My day sucked!!!

Oct 10, 2006
Ann Arbor
Steve Lawrence
Yeah, I didn’t want to open a can of worms, but I don’t trust chiropractors. There, I said it. Let the shitstorm commence.
My experience with chiropractic has been good. A while back, against my better judgement, I moved a piano for a client one day before my vacation. I spent the entire week in pain and immobility at a cabin up north. Came home still hurting. Went to a good chiropractor and was 80% better from his treatment.


Boy Sprout
Feb 4, 2016
How you doing today Damon? Any improvement?

Thanks for asking. I’m still very very sore, but i’m a little better. Still can’t lift much. Carrying the CRB is a chore and going to the bathroom is a whole other adventure. I just did two jobs and I have one more commercial job at 5pm. I’m resting now and popping Motrin. I think Adville works much better for me, but I’m out.

I blew my back out coughing. The ash in the air is getting to me. The day I threw out my back I was caughing so hard I threw up in my van. Good thing I had a McDonald’s bag with me. I then went in and stretched a carpet and that threw me over the edge. Whenever I cough I can feel and hear all the muscles in my lower back scream for help. It’s pretty amazing how much force a coughing fit can put on your body. I’m also amazed how all the muscles just instantly gave out and turned to soup. When I stand up I feel like my upper body is a spinning plate on a stick. I’m slowly getting better but it’s slower than I like. I guess it would help if I stopped working for a couple of days, but that isn’t an option right now. I am trying to be careful with my movrments.

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Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
Thanks for asking. I’m still very very sore, but i’m a little better. Still can’t lift much. Carrying the CRB is a chore and going to the bathroom is a whole other adventure. I just did two jobs and I have one more commercial job at 5pm. I’m resting now and popping Motrin. I think Adville works much better for me, but I’m out.

I blew my back out coughing. The ash in the air is getting to me. The day I threw out my back I was caughing so hard I threw up in my van. Good thing I had a McDonald’s bag with me. I then went in and stretched a carpet and that threw me over the edge. Whenever I cough I can feel and hear all the muscles in my lower back scream for help. It’s pretty amazing how much force a coughing fit can put on your body. I’m also amazed how all the muscles just instantly gave out and turned to soup. When I stand up I feel like my upper body is a spinning plate on a stick. I’m slowly getting better but it’s slower than I like. I guess it would help if I stopped working for a couple of days, but that isn’t an option right now. I am trying to be careful with my movrments.

View attachment 84400
A MacDonald's bag? Oh, the betrayal. Two timing Wendy?


Mar 5, 2013
Wheatland, California
Steve Baker
Yeah, I didn’t want to open a can of worms, but I don’t trust chiropractors. There, I said it. Let the shitstorm commence.
Well, you should keep your options open. Chiro does work/help, same with physical therapy/proper exercise. I would like to add acupuncture to the list as well. I was run over by a car back in 83. the front tire ran over my chest and the rear tire ran over my leg. I healed well but I was young then.
I have a prescription for methocarbamol and ibuprofen just like coastie. They help but aren't a long-term answer. Especially the ibuprofen, Tylenol that can be taken together but will cause premature organ damage over time. Naproxen (advil) I think is naproxen. That shouldn't be taken with tylenol or ibuprofen. But it's ok to rotate them and even recommended for long term. I haven't refilled my prescriptions in over two years. I use mmj instead, but I also do exercises for my neck and shoulders. Chiro helped me a bunch for about two years but I've had diminishing returns since. Acupuncture worked great. I still have to take pills from time to time. I do acupuncture treatments for a 6 week period every year. MMJ is a healthier option than over-consumption of any pills. You can't smoke a joint and make your back quit hurting. It needs to be a multipronged treatment plan to be effective. For several years I struggled to do more than one house a day. Now I'm comfortable doing two. If I keep losing weight I think I can do 3...Think in those terms. I'm 57 now. It will just get worse from here if you choose not to see a doctor.
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Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Hope you get some relief soon. I'm just going to jump in without reading all of the past replies so sorry if I repeat what was already said.

1) Go to the doctor and get checked out to make sure you don't have something serious going on. Best case he says it isn't serious but inquire about having massages regularly. If he writes you a prescription and tells you to get regular massage therapy done it can be written off on your taxes.

2) Stretch in the morning, we use to make everyone do 5-10 mins of stretching in the morning it helps a lot.

3) Planks, core training, and squats are your friend.

4) Baconators are going to kill you before your back does.

5) Pineapple juice is an awesome anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent. Works great to help women with menstrual cramping too, tell your wives and daughters. I prefer Dole brand because of the no high-fructose corn syrup.

6) Eat more good fats for better muscle recovery and building.


The Timminator
Feb 4, 2016
Matt w.
You gotta give up installs. Brutal on your body.
I've been trying to tell him that also. I don't understand why you'd add on another service to where it's a burden when there's already enough carpet cleaning to make your schedule full.

If he had a crew of technicians out there cleaning for him, and the schedule gets slow enough to want to jump in that service...that's a good reason to try it. But where you're cleaning jobs that have huge square footage, and have a full schedule of cleaning empty piss filled rental houses...that's just a mode of dumbass.

I know this from real life experience. My previous list of services originally was several types of cleaning outside the carpet cleaning stuff we do. It didn't help my business grow any more than it's growing right now with just carpet cleaning.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Acupuncture worked great.

worked for my chronic shoulder pain too.
unfortunately, relief only lasted a few days

after the third treatment, the doc told me that would be the best I could expect
But poking those thin needles everywhere BUT my shoulders, absolutely, positively had a physical effect on my body.

Besides relief from pain for a few days, while on the table with needles in legs and feet, my shoulders would feel like they had ice packs inside joints


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni

pot has never done a thing for me for pain.
Matter of fact, it has the opposite effect can and does intensify it


Hack Attack

Dec 19, 2017
further south than you
I've never done acupunture but I dont knock it. Bout 25yrs ago my mother had a motorcyclist come through the windscreen at 100ks.. took months to achieve basic recovery.

On serious meds for several years just to get out of bed then she tried acupunture as liver and kidney funtion was failing from all the drugs.
2nd visit she was obviously different and I found her amazed looking at a rose in her garden because although she walked past it every day it was the first time it looked pink not coffee brown and the sky was blue as she remembered as a kid..
Acupunture does work for retraining rerouting nerve pathways

Old Coastie

Supportive Member
Jun 29, 2015
Heart of Dixie
CBD oil is legal anywhere and can be very good for chronic pain. It is derived from hemp, has no THC and can be ordered online.
As for acupuncture, You need to find a Chinese herbalist who actually knows what he/she is doing. “Bob” down at Therapy Max took an online course and hasn’t a clue. Done properly, acupuncture works better than any prescription for back pain.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I've never done acupunture but I dont knock it

I'm a born skeptic by nature , and more than a little cynical with age.
The doc that suggested I try it (and did it) was one of our custys
75 year old Asian doc that retired from general practice
(he was also the county coroner at the time )
and he used it himself for his jack'd back

He filled me in on what to expect .
suggested three treatments , and if there was no lasting permeant relief after the third, there likely never would be


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