I won't say you are wrong, just off target a bit.
The detriment to looooooong hose runs is friction, this is seen easily in the robbing of avail. lift. There is surprisingly very little drop in CFM, it's the lift that takes the hit from friction.
It's also the reason a centrifugal vacuum (portables) suffers on long hose runs, where a positive displacement blower doesn't nearly as much. Centrifugals only pull so hard, then they self rescue (kind of "slip the clutch") to prevent from overheating. So you have Less lift to work with, hence the greater the need for "large" hose on elec. machines whereas PD blowers can pull more through a smaller hose all things being equal.
That said, if you can actually get 10-12"HG of real Lift to the wand, you would never want for or need more, it's all about preserving the lift enroute, hence big hose a much better at preserving the lift, same holds true for liquid in a hose, 3/8" hose loses 1/4 the pressure of 1/4" hose...but it's not as big of a deal...cause we can "usually" turn the Pressure UP to compensate, not so for vacuum.