Officially a Full Time Cleaner

Aug 3, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
Hey guys,
I don’t post much here but I’ve been lurking and learning for several years. Started my business 3.5 years ago with VLM, moved to a portable and then bought an old Hydramaster CDS last year. I haven’t been able to grow my business as fast as I’d like due to working a full time job that’s pretty demanding and not being able to get out and market myself. Been growing pretty steady though and not relying on the income has allowed me to charge higher prices and build a good clientele.
Well Tuesday I got a call letting me know my position was eliminated and I’d been laid off. I’m officially a full time cleaner! Not great timing as June and July have been my slowest months in years and we’ve had several big expenses come up that have put big dents in our savings account. Still excited to finally have time to get out and work on building my business. I do mostly residential now but would like to get more commercial accounts. Since Tuesday I’ve been out passing out fliers to property managers and businesses, visiting prior commercial customers, and calling a few past customers. Got several jobs lined up next week and am hoping to add a few commercial jobs. I know it’s a numbers game so when I’m not working I’ll be out hitting businesses.
I hated my old job and am determined to not go back to the same line of work. Wish me luck!


Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
Hey guys,
I don’t post much here but I’ve been lurking and learning for several years. Started my business 3.5 years ago with VLM, moved to a portable and then bought an old Hydramaster CDS last year. I haven’t been able to grow my business as fast as I’d like due to working a full time job that’s pretty demanding and not being able to get out and market myself. Been growing pretty steady though and not relying on the income has allowed me to charge higher prices and build a good clientele.
Well Tuesday I got a call letting me know my position was eliminated and I’d been laid off. I’m officially a full time cleaner! Not great timing as June and July have been my slowest months in years and we’ve had several big expenses come up that have put big dents in our savings account. Still excited to finally have time to get out and work on building my business. I do mostly residential now but would like to get more commercial accounts. Since Tuesday I’ve been out passing out fliers to property managers and businesses, visiting prior commercial customers, and calling a few past customers. Got several jobs lined up next week and am hoping to add a few commercial jobs. I know it’s a numbers game so when I’m not working I’ll be out hitting businesses.
I hated my old job and am determined to not go back to the same line of work. Wish me luck!
Sounds like you've got what takes to be successful. Keep plugging away.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Been growing pretty steady though and not relying on the income has allowed me to charge higher prices and build a good clientele.


As of the 2018 U.S Census estimates, the city had a population of 87,178, and the St. George metropolitan area had an estimated population of 171,700.[2] St. George is the seventh-largest city in Utah and most populous city in the state outside of the Wasatch Front.

In 2005, St. George was ranked the second fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States, surpassed only by Greeley, Colorado. This trend continued through 2010, when growth slowed substantially due to the economic recession. Growth has since rebounded and St. George was declared the fastest growing metropolitan area in the U.S. in 2018. St. George ranked most secure and best place to live in the United States in 2006, and was rated among the top 10 best small cities in the country for business and careers by Forbes.


there will be ups and downs on the horizon .
when the downs come, hang in there.
and remember,

"if it was easy, anyone could do it"

Aug 3, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks guys!

In 2005, St. George was ranked the second fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States, surpassed only by Greeley, Colorado. This trend continued through 2010, when growth slowed substantially due to the economic recession. Growth has since rebounded and St. George was declared the fastest growing metropolitan area in the U.S. in 2018. St. George ranked most secure and best place to live in the United States in 2006, and was rated among the top 10 best small cities in the country for business and careers by

I definitely live in a good area. Lots of wealthy retirees and Californians. They can’t build new houses fast enough.

You’ll be fine. Profits are better than wages.

Definitely! I made decent money but it shouldn’t be too hard to surpass my old salary with carpet cleaning.


Mar 7, 2015
Rafael Samson
Awesome.. just don’t buy into all the hype.
All that’s needed is a box of tide and downy for rinse. For low moisture just use a spray bottle and sprinkle salt and baking powder on the be fine.

As for machines...don’t buy into the hype for the zipper lipper clipper nor the Bonzer conzer will sit in the basement before you realize you bout it 10 years ago!

As for selling the business and the equipment....don’t expect much for the junkyard metal and the insanely marketed garbage the end what matters is the clientele on the books, reoccurring income from those clientele base and it’s income consistency for at least 5-10 years. By that time, you be sick of cleaning, old and worn out mentally and you won’t give a hoot. By this time and the right attitude, you may qualify for either walmart greeter or teach class at a JonDon somewhere to all the wonderful illegals and legals for their hope of the piece of the AMERICAN CAKE.
Bonus of carpet Cleaning career is that you maybe privileged to post on Mikey’s board for monthly minimal fee and you just might get elected to be part of the ‘yes sir’ elite club of admin.
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Aug 3, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
Awesome.. just don’t buy into all the hype.
All that’s needed is a box of tide and downy for rinse. For low moisture just use a spray bottle and sprinkle salt and baking powder on the be fine.

As for machines...don’t buy into the hype for the zipper lipper clipper nor the Bonzer conzer will sit in the basement before you realize you bout it 10 years ago!

