isn't completely run by folks hawking useless stuff to sell to new guys just like you. This is not to say that we here at Mikey's board don't have our share of sharks lurking in the waters, but if you make a few friends of the board regulars, you can get information on who has something worthless to sell you, who their followers are that will tell you lies about what to buy, and who amoung us are straight shooters.

Starting out with a portable is what most of us have done, but you won't find a whole lot of respect for portable cleaners, or most portable machine mfg's here. So, you may encounter some negative responses to some of your questions. Don't let that stop you from asking. Eventually, you will find the right path to take that will fit into your budget.

With that being said, and after welcoming you here, let me be the first to call you a worthless POG! (Portable Only Guy :wink: )


Oct 16, 2006
Billings, MT
Micah Richardson
Heya Brad, Welcome!

Brad please don't make your main concern equipment. Make your main concern the branding of your company. The image you portray and how your potential customers perceive you can make or break your company.

You want to be profitable and get paid what your worth. Most of your customers don't care what equipment your using. They care about how comfortable they are while your are in there home. They want to know that they are getting the more than what they paid for.

Get all the business and marketing knowledge you can first. Then worry about your equipment.

I would at least double your starting cost. Use that extra money for branding.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I'd say Amen to what Micah said.

I'll just emphasize that though marketing, the way you deal with your clients and the image you convey will have more to do with your succes than the equipment you buy, you also need to work on your cleaning skills and have decent equipment.

Good luck

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
don't buy a porty will all the bells and whistles.

there are many good portys on the market for well under $3000

the more vac power the better.
as a practical matter, there's only so many amps available in a home/establishment with a two cord porty
Put your money in vac power over the heated units.

and when you go into a job, find the breaker box...cause you WILL trip breakers occasionally

Easy access to the internal components are a plus too.
The rotomolded design with large dolly wheels is what you want.

You want a "minimum" of 10 gal capacity and 200PSI pump.

lastly, I'm a poor biz man so take anything I say regarding biz with a grain of salt.
But if "I" was to start a "part time" biz for extra money, I'd focus on hi-quality hi-priced service .
it's a niche market regardless of what you might hear from the "hi-roller" outfits.
But if you're not a full time biz, and wolfs aren't at your door turning off the utilities, no reason NOT to be a "cherry picker"



Oct 17, 2009
Thanks for your advise... I will make marketing a top priority. I just want to make sure I live up to my own horn blowing. I realize that equipment won't help if you cant get in the door. I want to be perceived as good and actually BE good. I dont want to buy equipment and find out later that i made a mistake and should have gotten something else.. especially after spending a lot of $


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Without functioning equipment, and proper training, marketing is worthless. If you have lots of jobs, and no equipment, then you'll be another Brian Robinson.

Might as well get a Mary K franchise instead.

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