Mikey P
It's been 10 plus years since I've used an AutoScrubber..
This LVP floor at my church could have been "wanded" but I chose to try their walk behind for the sake of evaluating the process.
Edges, nooks, around furniture, corners all needed cleaning by hand and the whole project took

twice as long as I if had used my truck out and HS wand..
But as you can see, it worked well when I pre-moped an area with a heavy alkaline..
This LVP floor at my church could have been "wanded" but I chose to try their walk behind for the sake of evaluating the process.
Edges, nooks, around furniture, corners all needed cleaning by hand and the whole project took

But as you can see, it worked well when I pre-moped an area with a heavy alkaline..

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