apartment complex looking to buy thier own

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
i know a lady in NY who runs an apartment complex about a 100 units. she asked me about what to buy so they clean carpets themselves. i told her i would ask here and told her a little about ninjas and mytee just off the top of my head.
i thought i would just put her in contact with several people and let her decide.
she made the comment about having $4000 to spend.
i told her they should get training also but again its her decision.

ive lost contact with jim pemberton who was my first thought and john labarbarra came to mind.hope i spelled it close enoughlol.
if anyone wants to post some info here id appreciate it.
just trying to help someone out.

when i have time i will do some research of my own.
thanks in advance.


Supportive Member
Feb 1, 2008
Anderson sc
tell her she a peein in the wind
none of her employees will do a decent job
or if she tries her self she will give up on it

she will be far better off lettin you do it for her
make a sugg to put it in her lease for the tenents
to have them cleaned before they move
lots of landlords are doin this now
or charge a fee to have this done

win win for both of ya

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Definitely put her in touch with a few distributors and let them work with her. That way she won't get taken by a janitorial supply house selling something less than a good machine.

Recommend the training as well, but only if this manager is going to be doing the cleaning as a side business and they charge the complex for their work.

What is likely to happen is the minimum wage employee they train will leave to clean carpets for better pay, in about a year the machine will die from lack of care, and unless they have very high turnover, they will have spent more than the cost of outsourcing the cleaning.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Alot of aprtment companies use namco portables... 2 grand for a whole package deal.... no heat.......... But they are good durable machines. And when they realize its to hard to clean and there staff isnt doing a good job they will call you back.. I still use my namco portable for some nasty high rise apartments.................. www.namcomfg.com Namco is company mostly focused on apartments... You dont want to give this lady to good of a machine anyways. keep it simple and next year your be back!

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
The Great Oz said:
Steve's in Michigan? Probably not servicing a New York account.

the great oz speaks! lol

its someone ive got to know over the internet and she just brought it up to me this morning as i was getting ready to head out to work. i mentioned to her all the reasons not to try and do it themselves and even a couple other ladies mentioned about moving into apartments who cleaned themselves and didnt like the way the carpets looked. but shes been told this is the direction they are heading so i was just trying to help her find a good machine and products.


steve r said:
i know a lady in NY who runs an apartment complex about a 100 units. she asked me about what to buy so they clean carpets themselves. i told her i would ask here and told her a little about ninjas and mytee just off the top of my head.
i thought i would just put her in contact with several people and let her decide.
she made the comment about having $4000 to spend.
i told her they should get training also but again its her decision.

ive lost contact with jim pemberton who was my first thought and john labarbarra came to mind.hope i spelled it close enoughlol.
if anyone wants to post some info here id appreciate it.
just trying to help someone out.

when i have time i will do some research of my own.
thanks in advance.

the first thought is to charge her a consultation fee in the form of finding a deal on an extractor and then selling it to her for a much higher price with training. maybe one of those mytee packages for $2500 and then selling it to her for $3999

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
She is definitely going to need training for the person that is going to do the work. If she isn't going to get training I wouldn't recommend it for her. That person has got to know how to use the cleaning solutions and how to use and maintain the machine.

Because its not going to get used that regularly, ie a few times a month, it may be more prudent to buy something sold and serviced locally, even if its not the "best" machine, as well as someone local for supplies. When things go wrong, and they will, then she has someone local and reputable to take/talk to.

The best thing about having someone else clean the carpet is that someone else is cleaning the carpet. The novelty wears off really quick.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
Ron Werner said:
She is definitely going to need training for the person that is going to do the work. If she isn't going to get training I wouldn't recommend it for her. That person has got to know how to use the cleaning solutions and how to use and maintain the machine.

Because its not going to get used that regularly, ie a few times a month, it may be more prudent to buy something sold and serviced locally, even if its not the "best" machine, as well as someone local for supplies. When things go wrong, and they will, then she has someone local and reputable to take/talk to.

The best thing about having someone else clean the carpet is that someone else is cleaning the carpet. The novelty wears off really quick.

i hear ya ron. training was the first thing i mentioned and i agree i dont know why apartment complex managers think doing it themselves is cheaper. they see the cost of a porty i guess and assume thats the end of it. i mentioned man hours and stain and odor removal and things like that but its not my decision.

i love the guys with the rug doctors and think they do it as good as a professional.lol i ran into one of them here. im doing most of the cleaning for them now. they were replacing 2 yo carpet because they couldnt get it clean.


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
I will answer to the concept rather than the hardware.

Waaay back when I managed high end apartment complexes. I used a rented rug doctor for the easy jobs. If the unit was in rough shape I hired in the local owner / operator Carpet Cleaning professional. I had to go through a several companies until I found the old school guy who did amazing work. In retrospect, I replaced many carpets that could have been saved by a through and competent Carpet Cleaning professional.

Will you be surprised to learn that he was not the cheapest guy in town?

From the perspective as a customer, I thought the lowest bidder hacks actually "cleaned" the carpets. If they still looked like crap, they needed replaced. That was the best that could be done. I had no idea of the results a seasoned pro could produce until I hired one and saw for myself what can be acheived.

We also doubled the average lifespan of our carpets by giving a lease renewal bonus of doing a traffic area carpet cleanings. The tennant gets a perceived value and our flooring asset was better maintained and lasted longer.

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