Ask the Experts V.1

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Jim Pemberton being an original 6 founding father of MB gets to go first.

I have three questions for Jim.

1. Does Philadelphia Cream Cheese really come from Philadelphia?
2. Ever had an Amish woman?
3. I may want to purchase a sub 20K truckmount van set up next year. Should I get a Hagopian or DA Burns worn out CDS or look for a low hour slide in and learn to deal with the heat and stench? and what slide in's are your fave?

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Chris Lees rig is up for sale....that was my REALLY brand new one!
even you could work on it if ya had to Mikey!

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
In the interests of our fellow Mikeysboarders, I'm answering the last question first, and will answer the other two (sort of) separately.

Buying a used truck mount is much like buying a used car. You need to know "how used" it really is, have the equipment (and van if there is a van tied into the purchase) checked out thoroughly by a qualified and impartial mechanic.

The choice between a used van powered unit or used slide in starts with the same questions you'd ask yourself about a new van powered unit or slide in. Those questions have been asked and answered here since MB began. In the end, it becomes a question of what is right for you.

Assuming you are 100% neutral on that decision (and I'm not sure anyone can be...but assuming..):

When purchasing a used van powered unit, you first need to have the van checked carefully, as the cost of moving the unit to another van later is so expensive to be barely worth doing. If the body and drive train of the van are in decent shape, the biggest expense I worry about with van powered units are the recovery tanks. Make sure they have been kept clean and won't need major repair or expensive replacement. Water, vacuum, and chemical systems aren't much different than slide in systems. The heating system is simpler in most cases.

Used slide ins have the distinct advantage of being available separate from the van if you wish. In that way you aren't stuck with accepting something less than what is ideal in one or the other because of how the van powered units are so tied together. Used slide ins usually have more complex heating systems (the vac, pump, and chemical systems being nearly identical) and that part is more difficult to find someone able to inspect and give you a fair condition report. In the case of a used slide in, are you looking at something being used by a fellow cleaner, or one that has been taken on trade and been refurbished like John or I or our new friends from the Cleaners Depot might do?

How much actually distributor does with such a machine is something that will require a good level of trust on your part. There are units that are just taken in, cleaned up, and anything that wasn't working was fixed just like a standard repair job. Then there are units that are stripped down with many components rebuilt or replaced. Its important to know the difference.

If you get a used slide in, I'd make sure it can be serviced by the closest distributor to you, and perhaps if there is a warranty involved, even purchase it from that company.

We have so many people here on this board who have kept old...nearly ancient..machines running that once you see something you might like to buy, I'd ask here about long term durability of such units when purchased used, or after they accumulate a lot of hours.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Regarding your other two questions:

First, southwestern PA is so different from southeastern PA (the land of the Amish and Philadelphia cream cheese) that we might as well be in different states...or different worlds. Meg can tell you more about that region than I can.

I'm from a region that puts french fries and cole slaw on sandwiches (and pronounces that word "sammiches") and you can better get an idea of how we talk and think from Michael Keaton, Dennis Miller, and Jimmy Stewart than Sylvester Stallone. If you're interested in a cultural tour of unique/strange things about this area, I'll oblige.

But in the interest in good hearted fun:

1. Cream cheese was "invented" in the greater Philadelphia/southeastern PA region a couple of hundred years ago.

2. Absolutely none of your business. Or in true Pittsburghese: " Don't be nebby". If you need to indulge in any fantasies regarding "Amish/English (as in non-Amish) romantic events", rent "Witness". Its pretty unfair to the Amish in how they are depicted, but its going to have to do.
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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
"Nebby" is Pittsburghese for "nosey" as in putting your nose in other people's business. A "nebby" person is also often called a "nebshit", a less than kind term as you might guess.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
See? I told you this experiment would go straight to hell in no time.

I should have resisted the temptation to answer questions 1 and 2. My guess is those answers will get more commentary than the answer to 3.


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
Jim is right. "Philly" is it's own animal. Not like the rest of PA.

As far as the Amish, I did attend college in Lancaster, PA, and have a sister who lives there, so I do have some experience in that area. Always found it interesting to be in a local bar and see the Amish guys. They have a period in their life called, Rumspringa, when they are permitted to leave their sect to explore or "run around". After the Rumspringa time, they either choose to go back to the Amish lifestyle and get baptized, or stay part of our heathen world.

While they give up their traditional Amish clothing during the Rumspringa time, we always could tell they were Amish because of their haircuts. Needless to say, I never had any "exploits" with the Amish.....But those Philly guys are another story.
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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Now this thread is going in the right direction.

Bob, tell us about that unit; hours, value "brand new", why it would be good for Mike to have versus a 1200, CDS, Butler, Cleanco, etc.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
and more importantly, how long will my free 24/7 customer service hot line be around?

I doubt Forsythe will hear my call over the screaming of those tots.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Baaaaaaaaawb....65 grand...? For what? Isn't it installed in an older econoline?

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
I think you're spoiled. I can't see you going back to slide in. A good used van powered unit is what you need.
It IS the van powered Steam Genie PTO. Worth every penny of the $65000, just as a Mint GTO is worth $65000. They only go up in value the longer you hold them since they don't make them anymore.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
I can attest to Jim's TM wisdom. I have bought 2 from Jimmy over the years. First was a 405 PC Performer Cat., great machine for it's time. I wandered away for a while to try out the Genesis 59 for 12 years. Returned again when Jim found me a new, used Blueline Thermalwave Vortec. Always Jimmy on the spot, along with his mechanic, Paul, to answer any operating questions I had. He even offers up his weekend cell number if you should run into a problem on a Friday night job.
Great business.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
the PTO unit is bullet-proof fo reel.......but
the drive back from Jersey to Tn
mighta softened the van a touch.........

but 65k is lik Lucy in the Sky.......
i sold my whole bidness to CRASH for 25K.......
tired truck.......tired PTO......PLUS one brand new PTO and client list....which btw he's still running off 6 years later!

Let Brian hook you up to a good Butler......i'll check it out for ya first!
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