Brown Boxers in CA...


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Fitting because the state will now officially STINK for small business owners. Gov. Brown and Sen Boxer - just friggin' great.

If the Pot Prop would've passed I'd smoke a joint and not worry about it.

Just can't win today...

Now I have to comb through all the county results and see if there is hope for business here, or if I need to think about moving to another state - at least my business that is. I can at least base a corporation in another region, keep the CA one going, but shift focus so my tax dollars can help states that actually WANT businesses to come to their region.

Be practical and relocate and create jobs elsewhere... just because I'm sick of them sucking the lifeblood from us (workers comp goes up 30% in January, after already going up 100% this year for cleaners - no claims in two decades - none...).

Or... see if there is actually a way to fight and make some changes. Might be futile. But maybe I could start a blog. =)

Just really disappointing for the golden state....

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Did you really think a shift from Dem to Rep would cause major changes?

While I'm a Democrat, and it would appear our votes yesterday canceled each other out, I have little illusion that it makes a whole lot of difference when it comes down to it who is in "control".....they're all corrupt.

Make a state too business friendly and you have problems....make it too unfriendly and you have problems...same with everything else, there is a balance that must be achieved. BTW the Brown years were pretty good for Cali, don't you think?

Take care,


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
I agree with you that both sides - politicians in general - have had no accountability, and no risk to their positions, and have exploited that for personal gain at the expense of everyone who pays taxes.

So no I did not expect a big shift. I voted for Meg only as a Brown-sucks vote. Fiorina, the fact that she worked her way from secretary to CEO of a billion-dollar company, I was excited about the prospect of someone really understanding business growth in that role in DC - because most there have had NO business experience at all. They look at "all" business as evil big business, when 70% of new jobs for decades have come from little businesses.

The big businesses get all the loop holes - and the little ones pay for it.

Brown during his last reign put into effect pensions and benefits packages to feed his future and every union in our state - which seems great when cash is high, but someone has to pay for it in the end. It is pathetic that a mayor of a city, who caps a high salary for a couple years, can be guaranteed that level of pension payment for decades after retirement. It is criminal.

And that's the "movement" in California that is sickening... that some in this state believe the state should give them everything, more than they've earned, and that someone somewhere - usually "business" - will pay for it.

That entitlement attitude is the problem here in CA - and across the US. The same people who demanded easy nothing down loans as a "right" - when they knew they could not really pay it... but "bail me out anyway"... are just as disgusting to me as the big businesses and banks who claim they are too big to fail so "bail me out anyway."

Meanwhile a lot of us in the middle carry the weight because we simply take responsibility to earn our own way, and push up our sleeves and get the damn job done.

No one in Sacramento will give a shit if I relocate my companies. I'm small potatoes - and just a few dozen jobs, and money flow in a small county.

But something needs to change. And it's not going to happen when the leaders elected are the ones who got their way there through deals and favors and never running a real business in their lives.

It's like getting mad at them for not knowing how to speak Russian when they've never been taught. Literally - these guys and gals do not understand the fundamentals of capitalism and growing businesses through delivering value and EARNING revenue. They only know raising fees, and taking money from other department coffers.

It's the problem with Obama - very smart in some areas... and ignorant completely about economic growth and business - which is at the heart of the American dream.

CA will only get worse from here on out unless we get a global economic boon that kids us into thinking it's alright. When fish jump into the boat, anyone can think they are a great fisherman... but when you have to actually work for it, you see who knows their stuff and who was lying through their teeth.

Meg Whitman is as loony as Brown - but at least she bit a billion dollar business and created thousands of jobs - and economies beyond eBay. It's something.

CA has never been small business friendly - ever. Big business and big union friendly. That's what needs to change.


truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
The biggest roadblocks to small businesses today are not policies of individual states, but the power of large businesses and the injustice of the civil justice system. least that has been my personal experience !gotcha!

Ask a lot of mom & pop biz's why they closed up and a majority will say they were unable to compete with big corporations/franchises/mega-stores in the long term. Get a tiny niche or get out of the way unless you are a large biz.

Also, ever look at what is defined as a large business and a small business?....Lots of "small" businesses are pretty damn big from most people's perspective.

Vinnie, I would have to agree with you there....

Take care,

Jeff Brown

Oct 11, 2006
Jeff Brown
Most big corperations, franchises and mega-stores started out as mom and pops, blaming and penalizing companys for growing and providing jobs is just crazy.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Jeff Brown said:
Most big corperations, franchises and mega-stores started out as mom and pops, blaming and penalizing companys for growing and providing jobs is just crazy.

I find that most people who use all "big business" as the enemy haven't figured out how to run their own small business successfully and use the "big enemy" as the cop-out for learning strong business skills. There are certainly some big businesses who have that same "too big to fail" corruption - not unlike big government - but most new jobs are created by companies with 2-50 employees in the US.... and the Dem's in CA have never been supporters of small business, and they've run the legislature in CA forever.

And Jeff you're right... most of the biggest contributors in not only job creation but also quality of life to MANY people are the growing businesses. It's a shame small business owners are not given more credit for all they do to keep the economy chugging along.


Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Move to Texas, The only state that has the right of secession from the union. Not that we would ever do that but "We Could". :roll:

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