A new method of cleaning?

John G.

Dec 29, 2008
"New Method of Cleaning?"

The building of the Trinity™ was intended to give cleaners an edge on production so they could clean a lot more carpet in a day and thus basically "give themselves a raise in pay" instead of raising rates in a slow economy. We knew that extending the orbit would do a couple of things, first speed up the cleaning process, secondly it would enhance the quality of cleaning as well. We hoped it would also stand up the carpet quicker thus eliminating the need for some to use a dual method such as a CRB and OP together, which hurts production time.

However in testing the Trinity™ we have found quite a few things that we not expected. We found that microfiber worked better than cotton or glads, not because they picked up more soil, but basically because they DIDN'T. Now I know that sounds ODD to say the least but bear with me for a while. By using the microfibers (which BTW we not worth a toot on the slower speeds) we actually kept the pad full of moisture and because microfibers basically beat OUT the moisture from itself under OP as compared to rotaries, this enabled the Trinity to keep a level of moisture flowing between the the pad and the carpet. At this high speed, the moisture which basically is just water and cleaning product, is moving and circulating at such a force as to require (1) about 1/3 the cleaning product, (2) clean MUCH faster, (3) remove spots and stains that would normally require spotting agents to remove them. Yet the carpet are dry in about 45 minutes and look incredible. We did see the carpet fibers stand up MUCH faster plus we had an added benefit, the nubbing that has sometimes been produced by slow speed OP machines is removed! The larger orbit pulls the fibers farther from center before the counterbalance moves back over the center of motion so that the fibers do not only NOT nub up, but they actually stand up and no damage CAN be done to the carpet fibers. Carpets that WERE nubby are now denubbed..LOL Is that a word? Carpet stand much longer after cleaning, groom up beautifully.

What about cleaning though?

Here is the interesting part, using 1/3 the cleaning product (encapsulants) we finally are able to utilize the properties of encapsulants that have evaded us for years. I personally would never ENCAP I would PADCAP because I found that it produced much better results, no matter what some said, testing proved it simply could not be straight encapped to hold up nearly as well as padcapping. But now I am saying DO straight encap???
YES! The reason is simple, the incredible motion of the super speed HE™ (High Efficiency) system now will totally encapsulate dirt, oils, food stuffs, etc. Carpets that we do monthly are holding up better than EVER before, they clean up quicker than EVER before, taking a LOT less time than EVER before. Now we use almost exclusively Microfiber pads and we are testing many types to see what is the best cleaner, most productive and last the longest. We will also be looking at formulating a cleaning product specifically for this method of cleaning.
So we are not padcapping, we are not padding, we are encapping but without the speed and agitation (even though it is easier on the carpet fibers) we have never been able to get these types of results. So is this a new method? It sure is different, but exciting and the possiblities of making a much higher ROI are incredible.
For example the Peanut Butter factory we do monthly has a bad hallway that is a real bear, so much peanut oil etc. to remove because of such heavy traffic. It normally takes 5 wet pads and 4 dry pads to get it looking as it should, of course this take a fair amount of time to accomplish. Now in 1 1/2 minutes we can HE™ it and it not ony looks MUCH better but holds up MUCH better than it ever did before. The meeting rooms where several spotters are required now take NO spotting whatsoever, the Trinity removes them as it cleans.
Here is a video of some of the work there: Jif Factory

On our church, we cleaned Church Cleaning
These were our stats for the job.
5050 Square Feet CGD
Lots of coffee stains
Decent traffic lanes
4 oz PadCapPro
4 oz Blaze per gallon.
Total RTU product used, 9.5 gallons
532 Square feet per gallon of RTU
Number and Type of pads 1 micro/w/scrubbers. 2 Glads for water stains.
Time to clean 1 Hr 35 Minutes
Square Feet per hour 3189
Video is of cleaning at 3189 Square feet an hour, plus a tank of prespray lasted for 1/2 hour.
Cost for job, Product $21.47
Pad usage cost, maybe $3.00
Total $24.47
3189 sq. Ft. per hour @ .20 = $637.80 per hour.
Cost per square foot .00485 per square foot, less than 1/2 per foot.
Profit @ .20 = $1100.00
Profit @ .35 = $1767.50
Let's face it, I am still rather new on the Trinity™ and still got these results, I can make good money doing this!

Now this is done where my peers at church all get to see it, they were amazed and commented on how it looked so great! They know it is my new machine and were extremely supportive about what we had done.

Coby Gibson who has been using his said this about a resturant that he does regularly:

Cut the time by more than 2/3rds using the Trinity™.

Did in 1/2 the time that it took 2 Easy Glides working together with less than 1/2 of the cleaning product.

Did two jobs earlier today that were over 200./hour with a helper. My helper did over 75% of the carpet cleaning on both by himself with the Trinity.

Again, Less cleaning products, less spotters, less time, less training, MORE money.

Kathie our employee has been super excited because she gets paid on commission and it making more per hour than ever, she said:

I cleaned the Thoroughbred club for the first time with the Trinity™, awesome results. I usually am cleaning it two or three times a month during the races.

It gets really nasty from the special sauce they use to serve with steak, etc.. I am most usually there half the day (9-1) with the Commercial Breeze, using hel-gel, and cyclone. I didn't use either just my usual Pad Cap Pro and Blaze, only not nearly has much.
The carpet is green I can get it nice and clean with the Commercial Breeze but not in this little amount of time.
It took a little over two hours and looked as good as when it takes me four hours. Even moving chairs and some tables, Figuring it up at two and a half hours I made $261.40 per hour. That in my book is incredible.
Also doing residential I did a house that totaled $179.55 in an hour this includes me moving furniture, post vacuuming and spending time talking with the customer. I was shocked to see I had only been there and hour, But it makes sense considering you can fly with the Trinity™ and still get the great clean that you would with the Commercial breeze, if not better in less time!

Tile cleaning:

The Trinity™ is exceptional at tile and grout cleaning, first we use a Grit II brush plus we turn it at a super high speed, and with the new bearing setup we can keel the machine way over to dig grout lines without any fears of hurting the bearings. The speed and head weight of the Trinity™ enables one to clean tile at a speed not seen before, we did a bank in Beattyville Kentucky , without the Trinity™ I would not have even bothered to try and clean it.

Here is a little video of what it was like Trinity on Grout and Tile
Charlie Clay of Richmond, Ky. bought his Trinity™ specifically for grout and tile cleaning, here is what he had to say:

The main reason I purchased the Trinity™was because it cleaned tile so well. I have a 400 pound propane scrubber that does not do near the job the trinity will do on tile.

So far the testing is surprising even amazing us in many areas, we continue to test for other benefits and am sure we will find out more as time goes on.

I was OP, when OP wasn't cool

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