"What's New; is really, "Old"

Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
I get asked this question every now and then and in fact, only recently. So, here's the real truth without the sugar-coating:

Why do we not suggest the Operator securing their solution hoses to their vacuum hoses using some sort of tie straps or wrap?

First reason, using the versatility of the unique Jaguar feature of the POWER SPRAYER System, it definitely would not make sense, period. :surprised:

Second reason, the vacuum hoses will compress (shorten) somewhat under extreme vacuum performance and will thereby displace the match-up (position) between both hoses (the particular strapping material used). Therefore, one will end up "shorter" than the other. Further, the psi hose will tend to "twist" around the vacuum hose as well. :dejection:

Third reason, it makes the hoses a lot heavier when hauling them in and out. :icon_redface:

Fourth reason; In cold winter areas, if psi hose freezes, the operator has to submerge both hoses in a hot bathtub! What a mess. :twisted:

Unless the Operators hoses are 10-15, my advice is to forget it because it is not faster and easier; rather a big hassle instead. :frown:

Hopefully some great advice from a "very" experienced former operator! :shifty:

Ed Valentine
Cross-American corp.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Most of us don't strap our solution hoses to our vacuum hoses. however I do have a few that strap their first 15-20 feet.
Can you imagine how many straps a TM owner would need....and how large a hose reel would be required for 300ft of solution hose strapped to vacuum hose. :eekk:

I feel for the porty crew, what a pain horsing around all that stuff. :errf:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I tried that once or twice when using new or borrowed portables.

No thanks.

Being a big believer in using a Hydroforce to pre soak the carpet I would have to run a second pressure line

When ever I see a guy around town doing so, I know he learned all he knows from his 30 minute tutorial he got from his distributor or worse, a RAlong video..

Ed, you would know better than most, why do so few (10% at best) new cleaners not seek further information before they go out of business?

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