Avatars are missing

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Everyone can thank Fred for that.
He pissed off Foster so bad the Bob erased his Photo Bucket account where they were stored.

I will place a new one up for you ONE TIME this week.

Post the picture you want here in this thread. Make sure the picture will look good when it's the size of mine. No one gets a 3 inch avatar in this deal. :!:

If you're too stupid or lazy to do it yourself (all you need is a FREE photo Bucket account that will automatically re-size any picture for you) then the next change will cost you $20 for my time.


feel free to send me a $20 for each submission you see in this thread there Mr Internet Tough Guy

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Wait a minute.....Fred pissed of Bob....so BOB erased the account and FRED'S the asshole??

Did Fred make Bob click the button...you've got your wired crossed oh Grand Pubah.

So, what did Fred do anyway? :mrgreen:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Well Corky, if you were on the delicate side like Bob is and some Cyber Punk laid into you like this, what would you do?

<<< Look Foster, you're the one who ran away from Mikeysboard with your tail between your legs

Whats the matter? All the useless tasks that nobody asked you to do go unnoticed, Radar?

and here you are now begging for a piece of this board? Watch out WOC mods, when Foster starts in with the " we could have something special here"

it won;t be long before he asks for a piece of the pie

I ain't running from anyone Bobby, I think I've earned the rep for saying it how it is to anyones face.

Once a Renfeld always a Renfeld... you're looking for a new lead dog to follow
just To clarify my goopie cheatum and howe ( much) remark

I like freeflow, I've talked with him several times on the phone... if Nick takes offense to the comment then I'm sorry it was not bashing ( I have no experience with his equipment, nor was I EVER part of the board attacks on Nicks business )

I have actually purchased glides from Ken and received them on time and he even offered a replacement free of charge... ( I have been vocal about this and it goes real well over on MB )

Terry and I are friends ( at least I believe we are ) I have spoken very highly of his equipment and if he has a problem with a little ribbing then he probably shouldn;t have played the board a-hole that he has over the years

as for Radar... your off base and clueless as usual , I hope my expalnation cleared up that I have no malice in my spin on Dewey cheatum and How from the 3 Stooges

I figured everyone would get that it was a joke, and considering I have spoken with each of the 3 gentlemen on several occasions and spent considerable time with one that they would get the joke

Not a single one of them needs a thin skinned dork like you defending them

" rest my case" ???? about what ? If you think I am a bully with what I just said to you, then do a little reflection. I've tried to reach out to you a few times since you left Mikeysboard and you haven't returned PM ot texts to your phone.

If you have a problem with me then spill it.

How many hours have you cried in my ear about your past?


I scan several boards and Mikeysboard is still my favorite, I know more of the guys over there from events, but like you, I am an independent thinker.

Imbesi getting tossed really annoyed me and I am certain I will get annyed many times again. Thats the nature of debate

TO answer your question, No I'm not unhappy with Mikeysboard or any board for that matter

They're only web addresses with words on them, I due tend to enjoy the ones with more passion and drama to them tho

So do you guys wanna know the phrase that pushed Radar over the edge and into the coddling arms of WOC ???? :devil icon :
Quote Originally Posted by Bob Foster View Post
If I have ever said anything to offend you Chad I want to here and now sincerely apologize for it.
Thats funny, see who is being two faced now... I stand by what I've said at every turn Radar, and you calling me out has no relevance to my opinion

Of course Terry was offended, I knew it would bother him a bit... he's hyper sensitive but it was funny as hell and entertaining I got lots of positive feedback from it

I'd do one of you, but a youtube radar MASH clip can't be topped

Are you even aware of how irrelevant and uninteresting your presence is on ANY bulletin Board? LMAO
SHould I go Nava search all the Foster posts about James Cooper, Ken Harris and freeflow?

I'm the real deal Radar... you however are just desparately attempting to suck on a new BB teet... it matters not that it is owned by those you have posted such contempt for in the past

I called this over a month ago in the room Chad has all the pages from
I really didn't think it would come to banning Marc, and I think it was completely unecessary.

Its crystal clear that the Judson brand is protected.

My guess is that long term, Mike will replace his V with either a monster Judson unit or 2 C4 units or the equivelent and push them heavily

( and get a hefty discount - as he undoubtedly did on his present one )

So guys pointing out any customer service issues such as Marc's will get heavy handed

I wanted to stay out of that complaint, but there were far too many butt massaging lemmings in that thread piling on, and noone pointing out the obvious legitimacy of Marc's complaint.— Bob Foster, Yesterday 7:14 PM


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
I thought it was Fred's comment on ICS that did it. Bob already edited his original response to Fred though.


I see you conveniently left out the original insult towards me from foster. I seem to remember your cruel insult towards bob after all he did for you for free. You also took his buttons away for fear of what he might do

And why exactly did he leave this board?? You bitch slapped him one too many times mike.

JHC. A few avatars. Oh the humanity!!!


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Bob's grown. What he choose to do is on him. If he had any dignity in him he would have at least gave everyone the chance to move the avatars he so gracious :roll: put up for them.

I like Bob but he needs to put his big girl panties on


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I see thick skin isn't a Boston area trait as I thought :)

I do like the woman scorned thing going on with Bob. It reminds of the time that girl put all my clothes in the fireplace except my pink engraved waist robe I use to wear. I had to call the fire dept with just that on


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
stupidity is a boston thing for me because I read right passed that. I pulled the 35% BS out of the post and got it was Bob , sorry Fred


I can picture Bob deleting his photobucket acct with Boy George's " Do you really want to hurt me?' playing in the background on his cassette deck

Seriously, Foster is no longer here because of Mikey's action towards him.

SO yea , this is how Bob gets "mikeysboard revenge"

and its all my fault???? :roll:



is this where you threaten us all that you're gonna shut'r down?

unlike the Brevik video I can't do a video impersonation of you , so I figure I'll just do my best internet board impersonation

the more you think I am a dousche , the better it is :mrgreen:


Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
Here you go!!!!!!


Steven Hoodlebrink said:
pfred said:
[quote="Steven Hoodlebrink":2yeizeck]That was a dick move on Fred's part.
I think Mikey just found a new warm place to store his nuts this winter

I was referring to your un-needed comment to him on ICS, Fred.[/quote:2yeizeck]
SHHH the business owners are talking hoodie

and clean the pailliogoo off yore chin

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
quit picking on my little buddy.

If you run him off and with out Foster around I'll have to pay people to show me how to use Excel

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

welcome home Freddy

now kma you brute!

btw, when I'm out of town next week can I put you in charge of the picture of the day and keep an eye on Vawter too, he's been f'n up with his buttons a lot lately.

oh and see if you can drum up some threads about how corrupt the Connections committee really is while you're at it.

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