People still want quality

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I've been experiencing a ton of customers who just want quality. I can almost name my price when I walk into their house.
They will buy just about anything they perceive as quality. Yes the sun is shining...and that brings out the people who are sick and tired of dirty house and crappy work (Harper got one thing right).

Now...if not earlier is the time to get your piece of the pie....Cameron is doing well and we should all take the example and run with it.

Keep your advertising going but "pay" smart not hard

Network...get out and find those people...they are everywhere.

Team up with your local home service companies that don't offer carpet cleaning but can see it as a value added service to THEIR company.

Work the to your Facebook friends....make sure your website is seen and is worth seeing.

Don't miss the train...their will be another one...but catch this one first and the second will stop at your front door instead of meeting it at the station.

This has been a moment with Brian. shiteatinggrin
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