Anyone not using 2.5" or using 1.5 whips....


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006

Remember my waste tank issue??? And how I am borrowing a buddies old 60 gal from a prochem oil burner???

yeah well its 2" in and 2" out, so i had to reduce it off the bat from 2.5 off the blower...

Used it at a job today took 150'... :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :? :? whered the suck go???

Anyone who says its just all hype is a freaking MORON....and has never used/tried it, for any amount of time....

someone shoot me now, i have a few jobs next week and this is gonna suck :x :x :x :x


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
I'm using a 1.5 whip too. Maybe if you got a real tm with a bigger blower you wouldn't have to lug 2" around. IDIOT.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
we've used 2" to the wand for only about ..oh, 18 years or so

we only use 2.5" for anything over 100ft
no reason to drag out the heavy, bulky, cumbersome stuff for 100ft and under

the guys running 2.5 all the way to a 20ft 2" whip are the moonpies if you ask me
cause all that bulk and hassle isn't worth the minimal (if any) decrease in dry times you see

IF...any of you cowboys weren't too lazy to do side by sides on same room, same day..YOU might know better


rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
floorguy said:

Remember my waste tank issue??? And how I am borrowing a buddies old 60 gal from a prochem oil burner???

yeah well its 2" in and 2" out, so i had to reduce it off the bat from 2.5 off the blower...

Used it at a job today took 150'... :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :? :? whered the suck go???

Anyone who says its just all hype is a freaking MORON....and has never used/tried it, for any amount of time....

someone shoot me now, i have a few jobs next week and this is gonna suck :x :x :x :x

Might have something to do with the Mechanic on the job....

Is something else plugged up too?


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
rick imby said:
floorguy said:

Remember my waste tank issue??? And how I am borrowing a buddies old 60 gal from a prochem oil burner???

yeah well its 2" in and 2" out, so i had to reduce it off the bat from 2.5 off the blower...

Used it at a job today took 150'... :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :? :? whered the suck go???

Anyone who says its just all hype is a freaking MORON....and has never used/tried it, for any amount of time....

someone shoot me now, i have a few jobs next week and this is gonna suck :x :x :x :x

Might have something to do with the Mechanic on the job....

Is something else plugged up too?

nope this was the 1st job with this back was all look at the nipple that screws into the blower elbow, that goes from 2.5 down to 2.... :shock: looks REALLY tiny...

oh and i run 50' 2.5 then 2, unless its over 150 then its 100' of 2.5 and 50, of 2....

but to go from my funky set up..2.5 from blower Y out to 2 2s and out 2 2s to a 2.5 (it was a steamaction waste tank, so it only had the 2" ports, but like 5 shiteatinggrin " to a straight drop down to 2" of blower :roll:

id say close to a 50% drop....

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
meAt said:
we've used 2" to the wand for only about ..oh, 18 years or so

we only use 2.5" for anything over 100ft
no reason to drag out the heavy, bulky, cumbersome stuff for 100ft and under

the guys running 2.5 all the way to a 20ft 2" whip are the moonpies if you ask me
cause all that bulk and hassle isn't worth the minimal (if any) decrease in dry times you see

IF...any of you cowboys weren't too lazy to do side by sides on same room, same day..YOU might know better


I've done side by side comparisons. It sounds like laziness to me. If it doesn't make a difference than why not just use a 1.5" hose for 100' and less runs?

we will never go back to 2" hose, that's what sets us apart from our competition.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Mike Draper said:
I've done side by side comparisons.


how much difference did it make on runs 100ft and less, Mark?
to "complete" drying

be honest

and was 2.5 hose the "only" thing changed on the system?
Cause many, like me, made several mods at the same time.
In the "aggregate", they made a noticeable improvement.
But 2.5 all by it's self didn't make much if any difference on runs 100 and less

BTW, the amount of pre-spray (and even type) you use has more to do with dry times than most realize



Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
meAt said:
Mike Draper said:
I've done side by side comparisons.


how much difference did it make on runs 100ft and less, Mark?
to "complete" drying

be honest

and was 2.5 hose the "only" thing changed on the system?
Cause many, like me, made several mods at the same time.
In the "aggregate", they made a noticeable improvement.
But 2.5 all by it's self didn't make much if any difference on runs 100 and less

BTW, the amount of pre-spray (and even type) you use has more to do with dry times than most realize


Actual time.... i dunno, to the touch i was a rather nasty job wherein someone did not do a good job at cleaning up the cat shit, nor the piss....i almost passed out in the walkin closet, where i had a rather nice mix of cat stink and cobbs, powermax kicked with some judson lemon peel :shock: :shock:

ill tell ya after tom, i have 2 jobs that arent nasty, and i will do a "feel" test...

the "grab the carpet as you lift the wand, and pull the hose off to suck up the corner etc." test FAILED!!!!

