fresh tank

  1. Prochem Legend Gt with NEW ENGINE,waste tank, NEW FRESHWATER TANK

    Prochem Legend Gt with NEW ENGINE,waste tank, NEW FRESHWATER TANK

    Prochem Legend GT in stock, fully refurbished! Brand new engine!!! This unit is in perfect condition. All services just done, up to date on all maintenance. 22.5HP Kohler engine. Residential and light commercial capable. INCLUDES: Truckmount console Recovery waste tank NEW fresh water belly tank...
  2. Prochem Performer 405 waste and fresh water tanks.

    Prochem Performer 405 waste and fresh water tanks.

    Prochem Performer 405 truckmount 60 gallon aluminum waste and fresh water tanks. Only 2000 hours on tanks. They are in great shape. OEM wire connectors for float level and automatic pumpout in place. New $150 lint filter included. $700.00

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