Well this is going to suck - broke my ankle


Aug 22, 2007
Broke my friggin ankle jumping off the back of the box truck yesterday - a cuff rolled out at the exact time I jumped and wouldn't you know, full weight, left foot right on it. Then me on my back rolling around the customers front yard (And I think dog poop) in severe pain.

Wife forced me to the hospital - yep, broken.

What do I do with the full, FULL calender till the end of October right now? Guess I'm working through it!


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
That sux!

Oh man my daughter broke hers and was on crutches and walking cast for 6-weeks.

She couldn't drive or do anything.

Do you have disability?

Hang in there man!

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I had a achilles tendon break and was off 6 weeks.
I hired a college kid to help me after the cast was off.

Tough painfull days there were.

Builds character.


Oct 9, 2006
Jay :shock:


We'll help you out anyway we can!


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I always presumed you were off the truck Jay, was I wrong?

Sorry about that.

I broke my fib the same month that I got the first Ken Harris wand/Glide to enter the states.

My wife learned to clean carpet over night and kept our biz rolling until we found our first tech.


Jan 28, 2007
North Georgia
Patrick Matte
Well... if anything....your ankle will heal quicker and stronger than if you were to have a class 3 sprain.I was out for more than 8 weeks.To top it off,it happened from me mis-stepping over a pile of hose and rolling,back in 2001 when I worked for someone else!


Aug 22, 2007
First off, thanks to all for the kind words. Makes the day a little less "suck".

Second: The carnage! :shock: :mrgreen:


Richard: No disability. My insurance agent said "can't do it" because I'm the owner. Yea, I live in the insurance capital of the world, and we have some of the dumbest laws passed by special interest groups in the nation. :roll: I do have an Aflac plan so I'm going to file a claim for what I can.

Jimmy, I have more character than Jim Carey at this point in my life...I'd like to give some back. :mrgreen:

Al: My office manager got your message this morning and forwarded it to me. Thank you for the offer of help. Seriously.

I'm taking tomorrow and Monday off, and I'm going to see how it goes. I might be able to get it done. If not, I'll probably be in touch.

Mikey: Yes you are wrong. :p Um, did your forget my response your grilling when I came on board here? :mrgreen:

Long story short, I'm on the road, work 5-7 jobs a day, and then 2-3 hours in the office every day. I have a goal, I think we are there. I've got all the systems in place and am getting ready for truck #2. The ONLY reason I have not done so is I'm only 3 months away from my traditionally slow time - Jan/Feb. (Yes it does actually snow in New England! lol )

Last year January was damn strong at 15K but I don't want to assume again. Things seem to be a bit inconsistent with the state of the country right now.

So I planned on rolling this out next spring. Oh well. :roll:

David: I've got a brace thingy they gave me...doesn't do squat IMO.

Today, did 4 jobs and pulled in $750.00. It hurt, it sucked, but I just wanted to get it over with.

The fallout good or bad is my office staff thinks I'm harder than General Patton, my wife isn't sure if I'm just nuts or really dedicated to her and my family and with the SHEAR WILLPOWER it took to get through today, I'm not sure if I'm really all there. But I got through today, and I'm hoping I can function by next Tuesday.

Thanks again to all...the oxycondone is kicking in along with the Yukon Jack so I better sign off. LOL

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Mikey: Yes you are wrong. :p Um, did your forget my response your grilling when I came on board here? :mrgreen:

Well that really blows.

Sorry jay, I can't keep everyone's story straight here.

I have a hard enough time just trying to remember if it's Danny or Chad who plays catcher.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Art Kelley said:

the Percocet he's taking are stronger

Sorry to hear that, Jay.
It's tough when a workaholic like you gets hobbled.

time to get your new guy found, and on the truck with you now.
By the time Spring rolls around, he'll be trained to your way and ready to roll when you put another trunk on the road.
You'll also know whether the guy is worth a chit or not



Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
meAt said:
Art Kelley said:

the Percocet he's taking are stronger

Sorry to hear that, Jay.
It's tough when a workaholic like you gets hobbled.

time to get your new guy found, and on the truck with you now.
By the time Spring rolls around, he'll be trained to your way and ready to roll when you put another trunk on the road.
You'll also know whether the guy is worth a chit or not


"hobbled" yikes...just watched "Misery" today...what a f'd up scene.
Jay, sorry to hear it...can't believe you're still working on that foot...I had a similar (b-ball) injury in high school...no docs, no insurance...just waited it out...but was off my foot for 1 month...hope it heals quick!

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Ouch. :shock: I would start going to sandwich shops and eateries this weekend to find a kid to drag with you on Tuesday. Most of the kids there are looking for something better. Or do like Bob and hit craigslist and train them one day and free them the next day to go work. :roll: YOU be the helper if you must go on the van. You'll make it cuz you have a heart for your business.


