Big Tax credits for hiring, plus More


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
I recently hired a new tech. I found him on a craigslist advertisement. Before I hired him, I went to the local employement office an inquired about on the job training programs. As it turns out they were able to do one. In my case the program lasts for 6 months and they are re-inbursing me for 90% of his wages for that period. I was shocked but hey that is like 10 grand.

During our first competency review they also brought up another program. It is a tax credit program for hiring people that meet certain requirements. For me the tech I hired was recieving food stamp benifits so I qualified for the tax credit. The tax credit is up to $2,400
IF you are looking to hire before you do look at the options available for on the job training and tax credits. My benifit is 12,400k, hopefully you will have the same experience.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
Crony capitialism as defined in wikipedia is a company that gets ahead by its close relationship to goverment favortism. You read about these in the news such as solida. I really don't think this is crony capitilism. I am simply taking advantage of programs the goverment already has to try and get people hired. These programs were not a result of my input good or bad.

I posted so others could take advantage of it. I Didn't post here for any benifit to me. If you have critisim please keep it to yourself

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I heard California just passed cap and trade regualtions. In a year or two you'll be paying the state $50.00 an hour to run your machine in carbon emission credits to go towards companies like Solyndra. :roll:

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
I just meant that there has been a lot of goverment intervention to change businesses behaviour to achieve a goverment goal. Usually it harms business( Taxes, fees,regulations) Or helps donors and friends of the goverment (gov unions)

You found a way that helps yours.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Dave Yoakum said:
You found a way that helps yours.

and any other small business owner that takes advantage of the program

he's getting a tax break (who could dog that??)
and 6 months of damn near FREE labor


Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
provided they are still there in 6 months, i used all of those programs.

i wouldnt depend on it, more like whipped cream or a cherry.
Great until you have problems

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Shane Deubell said:
A grown ass man on food stamps is never a good sign, in my experience

LOL. That could well be. But if he has to feed his family and doesn't have a job......These are tough times for a lot of people today. This is how we smooth out the brutality of capitalism, kind of like giving tax credits to small businesses for hiring otherwise marginal people.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
I agree about a grown man on food stamps. However with 4 kids in the house and not a job offer in sight he had too. Formally he was a project manager for a restoration company in the bay area making $25 an hour. The company mostly serviced large builders when one of the homes they sold had an issue. The builders were very flush with money and they would rather pay whatever it took to take care of problems rather than risk a bad reputation.

Fast forward the housing industry tanked and so did the builders. Now they had very little money and started doing everything in house. The company he worked for went to a 4 man crew from 30. He was layed off. After trying to find a job he couldn't (over qualified).

A local restoration company that is 60 miles away from him did offer him a job. At minimum wage, it would of cost him more in gas to travel to that job than get a fast food job closer to him.

Point being there are gems out there that need a job. Some high quality people are looking for career changes if you look for them.

If you are looking to expand your company I believe this is the best time ever. There is a good pool of qualified people willing to work and if you can tap into the tax benifits the goverment will pay you to train them.


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
Ya, we could get some of these people if they would cut off their unemployment instead of giving them extensions every 6 months.


Feb 2, 2007
Prediction: Within 3-4 months that new welfare recruit of yours will cost you so much money, time and aggravation that you would be willing to pay the government $12,400 to not tell you about any more of their failed job creation programs.

Here's my plan

Real job creation: Cut taxes on on the wealthiest 3%. Increase taxes tremendously on the bottom 48% (they pay zero income taxes currently) . Eliminate capital gains taxes 100%. Eliminate the deduction for over-breeding kids you can't feed 100%. Eliminate welfare, paying people for their unemployment and food stamps. Eliminate charitable contributions deductions to "help lazy people " organizations. Tax soap kitchens, Churches and non-profit organizations at corporate rates and make panhandling a criminal charge punishable by public flogging.

Set up a reality show: Who wants to stay unemployed NOW !
Take online bets on which loser will get a job first and which will starve to death while making their protest signs.
Give the revenue from the bets to the richest 3% in a TAX FREE award for every job they create. If this lottery doesn't bring in enough to fund the program add a 5% loser tax on everyone making $20,000 or less.

Yes I'm totally serious. I once lived in and operated a six location homeless shelter as the co-administrator on a volunteer basis. There is no way to help these people. Every program, everything you do for them just grows the problem. Ignore them till they starve or get a job. All these programs to wipe out poverty have grown it. Until the 1930's welfare,unemployment, food stamps none of it existed. People figured it out, they were self sufficient and worked. Now we have people demanding that others pay their way while they sit on their ass and bitch about the rich not paying enough (yet they pay nothing).

And don't claim the bible commands us to help these people. The bible identifies the poor as widows and orphans in distress not those refusing to work. Even then a widow wasn't added to the list for support unless she was at an advanced age. Young widows were encouraged to remarry. Work not, then eat not is in the bible.

P.S. When someone tells you that you are overqualified for the job you were applying for say " that's in the past I need this job now and I'm willing to commit to it". Instead the unemployed go around bragging about how overqualified they are for everything. Most of the people on this board are overqualified to clean carpet but you do.

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