Are you going to be there Wednesday at Connections?

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
If so, stop by and join Mikey, Billy Yeadon and others for the heckling mob at 10:45 AM when I present "Building Commercial Toll Booths" on Wednesday. I'll be on the "ICS Presents..." panel which starts at 9:00 AM. Anyone with a Trade Show Pass (which is I believe free) can attend.

Seriously, I see a lot of guys that just quite can't (or don't want to) make the jump from one truck to two. (Moving up to 2 trucks was one of the hardest thing I ever did.) It is not just the money to put the TM on the road. It is all the other stuff- making a commitment to full time employees, the fixed overhead that "getting big" brings AND the ongoing pressure to feeding the monster you have created... (Meanwhile the owner-operator is not getting any younger.)

So then I thought- why does it have to be this "huge jump"? Why not a just small little step that would bring in lots of profit AND with two caveats: a)The owner wouldn't be doing the actual work and b) he would avoid the large fixed expense (and high pressure) that a second van/crew adds.

Enter the idea of "Building Commercial Toll Booths". Yeah, yeah, I've beat the commercial contract route forever and few owner-operators want to do commercial. But that is because they are having to roll out of the house at 11:00 at night to go clean some greasy Chinese restaurant. (I despised this.)

So now the "Toll Booth" concept is to get regular encapsulation jobs set up on the same day per week, get a Cimex, hire a PART TIME employee to run it, pay them 25% of gross, have them use their own vehicle with a mileage allowance (no fixed overhead) and then repeat the process again and again while giving no employee more than 2 nights or one weekend day per week.

OK, now in fine Mikeysboard fashion you guys can rip this to shreds on why it won't work OR if you're going to be in Vegas anyway you can stop by and pick up the systems, procedures, pricing guides, hiring principles, contract guidelines and sales scripts on exactly how to set the thing up. (I'm working on the handouts but I'm thinking 20 pages or so.)

I'm not going to be paid by the head (come to think of it I'm doing the silly seminar for free- how dumb is that?) so if you don't come it won't hurt my feelings.

But if you do stop by feel free to heckle/ask questions/poke holes in the concept (I know Mikey will) and be sure to come up and introduce yourself. I like to put faces to all the snarky posts and board drama on here.

Steve Toburen

PS Here is the official program. (I don't know David but John is a straight shooter without a major secret agenda.)
ICS and R&R present Connections to the Cleaning and Restoration Industry
(9:00 - 9:45 am) David Dybdahl - Practical Risk Management Strategies For The Cleaning/Restoration Contractor
(9:45 - 10:30 am) John Braun - Use the Internet to Boost Your Offline Advertising Response

(10:45 am - 12:15 pm) Steve Toburen - Building Commercial “Toll Booths”​

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Rough crowd! :errf:

I realize the value of any program whether Steve's or anyone elses, is in how does it benefit "me"? For those looking to increase or expand into commercial work Steve's program has a lot of "Meat on the bone" for you.

Not the typical "pay me, only hear me speak about how you can pay me more for my sales package."


Yea, yea, but c'mon. Tool Booth?

Freud would have haunted me in my sleep if I didn't comment on that one

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Could you post your Tool Booth speech here after Connections, for those of us who have a fear of flying? :icon_redface:
Only for you, Richard. I understand ICS will be recording it and pod casting it on their site. I could even be prevailed upon to send you a PDF of the systems and procedures (20 pages and growing if I can keep myself off the boards) that will go along with the "Tool Booth" presentation. (After all, you and Big Dan have given me some great suggestions.)


PS But no soup for Sutley or Boyle! (OK, Fred maybe.)
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Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
I can't afford the taxi to the airport to attend the free seminar. :cry: :dejection:

(Flamin' Oz dollar is too high).

Could you please email me (at great expense to you and Mr Nick), your seminar notes.?

I would be eternally grateful.

Your humble servant from down under.


PS::: Plus my cheap pub in Lost Wages has been pulled down. :barf:

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
The Tool booth is where Tooboring, Yeadon and Mikey will be standing
So how come I'm the only one that gets the snarky nick name?

In the words of Jeff Cutshall, "I'm not worthy."

Steve "Tooboring" Toburen

PS I think this concept could make a big difference with someone who wants more money/freedom/lack of worries than an owner operated truck can bring but just doesn't want to take the big leap. It should be interesting...

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