Pulled a hamstring a few years ago. I had taken my son's "crotch rocket" for a spin, and when I stopped at my friends house, I jumped off it like a bicycle, and it fell an pinned my leg while I was trying to pull it out. It was a painfull bitch, and I had just got my Genesis up and running.

I've tripped on and slipped on a few vac hoses lately, and it was un-nerving of what that could have done to me. The best one is trying to walk down steps that are covered in vac hose.

Just dumb stuff...


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
ouch Jay! sorry to hear it. it is a scary thing but you will work thru it...hopefully Al can help you out a little bit.

broke my collar bone 4 years ago, then my right hand last summer. vicodin rocks! percocet didn't work for me. missed 1 week of work last summer, then i had the missus help me as much as she could....lost a couple grand because of it. cost of being owner/op!

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Derek said:
.lost a couple grand because of it. cost of being owner/op!

the "risk" of being a one man show with no "plan B" implemented, I'd say.
Been there, done that in '92..my second year of a desperately struggling biz
Couldn't walk for a month..my ankle was busted like Jay's... PLUS screws and plates to put my busted up pelvis back together.

I was back in 2 months with a helper and have had at least a part timer ever since.



Aug 22, 2007
Hi guys, I wish we had a "multi-quote" function on this board so bear with me here.

The Percocet suck. I didn't take any yesterday as I wanted to stay sharp on the job and road. I took one last night and it just made my heart race. Motrin and alcohol seem to work nicely together. I just can't show up to Mrs. Green's house loaded. LOL :mrgreen:

Plan B, owner op etc - here's the deal. I started and ran a pretty large motorsports manufacturing business prior to this - made a lot of mistakes and learned from them and eventually sold that business. This is a business I want to be in for various reasons and am doing my best to make it something my son may take over if he wants 30 years from now.

I have been on the truck for the last three years building the client base, maxing this trucks potential out to do so. All the while building the business into a multi-truck operation at a foundational level while just running the single truck right now. All money, resources etc are getting thrown at creating the foundation, not much in the way of pay etc, but it's an investment.

The plan is to get those systems in place and working, get the client base built up to the point it is now where we could pretty much stack 10-15 jobs a day if I wanted too and then put the trucks on the road one at a time as needed. preferrably each truck paid for before the next one gets purchased. I own the truck and only about 4K on the TM (1600hrs) right now and it will be all owned next spring and the new/second truck was/will be on the road then.

Once the foundation is built, expansion is like simply sticking on extra leggo blocks as the foundation is there. I learned that lesson from the guy I worked for back in the early 90's in Orlando. He was a NYC Jew who had a very nice multi-truck restaurant service business. (Grease traps, floors, carpet, hoods etc) One night after work he said the key is to find and create what works and duplicate it over and over one at a time.

The risk there is, yes, getting caught out like this. I've put too much work and effort into this effort to watch it take a hit, so I'll grunt it through if I have too. Pain is simply weakness leaving the body.

Oh and incedentally, I just lost my helper 2 weeks ago. :roll: I had a very hard working decent Mexican guy working with me (legal - family originally from San Diego). I know his family as they run a local restaurant here and have become friends. His roll was helper, no desire to run a truck. Worked out well.

Yea, turns out he has a baby and "wife" in Mexico who can't get here legally so she tried to get in and got caught and detained so he had to take off and get out to San Diego "right away" to help her and his child anyway he could.

Anyway, I appreciate the kind words and offers of help etc. The upside is, this gives me two days of straight office work to get a lot of things done that have been swimming in my head.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Call your temp agency's, explain the circumstance.

Let them you will need someone clean cut, hard worker that doesn't mind sweating.

They MUST be someone you would trust in your own home. It will be at least 2-months of work but could work into a full time position. Pay them a good wage.

Then I would go with the temp to every job, let him do the work and you just instruct.

You can't be cleaning on the ankle, it won't heal and you could injury it worse.

How does this try and see if it can't get you through.


Oct 9, 2006
I have a guy that works part time for us occasionally and lost his full time job. He is 21 hard working, very clean cut and has good old common sence. He's a pleasure to work with and has good people skills.
Just let us know.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I didn't know you had a wing man on the van

but you lost him two weeks ago?....
man that REALLY sucks worser now

Take advantage of the offers/suggestions so you heal quicker.
a broken ankle is a bad injury.
My ankle gave me more pain and probs than my pelvis
(and my pelvis was much more damaged)
Matter of fact, those injuries happened 17 years ago.
My pelvis is fine 'cept for occasional weather related gimpiness

But to this day, my ankle still swells up on long days or lots of walking
So what I'm saying is...take Rich's advise and don't over do it





Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
if i were you i would take al up on his suggestion and stay on your biz but on your phone nad let your body heal. you cant buy another ankle to fix you broken one. just get a helper and check finished jobs. also will give youu time to make sales calls and desk work. hope you completely heal and dont hurt yourself with the stress of your biz. :wink:


Aug 22, 2007
meAt said:
I didn't know you had a wing man on the van

but you lost him two weeks ago?....
man that REALLY sucks worser now

Take advantage of the offers/suggestions so you heal quicker.
a broken ankle is a bad injury.
My ankle gave me more pain and probs than my pelvis
(and my pelvis was much more damaged)
Matter of fact, those injuries happened 17 years ago.
My pelvis is fine 'cept for occasional weather related gimpiness

But to this day, my ankle still swells up on long days or lots of walking
So what I'm saying is...take Rich's advise and don't over do it




I'm hearing you guys...I am. Thanks for the hard talk because I'm so friggin thick headed I would work through it and hurt myself worse.