I’ll probably be shunned for admitting this but I use a Mytee Bentley wand, RX20, and an ECO 17. The opposite of the board d’jour!
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Kenny Hayes

Apr 17, 2009
Yukon, Oklahoma
Kenny Hayes
I’m not wishing you luck, cause there’s no such thing. Now, you really get to go to work. That’s the only road to success, hard work. As pork butt said, idiot. But I do #hope for the very best to your business and your success. I pray you stay at peace on your journey.🤷🏻‍♂️


Mar 7, 2015
Rafael Samson
I’ll probably be shunned for admitting this but I use a Mytee Bentley wand, RX20, and an ECO 17. The opposite of the board d’jour!

You’ll be fine
Hey guys,
I don’t post much here but I’ve been lurking and learning for several years. Started my business 3.5 years ago with VLM, moved to a portable and then bought an old Hydramaster CDS last year. I haven’t been able to grow my business as fast as I’d like due to working a full time job that’s pretty demanding and not being able to get out and market myself. Been growing pretty steady though and not relying on the income has allowed me to charge higher prices and build a good clientele.
Well Tuesday I got a call letting me know my position was eliminated and I’d been laid off. I’m officially a full time cleaner! Not great timing as June and July have been my slowest months in years and we’ve had several big expenses come up that have put big dents in our savings account. Still excited to finally have time to get out and work on building my business. I do mostly residential now but would like to get more commercial accounts. Since Tuesday I’ve been out passing out fliers to property managers and businesses, visiting prior commercial customers, and calling a few past customers. Got several jobs lined up next week and am hoping to add a few commercial jobs. I know it’s a numbers game so when I’m not working I’ll be out hitting businesses.
I hated my old job and am determined to not go back to the same line of work. Wish me luck!

You’ll be fine. The highest standard you can give your clients is integrity, honesty and good ole fashion service. Pick the phone up quickly when they call, return the call ASAP, always always be polite no matter how tough they just May win them over for a long time and maybe bridge you over to a bigger fish.
You’ll be fine. Everything will work out so long as you keep your eyes above and honor Him above all things. True success right there...everything else will fall in line with that main principle.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Give me a shout. We are in Orem. 877-644-0077 and dont let these guys piss on your parade, all of those tools are good tools and will make you a lot of money. There are a lot of people that call themselves Carpet cleaners in St George but most are hacks with a small handful that id consider real professionals so you have the opprotunity right now to set yourself apart.

You got this if you are willing to put in the work
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Aug 3, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks for all the encouragement and advice guys.
I spent several hours going business to business this afternoon. It's 106 degrees here and my van doesn't have AC so it's pretty miserable. Booked one small 1000 sq ft office job, did 2 demos that went well but weren't ready to book yet, and did another estimate that needs to be reviewed by the decision maker. I'm getting more confident when I go in and the results today were encouraging.
Tomorrow morning I'm visiting a BNI group and have two jobs as well. Will be back out door to door Thursday.
Aug 3, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
Hey John,
I stopped by the store about 3 years ago when I first started out. I don't think you were in at the time. I need to stop by again next time I'm up that way.
Seems like there are quite a few decent cleaners down here but there are definitely plenty of hacks too. I've also heard more and more customers complaining about guys that I considered good cleaners lately though. Reading the boards and my uncle who cleaned for 40 years have helped me get started on the right foot for sure. Most of my work is from referrals and repeats and kept me plenty busy while I was working a part time job.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'm a tremendous judge of character.

If you give a hoot on my opinion of how you will do with the Tennis Club set, let me see you talk...

If you want to be a successful Owner Operator in the truest sense of the word, you have to set your sites on rich middle aged ladies who put a huge value on how trustworthy and likable you are. Your cleaning equipment, skills and outcome play a distant 3rd and 4th. If and when you start landing these sort of clients you MUST make it your goal to get in with her friends.

It won't be a cake walk because one, she'll fear that sharing you will lead to her not getting her appointments easily set because you'll be too busy and two, you may be dealing with a house manager most of the time who can't afford you personally so she won't be spreading the word, BUT she may tell other house managers if you are easy to work with and make her life easy.

Your goal should be to shoot for a $400 plus job average. Can you do ok with a 250 average? sure but this shit is too hard for just an OK income. Easier to just get or keep your current job. The Entrepreneur dream is to make bank not bucks

How do you get to a $400 plus job average? Clean lots of tile and stone, expensive furniture and rugs in the home. Unless you aim to hire and buy buildings, forget the rug fag dream, you'll be up all night and working weekends washing rugs for $4.00 a foot when you could have gotten $2.00 to knock em out in the home. It's the newage rug reality.

Don't try and get your average up by selling deodorizer and protector services with customers who you want to service over and over again. That bullshit is for once and done advertiser driven customers.

Take the Stone Pro class, Take Jim's fine fabric class, come to Mikey's Feest in November

Keep your overhead low, answer all your calls asap in the beginning (they'll wait for a return call the next time) and run out of your house if at all possible. Stash and invest cash like crazy as your "Business" will be virtually worthless when you call it quits.

Don't get injured.

and for gawd's sake, if you must run Mytee crap, have a back up.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I hope you're an older guy who wears suspenders, use a pocket protector and has a twinkle in his eye.

You'll need all that to pull off the old Leema Bean van nowadays..


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