If you have a 7000 HAT Vortex, I would strongly recommend adding two more SRAL Fans to the cover. The blower being enclosed, traps the heat on the blower. Adding the fans drops the core temp on the blower without sacrificing heat for the unit.
looks good.........I was telling some guys to put them down on the sides in opposite corners to keep the air moving around circulating threw out the whole chamber..that way it it also not in your way when you remover the cover......
Jim, I felt that putting the fans up top would pull cooler air up through the blower. Tomorrow I am going to measure the temp coming out of the fans, they will about burn your skin if the truck has been running for a while.
from what I under stood it does not have a supply..the fans just draw the heat out.......that's why I figured putting 2 on the opposite corners and having them push air in and create a circulation around the blower and then the top fan could pull the air......I don't think those fans are big enough to hurt the heat....but I don't see them lasting that long with the heat that Ron says they are pulling out....
Michael, The blower sits on a cradle that is mounted to the frame of the truck. There is a hole cut in the floor that is probably 30" by 30". You can look down and see the ground, so it is wide open under the cover.