Yea I had a great helper on the truck, hard working guy who just wanted to be a helper. I'm pissed I lost him, but I may get him back if he can sort his family problem out. He wants to return to CT - so his sister and brother inlaw say.

I basically have a multitruck type operation set up without multitrucks. I've got systems almost fully in place, office manager, phone person who is an apointment monster, HAD a helper etc. All getting ready to add other trucks.

P.S. Larry, did you just admit you are "gimp in the pelvis"? :shock: :lol: :wink:


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
JCoviello said:
First off, thanks to all for the kind words. Makes the day a little less "suck".

Second: The carnage! :shock: :mrgreen:


Richard: No disability. My insurance agent said "can't do it" because I'm the owner. Yea, I live in the insurance capital of the world, and we have some of the dumbest laws passed by special interest groups in the nation. :roll: I do have an Aflac plan so I'm going to file a claim for what I can.

Jimmy, I have more character than Jim Carey at this point in my life...I'd like to give some back. :mrgreen:

Al: My office manager got your message this morning and forwarded it to me. Thank you for the offer of help. Seriously.

I'm taking tomorrow and Monday off, and I'm going to see how it goes. I might be able to get it done. If not, I'll probably be in touch.

Mikey: Yes you are wrong. :p Um, did your forget my response your grilling when I came on board here? :mrgreen:

Long story short, I'm on the road, work 5-7 jobs a day, and then 2-3 hours in the office every day. I have a goal, I think we are there. I've got all the systems in place and am getting ready for truck #2. The ONLY reason I have not done so is I'm only 3 months away from my traditionally slow time - Jan/Feb. (Yes it does actually snow in New England! lol )

Last year January was damn strong at 15K but I don't want to assume again. Things seem to be a bit inconsistent with the state of the country right now.

So I planned on rolling this out next spring. Oh well. :roll:

David: I've got a brace thingy they gave me...doesn't do squat IMO.

Today, did 4 jobs and pulled in $750.00. It hurt, it sucked, but I just wanted to get it over with.

The fallout good or bad is my office staff thinks I'm harder than General Patton, my wife isn't sure if I'm just nuts or really dedicated to her and my family and with the SHEAR WILLPOWER it took to get through today, I'm not sure if I'm really all there. But I got through today, and I'm hoping I can function by next Tuesday.

Thanks again to all...the oxycondone is kicking in along with the Yukon Jack so I better sign off. LOL

DAaaaaaammmmmmm.....been there done that...

pick up Als guy for a while and just be the goopher, let him do the extra walking etc. You inspect and pull hose...

let it heal...to this day my ankle still gives issue, but it wasnt a break...a 2nd degree but looked just like that..

good luck


Aug 1, 2009
San Diego
Chris Thomas
That ankle looks pretty bad. Must be good to know you have friends though. I hope all goes well for you Bro.


May 19, 2007
About 2-3 months ago I almost did the same thing. Probably 1/2 the height and landed on the corner of my shoe which twisted my foot sideways. My foot looked just like yours a day or two after from below the ankle. It took me about 5 minutes to get up but I did and finished the job and didn't go to the hospital or doctor. I was able to run on it the next week so I just sprained it. I got lucky, anyways I know how it can happen quickly. So I try to be careful, and I feel your pain....at least half of it.

Just to be on the safe side I got a flu mist thing this last week so that I should be less likely to get sick with flu this winter. Rex got the flu a year or two ago and he lost out on a lot of work. Anything you can do to keep your health in check is what I'm all for now. Anyone self employed should get a flu shot/mist thing too.

Numero Uno

Oct 16, 2006
Hey Buddy,I left you my cell number.

I live as you know pretty close by,if I need to rearrange my work to assist,No Problem at all..

I will treat your clients as you would,an do all that you ask or need when im there.

Do not think your imposing by asking me to assist,this is what its truly all about.Many many times I have had injuries and I understand the pain physically, and more so emotinally.As you know you ave to just f-n do it cause your family need you...

This career path we have all chosen is by far not easy.But we are all brothers in one form or fashion and when one is hurt or down .We band to gether and do what is needed.

If you need me im there...Bottomline ...okie's?

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