Angie's list review, mine of theirs


Supportive Member
Mar 29, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
I already know the pile of steamy stuff that will be thrown my way from those that love it . . . . but to the list - my turn to review their operation ~

Quality of customers - C
Quality of communication - F (if there was a lower grade they'd get it)
Ability to remove proven undue reviews - F
Cost - F
Ability to financially harm your firm - A
Would I hire again - No
Would I recommend - No

For those of you that care to read on - it's long, sorry :/

Of our F reviews, one was a rant after we moved where the customer had an incorrect address accused us of working from a barn in a cornfield - over a rug that prior to our move, we left 20 messages to deliver, that then had to wait until after our move.

Another is a customer who refused to allow us remove wet materials and open a wall for a water loss, waited 75 days, had another company come in and tell her she has mold, and is suing US for negligence

OK fine, great, dandy - we all have these ridiculous custy's, their opinions and reviews are there - we have had jobs not completed properly that we have to go back and re-clean - it's all part of it, what burns me up is;

An F from a customer who used a fraudulent credit card to set up an appointment that we legally pursued - they won't remove

Another from a customer who requested an online quote that we didn't call back, and because they put in an incomplete phone number . . . even after faxing the online rfq showing this. . .

Another where we were set-up by a competitor to have a no win situation - not their fault but it is still aggravating . . .

And the two that are the cause for my review today;

We today found that we have been in the penalty box, since 2009. . . . we never received ANY notification of the original complaint by mail, we never received a phone call, nor did we receive an e-mail . . . . nor a copy of the publication itself. . . . over a high volume spill we attempted to clean from the topside - because she refused to pay for a subsurface service - that we explained may return, and we could return for our service call minimum if it returned and she changed her mind. She decided to (like so many) use the list as a form of extortion to get something for nothing .... however we never received notification of the complaint, or she'd probably have won and gotten something for nothing, and we have been publicly bashed unduly in who knows how many publications. . . . .

Let's think about this - the list has the ability to cause great harm to a company both reputation wise, and financially, but they use no traceable form of mail, nor fax, and won't make a phone call prior to engaging in an action so profound as to in print, publicly tar and feather a firm. . . . if even to verify these important documents were received. . . . .REALLY?

If that is not negligence - bad business - piss poor communication - I don't know what is.

They seem more interested in the sensationalism of the penalty box opportunity, and the chance to be seen in the public's eye as the defender of all consumers . . . .

After responding to Angie's list TWICE to the most recent matter (a customer who is lying, calling an emergency water call request as a free quote and refusing the service call fee invoice - I have the recorded phone call proving her claim to be false) - I am now being told I have to complete a "form" because the exact same info I sent them electronically, twice, isn't a valid response . . . . they don't care to hear the phone call, they don't care who is right or who is wrong - just that I have to complete more work to have another frivolous negative review published and defended - even though it is undue in entirety. Since I am being forced to threepeat my response - I'm going the extra mile and making some of their shortcomings "reviewed".

And today, after calling twice and being placed on hold both times for 15 minutes to deal with the one I was not notified of - I was disconnected - both times.

So those considering it - know it's not all cotton candy and puppy dogs.

I have personally found that their lists for our industry in my area are too limited to fully justify the costs of advertising, especially factoring in the fact that their are dozens of listed companies for a measly 21,000 members - my opinion of their firm is one operated in a manner that would be representative of what the world might be like had we lost the second world war, they are the only advertising vendor who feels being paid several months up front is justifiable, lastly I flat out don't have a need for their customers - I am turning work away, the last thing I want is the potential AL thugs, as we have coined them, on our books.

I have spoken with 3 firms in my area that have used them for years, all have expressed the same frustration, and additionally that it is becoming less and less beneficial to their firms.

They should be a bit careful as to what firms they chase away from their operation, eventually, they may only be left with the undesirables, then what will they have left to sell their members except 30 pages of penalty box members.

My cheeks are puckered - fire away :)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
sounds like you need to post some reviews of your own regarding AL

do it all over the public review sites


The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Buy some advertising and see if they start taking down negative reviews. Then take that to your State Attorney General.

And post your results.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
The Great Oz said:
Buy some advertising and see if they start taking down negative reviews. Then take that to your State Attorney General.

And post your results.

Remind me to never make you mad Bryan! :shock: :lol:

But Bryan does have a point, it happen on all of the review sites, and forums.


Supportive Member
Mar 29, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
Well, my post is exactly that, a review - but a review that many money spending eyes wills see directly.

Sounds like a good idea on the surface, but a) I'd be paying for ads that imo are a waste of $, b) I don't have the time to play games with them.

Realistically I wish I knew of some way I could just have them remove me entirely and prevent them from using my company name on their site - just like they don't allow me to use their name or logo on mine. . . . . . .

My gripe is mainly - there is no excuse for not being more proactive in reaching out to those complaints they are seeking to put into the penalty box, and seemingly to their direct benefit in doing so.

And at this point, the damage is done - nothing takes back those publications with us in the Penalty box - so really, Angies list is to my firm is worth zilch.

Pretty sure a local competitor had a hand in some of it along the line, and I'm not going to call out any names or even circumstances because some here would know who I am speaking of, possibly even the big issues - In case you are sideline member here, keep snorting your powder, treating your employees like they are worthless subservient peasants, and believing the best way to grow your business is by hurting your competitors - because whilst you focus on hurting your competitors with online reviews and reviews on a list with a measly 21,000 members, I am branding myself in a city and surrounding suburbs that about 2 million people call home. BTW, how have your employees taken the cutbacks? Mine are loving their added perks this year, I'm especially enjoying mine ~



Supportive Member
Mar 29, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
Mikey P said:

Your guys really use that wand?

LMAO - wow, you just made me realize how badly I need to finish my new site. But when the phones are ringing and the routes are booked out over 2 weeks solid close to 3 - it's a matter of priorities, now at the top of that list is getting van #5 on the streets plus a back-up that can double as a ready to go resty rig.

That was what came with the ACE/Chemspec 860 - it was like trying to move a 200lb boat anchor across the carpet, but it did do a decent job all things considered.

However, Yes, we still used that wand until we sold the machine - for cleaning the cement floor in our warehouse in the winter when the road slush got drug in ;)

We now run all PC Apex GTX D's, and Century Avenger 600's (PC Peaks) - all with PC Ti wands at the end of the suck line ;)

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