Best "Green" prespray?...

Sep 7, 2008
WTF is green cleaning? This shit is so overdone it is not even funny. There is no such thing as man made global warming. Whoever thougth up this scam is a genius to have carpet cleaners talking about a so called detergent that is less toxic than another one. A prespray is a prespray plain and simple. I have used most and rely on redline, powerburst, powerstrike, and fine fabric prespray as my go to presprays. I plan on experimenting with soap free and fresh water rinse on some light colored carpets to see what kind of results I can get. If the results are good, then I will use redline on dirty carpet and soap free on less soiled lighter colored carpets.

I am still laughing at the guy from Mikefest with the AT. He said they were green cleaners. I asked him how that was with that huge gas sucking machine. He said we use recycled paper in the printer and planet guard. Thats all it takes? I guess I am halfway there because I blow my nose with recycled napkins.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Daniel, thats why that guy with the ATthats 3 years old only has 350 hours on it........ hemust only do 1 job a week


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
danielc said:
WTF is green cleaning? This shit is so overdone it is not even funny. There is no such thing as man made global warming. Whoever thougth up this scam is a genius to have carpet cleaners talking about a so called detergent that is less toxic than another one.

The ones who "thought up this scam", have created it to benefit from the beliefs of the mass consumers. Don't consider yourself one or the masses.. You don't have to buy the idea, but don't discard jumping on the bandwagon to take advantage financially, of the masses that HAVE fell for it. If people believe it, and want it, they will pay the ones that offer it. I would not loose any sleep being a hypocrite all the way to the bank.


i like that i dont have to breathe all that bad shit in every day if i use a good prespray on cleaning jobs


Oct 7, 2006
I can't get over people who use presprays that have water soluble co-solvents in it. These same cleaners usually don't wear gloves and ANY CHEMICAL FORMULATOR will tell them that the co-solvents in them will be absorbed into the skin and into their bloodstream.
There is a product called DFC Heavy Duty Degreaser by Chemspec that will clean the nastiest restaurant and is made from food ingredients. It is self neutralizing and safe for the user and end user. There are several colloidial micelle products out there that work extremely well too. The reason so many people think they don't work is they put too much chemical in their prespray. I have my own such formualted prespray and recently had an experience with a few subs of mine that must use it. I discovered they thought it didn't work. Once they measured their dilutions it worked fine they said.
Moronic statements like the one above just shows some people rant about things they know nothing about.
Maybe you should do your homework danielc.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Mike Draper said:
lets get ready to warming is a scam!

the "green" thing related to us isn't really about glObAl wArmIng, Drapes. (IMO, anyway)
it's more about responsible chem use.

While I consider "most" of it (green craze) to be "feel good" hype and some of it outright lies and foolishness, Lee knows his stuff and can be trusted to give "honest, NON hype" info.

I DO consider "most" of the grEEn cleaner's marketing to be SCARE tactic bullshit.
Nearly all the juice we use is safe for the custy.
It's "us" as professionals that are at a greater risk.
as our exposure level is 500 to 1000 times greater in a year than our custy's



Nov 14, 2006
Green Business

Green marketing isn't just a catchphrase; it's a marketing strategy that can help you get more customers and make more money. But only if you do it right. Being Green has helped our business in a great way. For all you Green bashers you have to look at this in a logical way. There is no way you can be in this business and be 100% Green. I understand that. Just because a company uses a big gas burning truck doesn't make them a hyprocrite. If you can make small changes to your business that help you go green then it benefits everyone. We have made several small changes in our business over the years to go green and we have benefited from it greatly. Last year we received the "Green Business certification" from our Chamber of Commerce and the reaction from the community was amazing. Anything that seperates you from other business's will help. Here is partical list of the ways we have gone green.

