Advertising with like minded businesses

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I was thinking it would be good to get together a few people with my company and do a joint unaddressed ad mail campaign for my area.
I have done it on my own at a cost of $3500 but it failed I believe do to my content. I have learned a lot since then in my messaging.

This would be going to about 28,000 single family homes.

I felt that if I put a real high quality booklet together that had some retainable or interesting readability characteristics that it my be better received and translate into a good advertising investment.

The people I would be doing this with would be
Quality landscaper - designer
Handyman Service
and Me

All relate to a level of appearance and we are all after the identical targeted demographics and geographic of higher income customers.
We figure it might cost around $1200-$1400 each to make a slick publication. We were thinking of doing it at least twice.
What does everyone think?
Has anyone done anything like this?
What would you use as the other info in the booklet for keep-ability IE cooking stuff, home maintenance stuff, fashion, decorating ideas.
Thanks for your help


Focus on meeting people and getting them to refer you. Your return on inversment will be better. I mean businesses like this: Hair Salons, Carpet Stores, Realtors, Insurance Companies, Painters, Interior Designers. There are many more but this is a few

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I personally don't think this kind of piece will have any retention with people, especially higher end. Everyone is bombarded with so many messages every day and so much direct mail that I believe it will quickly find its way into the recycle bin. There are so many ways people can find recipes via the Internet or bookstores that I don;t see that being a retention point.


Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I do also question the worthiness of a direct unaddressed admail campaign and I am not convinced that it is worth it yet. My past attempts at direct mail have had poor results.

I have developed some referral base such as some carpet stores, a designer, a property manager and others who I would call steady referrers. I need more and spending the time meeting key recommenders and cultivating their allegiance is the logical thing to do. I have done some work with Howard Partridge.

That is why if I do decide to put this piece out I will marginalize my cost by sharing it. I am all ready doing some aggressive work recruiting referrals and at the same time we are working on implementing our referral reward system over the next couple of months.

Speaking of the Internet our website will be up by the end of the month. I have decided to put a lot of effort into the website and I have put zero dollars into display YP ads, only bold column listings. I figure half my potential customers use the web to find a service provider and my YP budget is going that way instead.

One thing is for sure, I need a lot more customers and loyal good customers and not the price driven type.
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