Ray seen a ghost at a custy's today!


Oct 26, 2006
No sheot!

Ray opened up the door to the basement to vac the threshold, and saw "someone/something" turn and go down the stairs, he says "John, somebody just went down in the basement when I opened the door"

Problem is I was pretty sure Mrs H. was the only occupant at home at the time. :shock:

Mrs H. popped her head in the family room a few minutes later to see how we were progressing, I asked her if there was someone in the basement?

"No, I'm the only one here why?"

So I told her what Ray had seen, and jokingly said, I think he may have seen a ghost!

She thought I was serious and agreed :shock: , says she see's "shadows" floating in her kitchen now and again, and they always seem to drift into the wall when she enters the room. :shock: :shock: :shock: Ivebeensold

Later on Ray told me he thought he saw Bigfoot walking by the van when he went out to get something, :roll: I'm pretty sure that one was his reflection in the van window!! :lol:

(the last part was a joke, the first part was true)


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
I've never seen a ghost on a job, but I had a pretty un-nerving experience on a water loss last year. This was a second home for the homeowners, they live in the city (NYC). Frozen pipe, wood floors cupped bad, needed removal. While moving content, the homeowner noticed fresh blood on her antique sofa, which we had just moved. Immediately checked each tech and no one was bleeding.

We removed the wood floors, came back the next day and antique wooden toys were sitting in the middle of the living room. Homeowners showed up later that day, we asked if anyone else had access to the home or if they had children. Nope. We had left the toys were we found them and showed the homeowners, they had never seen them before. That happened on 2 days.

The water had migrated into the basement and crawl space. We set up a dragon to supply hot dry air to the crawl space. We had about 50' of layflat ducting going into the basement, stapled to the floor joist multiple times the entire length of the ducting. When I arrived the next morining (alone) to monitor the loss, all layflat was removed from the crawlspace and lying in the floor of the basement. It had to have been pulled from inside the basement, but you would have had to physically get in the crawlspace and remove it as it was stapled so heavily. This also happened 2 days in a row.

All windows were locked as well as the doors with deadbolts. Freaky man. It was even freakier, crawling into that crawlspace by myself to re-attach the ducting.


Mar 26, 2007
One of the first houses here in tidewater to ever had natural gas fixtures had a sewage back up that i had the privilege to clean up by myself. the front half of the house was all original, and roughly 150 years old. the wood that made the house was so petrified that when the current owner had HVAC installed they had to use special saws to cut through the wood.. anyway. suffice to say the majority of this house was museum quality stuff. including the front door which no one used. All original hardware and was bolted shut. I was the only one in the house at the time and the bathroom in the hall way in front of the front door had some poo on the floor that i was cleaning up and about to sanitize. the door was in my peripheral vision and was closed, when i leaned over to pick up the towel i was using. when i stood back up the door was wide open on its hinges and unlocked. I went over to the door and shut it and noticed how hard a time i had getting it to go back in flush and lock it back down. the entire time all the hair on my body standing straight up. How could a 150 year old door open like that without making a sound in the 1.5 seconds it took me to lean over and pick up a rag. When i talked to the home owner and asked him if there had ever been any strange occurrence, he said that he had got that question a lot and the entire 7 years he had lived there he hadn't so much as heard a creak out of the house.

very strange

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
About two years ago I was cleaning a local recreational trailer sales and service shop. I was alone steaming along but was ready for a break. While I was getting a drink, I noticed that the owner had passed about 6-8 months earlier. Pictures of him, his wife, sons and daughter who know run the place, his obituary hung on a wall in memoriam. A regular rags to riches story... anyway, I started back to work.

I thought I saw in my peripheral vision, someone standing in the hallway, watching me. I stopped my dry strokes and looked over in that direction... no one was there. Went back to work... about 5 mintues later, it happened again. This time I kept working and tried to casually look in the direction without moving my head. I saw what appeared to be a shadowy figure wearing what looked like a maroon colored LL Bean warm up jacket. I looked over and nobody was there. This happened 3 times in total.

So now I'm thinking I'm losing my marbles. I finished the job without anymore problems but when I went back to get paid a few days later. One of the workers asked me if there were "any problems"? I said "no problems, but I must have been getting punchy because I could have sworn I saw somebody spying on me wearing a maroon jacket?" She started to laugh and said, "oh, I guess you met Lee (the owner who died) last night, he was just checking you out, seeing what you were doing in his store. He always wore a maroon jacket like the one you described" :shock: Then everybody starts coming up to me and telling me there "Lee encounters".. like I'm in their club now.

One employee said when he was behind the counter a 35ft coil of garden hose flew down the isle in front of him! And several times he's finshed helping a customer, turned around to see someone (like 6-8 feet from him) walk around the corner of an isle. He'll walk after them asking if he can help them find something, only to turn the corner and nobody is there.

That's not a 150 yr old locked door unlocking itself but that's enough for me to believe that there is something going on beyond this life. I can tell the story now and its kind of funny but that night I slept with one eye open!!

Bill Morgan


I've had, at times, seen Ralph Bloss from Steamway (now passed) out of the corner of my eye wispering "hot soap solution, hot soap solution".

That was his favorite saying when explaining the carpet cleaning procedures to seminars. Of course, NOBODY says "soap" anymore.

Jim Williams

Oct 8, 2006
Bynum N.C.
Jim Williams
I'm a believer. I lived in a haunted house 20 years ago. We saw a man walk across our BR floor one night. Flipped on the light and nobody was there. We could even hear his footsteps and a garbage bag on the floor rustled as he walked across it. The next night I was asleep and felt a hand on my head and when I looked up I saw a white figure standing over me. I screamed like a lady and it put it's hand over my mouth. Also my wife was asleep one morning after I left and the bedroom door slammed by itself.

We now live in my Grandparents old farmhouse and have regular visitors from the past, people sitting on the bed, taps on our shoulders, figures in the hallway.

I had one experience at a customers house. I tried to open the door to go down in the basement and it was like someone was holding it, so I went outside to the outer basement door and started cleaning the airducts. Well the same door that I could not open started opening and closing by itself.

Maybe I'm haunted.


Oct 26, 2006

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
do do doo do
do do doo do

bah dum

bah dum

bah dum bah dum bah dum bah dum bah dum

If you want to get rid of them, invite me over. I never see those things. Its like fishing, they are safe when I'm on the water.

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