Anyone using a HF Revolution with JJO2?


Oct 12, 2007
I've heard and read on here that the revolutions are not that accurate, so for those of you that use JJ02 how much do you put in your container and what ratio do you turn your knob to??

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
there's so many variables that with draw rates on in-lines , Bill.

Things like PSI, heat and flow rates can make one man's in-line draw X amount, while another operator's in-line draws Y amount

When I was using in-lines, I mixed 50-50 water to chem for the high viscosity chems like Ultrapac.
I'd do the same with JJ

Best to bucket your in-line with your TM set up to know for sure.

Simply measure a precise amount of juice/water mix for the jug.
Then spray into a bucket at temps and PSI you'd typically run while working.

after a measured gal has been sprayed in the bucket, then measure how much chem was drawn from the jug.
Now you can calculate what dilution ratio you used and adjust accordingly


SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Like Larry said, there are so many variables that you should really test yours. I have found after bucket tesing that mine is pretty accurate when set at 4:1 but when set at 8:1 it was actually closer to 6. That being the case, when mine is set at 4:1 I generally consider that hydroforce container to be roughly 5 gallons of ready to use. So if i were mixing at 2oz. per gallon, the I would put 10 oz., in the hydroforce and the rest water.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Use a non adjustable HF and take of the tip. That makes it 4:1. Less stuff to clog up and better draw. The only time I have had problems with my HF is when I am trying to put the prespray down with the water temperature on my truck turned up too high. Only put really warm water to slightly hot through your HF. Any hotter and I find it doesn't draw.

Having said that, the next item I intend on purchasing is an electric sprayer because running an interanal combustion engine to spray down prespray doesn't make sense anymore. Two candidates are the Rocket Sprayer set up like Jim Martin has done or the brand new Mytee that is being shown for the first time at CONnections.


Oct 12, 2007
Thanks for the info on bucket testing Larry. And Bob as for the Rocket sprayer, I own one and love it and recommend it over any other battery sprayer. You will love the 5 gallon capacity tank.


May 19, 2007
I own a revolution. All I can say is I must use too much heat......or the equipment is junk. I can turn it all the way open and the best draw it gets is 12 gallons per 5 qt jug. It just wont dilute any faster and no matter what the heat either.

I have since given up using it and I run an Omni sprayer. I have a solution line connected to my second solution port and use it to fill the jug outside. If it's a far trek I'll bring in a male qc to fill it up inside and bring in my tub of PS. If I'm doing a large commercial job I use my cimex and fill it up with 5 gallons and gravity feed/scrub my ps in.....the only problem I find doing this is that you don't know where the carpet is dirty/unrinsed cause it all looks clean at that point and it makes it harder to keep track of where you are rinsing. On a positive note the carpet looks really good this way.

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