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
floorguy said:
ill tell ya after tom, i have 2 jobs that arent nasty, and i will do a "feel" test...

do me a favor, Doug
try an do everything as same as possible.
ie..same amount of pre-spray, same wand stroke speed/method same room .
If there's a ceiling fan in the room, make sure not you're skewing the results by have one test portion under the fan, and the other portion aways from the fan

It's impossible to get everything "exactly" the same, but you know what I'm saying, make everything the same "as possible"

do the "feel" as soon as you're finished
then do it a half hour to an hour latter, even better yet if you can return to the first job after the second is done, check then too
feel both sides

Then go wash your hands, dry them with a towel and immediately do the "feel" test again



Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
there is a slight difference in dryness if you run 2.5 to your lead over just 2. I was a big skeptic and but you can tell the difference. place a tissue with your palm and hold for 10 seconds in both areas, the difference is noticeable. if you live where it is low humidity then it probably doesn't matter but i live in south florida where it does.

now the 2.5 seems normal and the 2 seems small to me. oh and by the way, slightly drier means slightly cleaner.



I started out with a pro chem Legend stock, I found Joe and we started talking about improvements, I picked his brain for a while,(He was only fooled for about a second). I plugged my stock port with a rubber plug held in by the vac. I than put two 2.0 ports in my waste tank, I run 4 2 dr and a whip hose of 2.5 to my wand. I did cfm testing and the 2.5 whip is better. I have gotten use to the 2.5 and I actualy like it better. My dry times improved on all hose run lenghts. My custy's asked me if I had bought a new TM because the carpet just looked cleaner. I have even been given a 20.00 raise on a complex I take care of because of the quality I'm doing. They gave it I didn't ask for it!! The amount a debris I'm getting out of the carpet is more Had to clean Hydro more often, so much that I went filterless, solved that problem though.
I know this is a very heated topic, I don't want to push it one way or the other I think it depends on the cleaner, I fill it has made a improvement for me. My stock PC Legend at 100' was 190-205 cfm. My PIMPED OUT LEGEND is about 350 +.
This is something to think about, When a carpet cleaner pulls up to a house with a VORTEX and a custy looks at that machine it would be hard to make them believe you can clean just as good with a Legend (IMAGE) Same goes when you pull TWO vac hoses to the door. You can explaine that you are increasing the vac therfore you can flush more water thru the carpets fibers to remove more soil,and still get better dry times. Better Presentation better impression because you are going the extra mile for HER AND HER HOME. It really does impress.Will she notice if another carpet cleaner shows up and only runs one hose? YES. I know this for a fact its happened.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
no 2.5 vac hose yet... I'm still in the stone ages I guess. I'm nervous to throw too much money into upgrading a 25 year old 23 hp single wand 45 blower machine. I don't think I'd get much more than a 5% increase in CFM. If I re-route my vac plumbing through my waste tank lid rather than through the front of the Powermatic I might get another 5% increase in cfm MAX. Maybe I'm wrong.. don't know.

If I came into a bunch of money that I could spend and not miss, I might pull the trigger...

I'm trying to save $ for a newer used TM with more HP, bigger blower, etc...

I prevac, mechanical scrub, use a fan if necessary, so I don't consider myself a complete hack. Most of the guys I compete with don't Prevac or scrub. The do have bigger and newer systems which may allow them to get away with doing less. Don't know.


WJMorgan3 said:
no 2.5 vac hose yet... I'm still in the stone ages I guess. I'm nervous to throw too much money into upgrading a 25 year old 23 hp single wand 45 blower machine. I don't think I'd get much more than a 5% increase in CFM. If I re-route my vac plumbing through my waste tank lid rather than through the front of the Powermatic I might get another 5% increase in cfm MAX. Maybe I'm wrong.. don't know.