1. Using Bio Kleen and Planet Guard products (most of the time)
2. Paperless invoicing when possible and recycled paper and ink cartridges

3. Virtual office. This is a big one. I did away with my office I had and rented a small 900 sq foot shop for the vans and supply storage. I use Full Circle schedueling service so now there is no employee driving to my office to answer phones.There isn't even a phone for my business. The number exsists in AT&T's system and is forwarded to Full Circle. This also eliminates lights being on all day, running computers, printers, faxes, heat and air and all other expenses that go along with having an office. All work orders and scheduling calanders are on line and also emailed to us. My techs have Ipads to access the jobs so there is no need for paper work orders. While at the job they can email the receipt to the customer at the end of the job in most cases. I work from my home office 2-3 days a week so I don't have to travel to an office every day which saves gas. My employee's checks are direct deposited and they get an email receipt of the check. (no paper)

4. I do as much green marketing as possible. (email, web site promotion, blogs and online advertising)
5. all of our plastic cleaning containers are saved and recycled

This is just a portion of the changes we have made and I don't thinks "Green" is a fad. In fact I think as time goes on your business will be looked at closely by your customers and be judged by how green you are.



Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
Procyon has zero VOC. IT's the only prespray I know if with NO VOC. With high heat it is a great pre-spray. The only "Green" I really care about is the "Green" that affects my personal safety and the safety of my customers. Even if you prespray with vitamin water, think about all the possible carcinogens and toxins you are aerosolizing when you steam clean: pesticides, adhesives, unknown chemical residue, mold and the list goes on and on. My point is it’s a dangerous world and all you can do is try to take reasonable precautions.
Dec 21, 2006
I agree that most of The "green" thing is stupid, as if the earth would be destroyed by carpet cleaners. But forget the "green" bs for a minute. And ask your self
Would you rather have your family exposed to hazardous chemicals, or non hazardous chemicals? To me that's the important part that is getting overlooked, read the msds sheet , some chemicals are just nasty. I like to use the chemicals that don't cause birth defects,cancer,and don't give me a head ache,or make me dizzy. I geuss I'm wierd that way.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
You know Butyl is a known neuro-toxin. It can cause serious health problems.

There are many shades of green and in reality Green can NEVER be achived. I have used the butyl stuff for about a decade and for me personally I could feel it when I sprayed it down with a HF. I could feel it hours after work. I have 3 kids, 2 cats and a dog and every chemical I use in my house is IMHO safe enough to use around them.

I dont lie, use false advertising or any of that shady stuff. I sell myself as my business and with me using safe products is an added benefit.

BioKleen has some of the best soy products on the market.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
Let me send you some of my plant based 'Soils n Oils' cleaner to compare to your Biokleen.
Will you give a fair assessment?

Mike, you the same thing...
Let me send you some of my powdered 'Pro-C' to compare to your Procyon.
Will you give a fair assessment?


Feb 18, 2008
I am in absolute agreement that manmade global warming is bs. Solar flare activity has much more effect on our planets temperature cycles. However if the market decides that it wants green then it would be foolish not to posture ourselves as green. To be able to discuss the things we are doing to reduce waste and improve energy usage is quite logical and good marketing. Until green is really defined we all can easily be moving to be greener.

How about this. "Yes mam, to have the most powerful cleaning machine on the planet in order to do the very, very best for you, I was designing my own system that utilized a turbine engine from a Blackhawk helicopter. But as I was doing my calculations I realized that the amount of fuel it would use would be bad for the environment and so I went with the system that I have which uses substantially less fuel. So I have designed my business to be greener."

With a last name of Greenwell. I should be set to ride this tidal wave. " Yes Mam, my business is green in fact it's greenwell" or some silly response like that.

Our society is paranoid right now and people are playing on that. Balance in all things would be a better mantra.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
GUy here has the last name of Green, called his company Greenway. He's been on the "green" kick since 94. His signage is a picture of the earth from space with the words "We're Listening". He's doing very well. I believe he's using a product called Flower Power that is made here on the island, its a prespray made from plant material and essential oils, and rinsing with Chemspec DFC rinse. I tried it, biggest challenge with the FP is its smell, it does have a fairly strong odour, and I didn't find it worked better than O2. The rinse was ok.

do you have an info page about the S'n O Joe?

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