Between Cross, Cutshall and Deloach..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
and along with our round table with Snow, Big Mike, Cole, Harper, Crowley and cOrky, a possible appearance by Stevie PS Toburen, Service Monsters and The FC girls...

MF is going to have all the latest and greatest business operations, marketing and innovations you could shake a cooperized infomercial at.

for FREE :!:

have you signed up yet?


Dec 14, 2006
Kansas City
I was at last year’s Mikeysfest and loved it and this year’s event looks to have even more in attendance. I hope to be able to attend the other presentations as well.

If some aren’t familiar with the VAST (Value Added Service for Technicians) information they can go to JonDon’s website. I believe Art Kelly posted some information about the class from their website a few days ago. (Hopefully Mr. P.S. himself will show up and we can convince him to participate. I’m still working on him.) Below I reposted some points I’ll be discussing. We’ll have to shorten them up quite a bit though since the class is normally 7 hours. Since I know we’ll have a lot of owner operators in attendance I’m planning on adjusting the presentation to fit both smaller owner operator type companies and as well as companies with employees. Either way the concepts of Value Added Service apply.

Value-Added Service Technician Cleaning (VAST) Class Overview
This one-day course takes the concepts from Strategies For Success and applies them to the technician in the home. A step-by-step program with how-to exercises shows technicians how to turn every customer into a “Customer Cheerleader.”
Transformational concepts such as the “80% rule, moments of truth, the value line and exceeding expectations”, turn the technician into a customer relationship expert. This has the effect of supercharging the technician with confidence in turn improving employee retention.
The customer’s perception of your company is heavily weighted by the interaction with the technician in her home. Make sure it is a good one.

Seminar Highlights
• Learn how to create "Customer Cheerleaders"—step by step

• Learn dozens of ways to avoid creating negative customer experiences

• Learn how to answer the homeowners unspoken questions

• Learn why "a satisfied client" just isn't good enough anymore

• Learn seven "moments of truth principles" that will transform the way your technicians work and view the customer—guaranteed!

The other JeffC
P.S. So Steve, are you coming or not?
P.S.S. Steve, please reread the first P.S.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Why does the term "low man on the totem pole" come to mind when I see my name up there with all those?? :shock:

Edited because the Anal Mr. Stevie T cot eh speling airor.

Still love ya bud. shiteatinggrin

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Brian R said:
Why does the term "low man on the totum pole" come to mind when I see my name up there with all those?? :shock:
Ahem, Brian. My trusty Mozilla spell-checker tells me it is "totem" and you would never be "low man" in any group.

Steve Toburen

PS Seriously, Brian, I don't care how you spell it. But everyone should run a good spell and grammar check on their web-sites. Bad spelling is just a killer. For example, Brian, I counted 43 words mis-spelled on your site and over 100 examples of poor grammar.

Got your attention? Actually I was just kidding! :)

But seriously, bad writing is even worse than a misspelled word and some of the carpet cleaning web-sites out there just make me cringe. Here is a classic book I am reading on how to write for business. It was first published 30 years ago before the internet (yes, I know- the Dark Ages!) but the principles are timeless. Highly recommended: ... 009&sr=8-1


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Thankfully spelling and grammar have no correlation to being successful.

Otherwise we'd have a heck of a lot of wealthy English teachers in our midst.

When you see Branson being a billionaire as an 8th grade drop-out... you know there are some skills more important than sitting in a classroom and writing extremely properly. Now... writing so you CONNECT with someone, is not the same as academic and "proper" - and since many of the most successful entrepreneurs were poor students due to dyslexia, ADD, heck you name it - I enjoy seeing the kids they always said "weren't smart enough" prove everyone wrong.

Communing powerfully to connect - best skill in business to have - whether writing or recording.

Impeccable spelling and grammar... yeah, not so much. Not anymore.


P.S. Brian - you spelled WTF correctly - LOL.


Dec 14, 2006
Kansas City
Sometimes neither humor or constructive criticism translates well over the Internet.

Since Steve edits my VAST material I know he’s a stickler when it comes to writing. I would say that’s a good thing though. In fact I’m in the process of reading the book he recommended from Amazon. (I can’t say I really like the writer’s style but it does contain some good suggestions.)

Lisa makes some good points but while misspelling may not have any correlation on being successful, it will definitely turn off some potential customers. Here on the other hand it probably doesn’t matter much. Spell checker is a pretty easy fix though. I bet even Branson uses it. LOL

Just for the record though, I prefer to think of myself as a fast typist instead of a poor speller.

This thread seems to have drifted a bit.


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