If I came into a bunch of money that I could spend and not miss, I might pull the trigger...

I'm trying to save $ for a newer used TM with more HP, bigger blower, etc...

I prevac, mechanical scrub, use a fan if necessary, so I don't consider myself a complete hack. Most of the guys I compete with don't Prevac or scrub. The do have bigger and newer systems which may allow them to get away with doing less. Don't know.

The 4 2 dr is going to help you out. You dont need to spend a lot of money on parts. If you have 2.0 hose already that will be the cheapest, you can go to any local hardware and purchase a plumbers 2.0 Y adapt some 2.0 hose barbs to it (at the same store) and try it to see if you like it first. @ $10.00. It looks a little red neck but it will do the same thing.Then if you like what you get out of it go get a nicer more professional looking Y. Also you will gain flow but you will hinder the performance when you go back to 2.0 after the Y . Try to keep the whip of hose as short as possible after your Y. I know because I have done this set up and tested with cfm meter. I ended up going with 2.5 hose into the house after the Y. Don't let people confuse you with numbers just try it and you will see for yourself if it makes a diff. Some poeple like it some don't it's up to you. Also any mod you do is going to do nothing if you don't keep your filtration CLEAN. If you run a Hydro filter keep it 25' from you or at least at the door. check it every time you go to the NEXT room. Give it a shake to clear the debris so air flow is maintained. This is very important no matter what mod or TM you do or have if it cant breathe it's no going to do anything good. Also the stock Hydro is restrictive looses about 25-35 cfm CLEAN, I would suggest you do a true 2.0 mod to your HF the stock openings on that thing are 1.5.
Good Luck

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
tconway said:
The 4 2 dr is going to help you out.

Hey Tom,

Trying to noodle this one for a while. My Powermatic is just a lowly single wand machine. It's got a a 2.5 inch pipe coming out of the waste tank to lower right front of the machine but it has a reducer down to 2.0 inches. I've tried removing the reducer but it won't budge. Probably going to have to remove the whole pipe and take a torch to it, warm up the metal and see if that will loosen it.

So in order for me to do 4 to the door, are you suggesting I add another port? I originally talked with Greenie about adding one of his 2.5 elbows through the lid of my waste tank and plug my original vac port. But after mulling it over I wondered if I could get away with adding another port and making my system a dual wand machine. Afterall the older El Diablo's are a dual wand machine and it is only a 24 hp with 45 blower system, but it has a kunkle valve so maybe that makes a huge difference, I dont' know..

Seems like a lot of extra work and money for questionable and unknown increases in performance.
I appreciate the advice. I had a big commercial job today, my wife helped me some.. would have been sweet to have thrown her on a second wand and finished up a lot sooner than I did. I'm toast right now...


WJMorgan3 said:
tconway said:
The 4 2 dr is going to help you out.

Hey Tom,

Trying to noodle this one for a while. My Powermatic is just a lowly single wand machine. It's got a a 2.5 inch pipe coming out of the waste tank to lower right front of the machine but it has a reducer down to 2.0 inches. I've tried removing the reducer but it won't budge. Probably going to have to remove the whole pipe and take a torch to it, warm up the metal and see if that will loosen it.

So in order for me to do 4 to the door, are you suggesting I add another port? I originally talked with Greenie about adding one of his 2.5 elbows through the lid of my waste tank and plug my original vac port. But after mulling it over I wondered if I could get away with adding another port and making my system a dual wand machine. Afterall the older El Diablo's are a dual wand machine and it is only a 24 hp with 45 blower system, but it has a kunkle valve so maybe that makes a huge difference, I dont' know..

Seems like a lot of extra work and money for questionable and unknown increases in performance.
I appreciate the advice. I had a big commercial job today, my wife helped me some.. would have been sweet to have thrown her on a second wand and finished up a lot sooner than I did. I'm toast right now...
My buddy here in town has a new EL D I asked him if he tried it in dual wand He did and didn't like it. The heat was good but he said the vac dropped to much


Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
KevinL said:
I'm using a 1.5 whip too. Maybe if you got a real tm with a bigger blower you wouldn't have to lug 2" around. IDIOT.

I agree, You guys can keep you're 2.5 inch hose, unless its comming off the blower to the waste tank i aint using it. :mrgreen:

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I quit using 2.5 a while back, of course, I quit using a glide too... so whatever that tells ya.

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