Bringing the wife on board


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
So I feel like I have went as far as I can go. Up till now I have currently pretty much did it all including sales and admin stuff. It has been me and 2 part time guys for a while. One of my guys does ok even though he gets on my nerves constantly and the other part time position is a revolving door wwhich means I go on 85% of all the jobs. I am getting married to my fiancé and gf of 3 years next week. She has 2 bachelors one in marketing and one in human resources. She currently is doing great as a seo/website/online directory salesperson in our area. I am so burnt out I am almost to the point of depression and could really use some help from someone who has some skin in the game, unlike the chimps who at one level or another wouldn't really lose sleep in the event of my demise. I am going to have my wife to be start answering the phone since she is not in an office and can talk to the customer in a quiet environment without a tm blaring in the background or me just missing the call all together. In addition to the phone she will do quick books and possibly come out on the truck for maybe 5-10 hours a week on small stuff. I think this small role she will play could hopefully save my sanity and help the operation by leaps and bounds. To anyone that has brought a spouse on board to do a set up like this what did you pay the person and how did that work?

T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Pay her as you would have to pay anyone else. Give her bonuses too. This bread on the waters will come back to you in good measure.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
So I feel like I have went as far as I can go. Up till now I have currently pretty much did it all including sales and admin stuff. It has been me and 2 part time guys for a while. One of my guys does ok even though he gets on my nerves constantly and the other part time position is a revolving door wwhich means I go on 85% of all the jobs. I am getting married to my fiancé and gf of 3 years next week. She has 2 bachelors one in marketing and one in human resources. She currently is doing great as a seo/website/online directory salesperson in our area. I am so burnt out I am almost to the point of depression and could really use some help from someone who has some skin in the game, unlike the chimps who at one level or another wouldn't really lose sleep in the event of my demise. I am going to have my wife to be start answering the phone since she is not in an office and can talk to the customer in a quiet environment without a tm blaring in the background or me just missing the call all together. In addition to the phone she will do quick books and possibly come out on the truck for maybe 5-10 hours a week on small stuff. I think this small role she will play could hopefully save my sanity and help the operation by leaps and bounds. To anyone that has brought a spouse on board to do a set up like this what did you pay the person and how did that work?

Its a good move and you will be surprised at how well this is going to make everything just click together.....Me and my wife have been doing this together since day one.....and I can honestly say that I really don't think that we would be as far advanced in such a short time as we are now........It will take some time for her to get the right questions and answers...and you may even get to the point where you have divorce lawyers on speed dial....but once you both get thru that can spend more time concentrating on other things..that need your attention..and it just keeps getting better and better........
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Dan's wife worked for us for a few years before they divorced. We paid her the going rate, at the time $10.00 probably $12.00 now. Working together adding a strain on their relationship. He couldn't get away from work, she wanted to talk shop even at home. Not saying it would happen to you, they had plenty of other issues. I would however define work and home life so that work doesn't overwhelm your relationship.

My wife worked in the back for a while when we were first dating, when she was between jobs. She had to go, she had instigated a mutiny back there, I had push her out before she caused trouble in our relationship. LOL
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Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper
Do whatever it takes to make her happy, John! Congrats, nine years this month for us.

My wife has been answering the phones and setting appt. full time(was preggo) for about 4 months now. Just someone to help w/phone has been a HUGE help. Who wants to clean all day, then call people about cleaning when they get home? It's too much.
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Oct 7, 2006
it can work, we enjoy it. we are equal partners, no employees.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Im not very organized either so that will definatley be an improvement. I assume that since someone will actualy answer then phone that will greatly improve or phone closings and not as many jobs will slip through the cracks. I am also hoping to get into some small water losses and with my mother in law owning a state farm franchise we hope to gather a few pointers and maybe even teach her how to do the estimating software. The way I see it it will be nice to share the highs and lows of owning a business with someone who actualy cares and has a vested intrest in our mutual success as a team. Also given the crazy hours we work it will be nice to have a good person on stand by in the event of a chimp calling out or no call no showing on a job.


