Croc251 submitted a new listing:
20 ft enclosed heavy haul hurricane trailer, loaded with restoration equipment - 20 ft enclosed heavy haul hurricane trailer, loaded with restoration equipment
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20 ft enclosed heavy haul hurricane trailer, loaded with restoration equipment - 20 ft enclosed heavy haul hurricane trailer, loaded with restoration equipment
20 ft Hurricane Heavy Haul enclosed trailer. $30,000 Included Equipment: 20 Vlo Fans, 5 XLG Dehus LGR 7000, 1 Phoenix 200, 2 xlg dehus needing maintenance we are throwing in, 1 needs freon test (Phoenix Max), 1 needs new pump (Dryeeze). Lg Dehus - 3 evolutions, 2 Storm Igr extremes29 LG snail fans, 35 MD snail fans, 30 amp generator (under 20 hrs!), 2 Hepa Vacuums with extra bags, 2 lg air scrubbers, 1 small air scrubber, Zip Wall 8 Tension Post Set (x2 sets of 4), pvc decon chamber poles...
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