Accelerated Truck Mounts Web site not opening


Phoenix Phil

Anyone hear from Duane Oxley, his website can't be opened.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
From another thread...

Duane Oxley said:
Thanks for looking, Lee.

We are switching to InMotionHosting. Part of what prompted it is that the previous host / web master failed to route the contact form from the site to the E-mail address I actually use, although it was supposed to have been done 2 years ago. On a hunch, I checked that old E-mail and found several system inquiries that were now defunct, and I burned David a new sphincter. He took it personally and we had a parting of the ways. He always was slow to get things done (like updating the site with the new info), so we should have looked elsewhere long ago. But he's the husband of a friend, so we stayed with him.

InMotion is working on the system now. And the process should be complete by the middle to end of December. When it's done, the site will be completely different from before. For instance, it will contain imbedded videos of the systems we produce (linked from YouTube, where they are now, and have been for a year or more, at ) And it will have a shopping cart with shipping rates calculated.

I've been working on the text for the site, which I have to supply. Included will be charts to compare our systems side- by- side for quick reference, and for our chemicals, for the same purpose.

The new home page will be "split" to have 2 columns- one for chemicals and one for systems and accessories- in order to bring more focus to chemicals when someone first arrives at the site.

It's a work in progress, that's making good progress behind the scenes.
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