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Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
My wife used to ride with me in the beginning back in the day 18 years ago. She absolutely hated it and is thrilled to be the head office/accountant


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
My wife has been our office manager practically from the get go. I couldn't even imagine trying to do this without her. She has developed awesome relationships with our clients. I seldom ever get a call for scheduling a job and when I do I ask them to please call the office that they make all the appointments. As to pay, well I don't actually pay her but she gets what she wants. I only instruct her to have the advertising people to call me and I direct them to send their offers to my email and explain that we do most of our promotional planning and decisions 6 months in advance.
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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
My wife Theresa did our office and answered the phone for many years, she was the best! However she got tired after raising our five and a few foster kids. At times 3 lines and 6 to 8 employees with janitorial. We had an additional secretary 9-5 at the office in town for a few years.

I would have done some things differently then if I'd have had Mikeysboard, the Internet, or a trip to SFS in 1985-1995 sometime. When we first hit two vans in 1985 it wasn't fun anymore.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I tried for a long time to make my wife an admin person. We almost killed each other many times. She hated it and is not skilled in that area.

Now she runs calls, demos, moisture readings and all of that. She is my right hand sheman. She loves hard work but hates office stuff. Now it works out well.

I'd say that our biggest problem is that I can be intense and blunt at work. Five minutes after work I'm good. It doesn't work that way for her. If I was rude she'll remember for 30-45 years longer than me.
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Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
It could be a great asset to your company.

I'm sure, residentially, we all field more calls from women than men.
I would think a woman searching for the services we provide would find it very comforting to speak to another woman, who will not only address the cleaning related issues, but also better recognize, acknowledge and validate any EMOTIONS that may be present, therfore putting her mind at ease, which is very important to a female.

I think the question you must ask yourself is "How will this effect my relationship"?

That answer is unique to your personalities and compatibility.

Personally, despite my wifes better qualities, any attempt to include her in any aspect of my operations would last a term calculated in HOURS not days..........:hopeless:


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Im not sure how it will effect our relationship. As it stands right now I am a raging a$$ hole most of the time because Im totally un organized and doing it all myself and whenever she has helped me get ahead at times it always reduces my stress and helps me stay a little calmer.. We both have strange hours and actualy we would be around each other a bit more. I think if she can keep her sales job where she sets her own schedule she should be able to work part time with me for at least a couple years . Im sure if she was to come on board full time the potential for drama would increase but I think we are both wired for running a business. I think the hardest part of this whole thing has been me putting my ego to the side and coming clean with myself and her that I am failing if I choose to stay on the path Im on . From what Ive seen from a failed business my aunt and uncle owned is that one common trait of most failing businesses is that the one in charge doesn't know when its time to ask for help and let someone else take the leed at times. She has really impressed me at her sales job and is consistently among the top sellers at her company, she likes the sale and likes being out talking to folks. I think if she sold half as much for us and helped clean up the process and manage the accounts we already have we would be among the most successful cleaners in our area.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Im not sure how it will effect our relationship. As it stands right now I am a raging a$$ hole most of the time because Im totally un organized and doing it all myself and whenever she has helped me get ahead at times it always reduces my stress and helps me stay a little calmer.. We both have strange hours and actualy we would be around each other a bit more. I think if she can keep her sales job where she sets her own schedule she should be able to work part time with me for at least a couple years . Im sure if she was to come on board full time the potential for drama would increase but I think we are both wired for running a business. I think the hardest part of this whole thing has been me putting my ego to the side and coming clean with myself and her that I am failing if I choose to stay on the path Im on . From what Ive seen from a failed business my aunt and uncle owned is that one common trait of most failing businesses is that the one in charge doesn't know when its time to ask for help and let someone else take the leed at times. She has really impressed me at her sales job and is consistently among the top sellers at her company, she likes the sale and likes being out talking to folks. I think if she sold half as much for us and helped clean up the process and manage the accounts we already have we would be among the most successful cleaners in our area.

