Auction Ronald McDonald House Auction #27- Jim Pemberton's Fabric Pro Class

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Jim Pemberton is wanting to get in what could be the World's Greatest Carpet Cleaning Fundraiser ever ran off a forum..

Jim is offering up a seat in his (wonderful) Fabric Pro Class at his Pennsylvania location on June 28th and 29th of 2017

Value of the class is $695. (not travel expenses inc)
Auction starts at $300 with a $20 minimum bid increment
All proceeds go to the RMHC 100%
Auction ends Feb 13th @ 6PM PST


"21st Century"

Jim Pemberton - Fabric Pro Upholstery Specialist
Where Have All the Furniture Cleaning Specialists Gone? . . . .
and who can I trust? . . . Two key questions asked by today's
affluent consumers as well as their furniture retailers and
interior designers.

Through the 1970's and into the 1980's every community had
a cleaner (or two) who specialized in higher value, delicate
fabrics. These cleaners "asked a fair price" for their work,
and had constant referrals from furniture stores, designers,
fabric protection specialists and upholsterers.

In the past decade or so, however, there are fewer and fewer
cleaners willing (or even capable) to clean high value, or
sensitive, delicate textiles.

Why has this occurred?

In my opinion, there are 3 key reasons why this
situation exists today, and this is how I see them:

#1 - Carpet cleaning has become comparatively easy,
especially when compared with upholstery
cleaning! Like it or not, cleaning a soiled
recliner or chair is comparable to cleaning
a heavily soiled main entry carpeted area!

A combination of factors is responsible for
this situation, starting with the fact
that carpet is a much better quality product
as it comes from the carpet manufacturer
(even on the low end products).

Combine this with greatly improved
professional cleaning systems currently
available which require lower technical
skill levels, either in the residential or
commercial areas, resulting in reduced labor
costs and higher productivity.

#2 - Upholstery cleaning professionals are faced
with fewer "Problem Fabrics" than in the past.

Synthetic fabric upholstered furniture is
predominately preferred by consumers when
furnishing homes with kids, pets & seniors.

Once again, the availability of better
equipment, tools & cleaning agents require
lower technical skill levels, either in the
residential or commercial areas. And, again
the result is reduced labor costs along with
moderately higher productivity.

#3 - Industry wide focus & growth of certification
courses featuring "Why" or "Knowledge" based
training vs the "Why" + "How-to" & "Hands-on"
of craftsman training courses.

There is no question that the focus of the
professional cleaning industry on certification
classes has helped a wide variety of cleaners
become competent in upholstery care.

However, the courses are designed for "line
technicians" only, with the focus on “why” and
"the test", rather than the “How to” and Hands-on"
of craftmanship training!

In addition, the necessary structural
requirements of the certification course allows
little to no time for any true hands-on
training in the standard two day format.

Certification training structure contains no marketing
guidelines, and little or no emphasis on making your
business stand out as a FABRIC PRO SPECIALIST in your

How Can You Benefit From This ?

These trends mean that, in your market place, once again
there exists a gold mine of opportunity for a cleaning
company who wants to be a specialist in high value and/or
delicate, hard to clean fabrics!

Additionally, if they can trust you with their high value
pieces, they certainly will look to you when they need a
professional to provide needed services for the rest of
their valued household assets!

The 'Fabric Pro Upholstery Specialist Workshop'!

This unique two day course is absolutely not a "Prep" course
to prepare you for another longer certification course.

In this two day course you'll receive all the essential
information not contained in other courses, without
the mind numbing additional information on fabric names,
dyeing processes, and chemistry that is “nice to know”,
but rarely “need to know” information for the
'Fabric Pro Upholstery Specialist.'

In this class you will learn 'What to do" + "When to do it"
as well as "How to do it . . . "Hands-On"!

'Fabric Pro Upholstery Specialists' Must Sharpen These Skills:

1. How to Set up and Start: A technician has to know how to
talk to the customer about the cleaning job, plus how to
neatly and efficiently set up the work area. This commonly
overlooked skill is overlooked in training classes, and yet
is critical to the outcome of the job. The best "test of this
skill" is live role play where the cleaner needs to practice
these vital communication skills.

2. How to - Conduct Inspections,
using a unique inspection
guide that will help gain your customers' confidence, increase
your ability to be paid what you are worth, and vastly decrease
your liability all at the same time.

3. How to - Conduct fiber and dye tests
that are simple,
reliable, and will help you determine the methods that will
not just keep you out of trouble, but help you get spectacular

4. How to Clean Upholstery from Start to Finish:
It's not
enough to just clean a cushion, or part of one. The technician
must participate in performing each step of the cleaning
process from the beginning to the end. Such seemingly simple
things as where to start, how to hold the cleaning tool, and
how to minimize fatigue all make a big difference.

5. How to - Clean every fabric you encounter in the field,
especially the new fabrics and styles that you never learned
about in previous classes. This is not a "20th Century Class",
but instead one that will teach you how to meet TODAY'S
cleaning challenges.

6. How to Clean Problem Fabrics: Cleaning fabrics that are
known to bleed, brown, or have texture problems and NOT having
those things happen greatly builds confidence so that when the
technician faces their first "problem fabric" in the field,
its not unfamiliar territory. Working with these fabrics in a
real world setting will greatly lessen the chance that the
cleaner will damage something in the field later.

7. How to Solve Problems: How to remove water stains, correct
texture distortion, and remove browning are all skills you
should know to increase your confidence and improve your value
as an important resource to your customer.

8. How to Remove Spots and Stains:
Spots and stains create
many potential problems for cleaners, but the ability to remove
them successfully can be the most important reason for someone
to call you.

9. How to Treat Upholstery for Odors: How to work with the
unique problems that furniture and cushion construction create
when treating upholstery for odor problems, and get great results.

10. What & How to Use - Specialty Cleaning Agents for best results.
This class is definitely NOT generic in nature, but instead focuses
on the latest innovations in fabric cleaning products that are
proven performers in the field.

11. What & How to Use - Specialty Cleaning Tools that are both the
most effective as well as the safest to use. You'll also discover
what tools you may have in use that could cause you damage
claims, if they have not already!

12. How to prepare for effective application of the protector
that you can guarantee.
You'll learn about common cleaning
methods that prevent your protector from working, and what to
do about it!

13. How to Sell and Apply Protector - and Guarantee it!
Fabric protection is more important for furniture than it is
for carpet, but few cleaners sell this service well. Learn
how to demonstrate the value of the application your customers,
and just as importantly, learn how to apply it so that it works
and lives up to your customers' expectations!


Class size is very limited for personal attention purposes,
so register today.

Two Day - All New "Specialist" Course With "Hands On" Training

[Next Available Date? Click Here For The Learning Center Calendar:]

Instructor: Jim Pemberton
Time: 8:00 AM – 5 PM each day
Cost: $695.00 per student
Good for 2 IICRC CEC's
Lunch & Refreshments -- Compliments of Pembertons

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