O.K., I'm HERE - Happy Now?

Mike Brummett

Nov 5, 2006
After encouragement from Harry Hides and Brian Luddy, I am HERE.

Currently way busy doing 3 times as much work as I would if I just did it all myself because I've somehow got it in my head that I need employees.

When you work on your own you do it ONCE and that's it.

With hired help, you SHOW them, you COACH them, you REMIND them, you write PROCEDURES, you DRAW THEM A PICTURE, you SEND them to do the job, you listen to the CUSTOMER COMPLAINT and then you go and RE-DO THE JOB. And you get to PAY FOR THE PRIVLEGE!

But, if ONLY you went to the RIGHT SCHOOL or had the RIGHT SOFTWARE from the RIGHT GURU, then ALL your employee problems would suddenly disappear!
You would become that FAIRY TALE "One-Minute-Manager" and spend all day every day just sitting and looking out the window, because you are so UTTERLY PERFECT at your job.


Glad to be here.


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Brummitt just confirmed my worse nightmare.

I have a real short temper and if I had to deal with a crew of numbnuts on a dailey basis I would be in jail in a week.

I nearly ripped Dominick's head off on Saturday when he sealed some Slate with $200 a gallon sealer when he was told to us the $16.99 stuff....

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
This line of work attracts the bottom feeders so what did you expect?
Next time hire some illegals I hear they do real good work...cheap.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
There goes the neighborhood....I thought I said "Don't invite Mike Brummitt!"! :lol:

Employee's suck!

But you need them, or so I keep telling myself! :roll:


Oct 7, 2006
Hey Mike -

You could do it yourself, but you'll have to charge a much higher rate to make anywhere near what you'd make if you had GOOD employees on staff.

What you need is a great (not average or pretty good) training program AND a policy in place that spells out exactly what they'll expect if they go outside your system.

Nobody said it would be easy and don't think you're alone with employee problems. If I wanted the easy way I'd fire everyone and do it alone, but then I'd lose a lot of money. For me the extra little headache is well worth the return, but it's not for everyone.

Get that paper and pen out and make that GREAT training manual so you'll have one less system to create. It's a big step for sure but well worth the invested time. Write down everything you do and put it in an organized fashion.

We've started using Camtasia (or Camstudio, if you're looking for a decent free screencasting program) to record everything we do every day. It's a lot easier for most folks to learn by seeing and doing than by following a written set of instructions. With Camtasia you can even have tests at the end of the session.

Go get 'em!


PS - Here are two of my favorite quotes about this subject:

"Nothing in business is easy; but who wants nothing?" - Author Unknown

"Everyone wants success, but few are willing to pay the price" - C. Diamond


I agree with Mike and MIke on the employee issue. lol

But its people like Scooter that keep me looking over the fence.
I have to give myself the not that I'm a great teacher.. and I could put great systems in place.. and monitor them. Ita all about who ya hire.. ya have to find those good techs... but ya gotta pay em.. to have them do well.. and retain them.

time will tell. Scooter makes it tempting.. and conversations with Joey Pickett to get that second van and grow..
Ya gotta turn loose sometime.

Maybe a premium price for yours truly.. and an avg in dustry rate for a tech. hmm?

who knows. Good thing I am in love with being on the van. I can see if for a few more years to come.

Its not that I dont want to be on the van.. i just need a couple of more out there. I wont give mine up.. maybe just go half day..


Oct 7, 2006
He would charge more then he could pay top dollar to a good 30 something family man with a mortgage but his CO. name is BASIC.

How much you gonna pay for Basic?

Will Advanced get him more money?

probably not.

i hear the choppers....suicide is painless...

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