yet another disgruntled rug f@g..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Why I would Never Attend a Rug Lovers Tour Again
Well it seems Barry O’Connell and his gang is at it again in Vegas. Maybe this time cleaners will see through all the crap and what (or who) they are really dealing with.
At first it started out as a free let’s go look at rugs in the New York market. No service was provided but it seemed well received and a short drive for me. Then the gang thought they could make easy money from carpet cleaner that knew little about rugs.
So along comes Rug Tour Washington D.C with the zero service thinking but let’s charge the suckers $600 - raking in almost $40,000. So what did you get for $600? No lunch, no shuttle services, no reception, no name tag, - nothing. What we did get was kicked out of a rug cleaning plant with the owner telling us to get the f… out of his plant. Great planning on their part. But it got better. For the marketing presentation they gathered us in the hotel lobby. The hotel manager kicked us out as he did not want a group holding a 60 person seminar blocking his front door. So down to the basement where there was no marketing other that some of the participants putting in their two cents worth.
OK so now we are off to The Textile Museum. But again no planning, no directions, no ride (no expense for them) so we have to pay $50 for a cab. When we get there – no rugs! Just African textiles.
Now they are ripping people off for $800 in Vegas. What do you get – looking at rugs in a retail store and then pushing chemicals and equipment on you.
Be aware do not criticize Barry or he will come after you. One day he likes Lisa Wagner, and then he doesn’t. The next day it’s Ruth Travis or the other way around. Next he doesn’t like Paul Lucas. Read his blog and Face Book postings and you will see the mind of a sick person. Or even better see his postings under an assumed name – yes he has been caught at that too. If he thinks you know more than he does he come after you with the most vitriolic nasty accusations for calling him at his game. Some self-proclaimed rug expert! What is he? A computer programmer who types a lot.
I am not a physiatrist but this gang needs some group counseling.
Anonymous Rug Cleaner

I know Scott had some good things to say about his recent Lovers tour. I believe the failed event this guy is talking about was a while back.

our good buddy Tom King is going to attend both upcoming Red and Blue events and get back to us with a detailed field trip report.

Should be interesting..
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I caught the nasty smell of BO very soon after he came on the scene. Got him off my FB and don't waste any time reading his self-serving drivel.


Supportive Member
Dec 10, 2009
David Gargan
I did attend the Pittsburg rug tour and had mixed feelings about it.
What I liked: got to hang around a lot of people that knew about rugs and worked in or owned a plant. ( they also were paying members that attened the tour). Learned a lot about rug I'd and saw some hands on cleaning , repair and rug id. Again this was done by people who own or work in their own plants who also paid to attend. All in all a great learning experience.

What i thought was weird compared to other event in the industry was basically we just paid for the privilege to hang around together. There were no hand outs, no real marketing information except mark Kennedy (who is awesome by the way) who was given about 5 minutes to speak. Lisa sopke briefly but no paid speakers or teachers. No industry information handed out. The event was at someone's shop so there was no investment on the tours part there. I didn't see where the people who set this up had to invest anything for the deal except some preplanning on finding a hotel, restaurant, and shop owner who would let us come and hang out. Dont get me wrong the shop was awesome and the host and his family ( can't remember his name) were real nice to us and great hosts.

So I did like it but I wouldn't pay $800 again to just hang out with people.
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Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I have no personal experience with the rug lovers tour ?

However, the ARCS event in Denver was excellent! Well planned out , catered and attendees spent the day in a well-run wash plant that many of us dream to have.
The wash floor was large enough that attendees could walk around as Robert Mann’s staff washed rugs just like any other normal wash day see touch and ask questions.
Additionally, stations where set up regarding post cleaning detailing & repair and other rug related topics.

I don’t know of another wash plant where one could see the depth of new & antique rugs as well as other collectible textiles particularly Navajo chief’s blankets
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Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Many years back I did Lisa's "Rugs to Run From" course in Chicago.

Must say that it was well planned, great content and take-away stuff, the plant we visited for quite a long time was very receptive to all of us.

Had an idea it may have been called Connoisseur or Royale, something like that.

Well worth the time & money spent.

Nathan Koets was also along for this course

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