She most likely knew you were an asshole and married you anyway, so I wouldn't worry about that.

If you feel you are on a path to potential failure now, then you may have nothing to lose.
Your wife should be one of the only people you shouldn't feel strange about asking for help.

Your ego only has an issue with the way you may be considering obtaining and asking for her help.
You don't necessarily have to present your situation as if your drowning and in dire need, even if you are.
Simply express to her that your workload is becoming too much for you alone, and you really need her help to improve your business, quality of life, and relationship, because you feel it is becoming overwhelming.

I would worry more about what would happen to your marriage if you DO fail, and are presented with.........."Your an asshole.....why didn't you just tell me you needed my help"??????


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
"Start realizing right now that there's no such thing as failure. There are only results. You always produce a result. If it's not the one you desire, you can just change your actions and you'll produce new results. Cross out the word 'failure,' circle the word 'outcome' in this book, and commit yourself to learning from every experience."

-- Tony Robbins in Unlimited Power


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
When I say failure I don't mean going broke and having a financial collapse . I could become a grouchy old man do everything my self and live a miserable life mad because things just never seem to work out as good as they should. or I can recognize that I do well in certain things and not so well in others and have a smoother running operation and a business that has a fighting chance of reaching its potential


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
I could become a grouchy old man do everything my self and live a miserable life

Marty has already claimed that spot here.

or I can recognize that I do well in certain things and not so well in others and have a smoother running operation and a business that has a fighting chance of reaching its potential

Sounds like a smart move.
Nothing better than having a strong woman in your corner.


Dec 15, 2012
On The Board
How about hiring an $8.00 an hr phone receptionist 30 hrs a week to start - I'm sure your wife would be more valuable doing what she does best - her pay may even cover the receptionist and a helper for you - so I say no wifey on the job for now
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
How about hiring an $8.00 an hr phone receptionist 30 hrs a week to start - I'm sure your wife would be more valuable doing what she does best - her pay may even cover the receptionist and a helper for you - so I say no wifey on the job for now

In decades to come you will realize that ANSWERING the PHONE is the most critical assignment in your business. It is the first impression of your business.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
How about hiring an $8.00 an hr phone receptionist 30 hrs a week to start - I'm sure your wife would be more valuable doing what she does best - her pay may even cover the receptionist and a helper for you - so I say no wifey on the job for now

Do you get all 4 limbs and and a third grade education for$8

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
While a receptionists are a dime a dozen $8.00 is probably not what you're looking for. I'd start at $10.00and go up with the more skills she has, if she id proficient with MS Office I'd pay more.

Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
The beginning of our "far out service" begins when my wife answers the phone. She lines 'em up over the phone and the Kid knocks 'em down in person at the time of service. I think you're making a smart move including her in the biz.

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Dec 15, 2012
On The Board
Ahhh .. no wonder no one will answer my ad for a receptionist .. I guess $8 an hr is not enough .. Im kidding ... I just threw that number out there .. the point was - she'd be more valuable doing what she knows best while hiring a secretary to answer phones and book jobs .. one who can follow a script, list of questions and answers and so on .. another benefit to her having her own job might include some medical benefits, retirement and how about the slow season .. she'd still be collecting a check ... I guess it can go either way ..


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
My Wife has been working with me for over a year now, and she likes it. She comes out on the jobs with me, helps with the hoses, tabbing and blocking, and the biggest asset.....she talks with the customer while I'm cleaning. (99.9% Wifes). I just cleaned a last minute school job last week....20,000 sf. I cleaned, she moved chairs and pre-sprayed. We're both 60, and she needed 8 more credits for 40 SS credits, so I put her on the payroll. She's not out with me everyday, but a few times a week.

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