Brown guy takes a dump..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal ... anta-clara

I'm on the fence with these guys. Here's the skinny:

Two guys showed up, on time.

PAUSE. Now, I'm a black woman. Sometimes when I employ white men in their 30s, if it is clear I am not somebody's wife or perhaps because I'm not a size 2 and clearly a ninny, they give me a little bit of attitude. I think they instinctually want to put me in my place because their genes remember what happened 150 years ago 2500 miles east, but we're in California where prejudice comes out in weird ways, since here in northern California no one's going to ever admit out loud they're chafing at something. This has happened to be multiple times when I hire people and they show up at the door - they aren't expecting me, so when they get me, sometimes the 30-35 year olds get a bit cocky, sullen, or stubborn. Men over 40 are generally respectful, probably because they were raised in a generation that taught someone both customer service, manners in someone else's home, and how to respect a woman.

ANYHOO. Two dudes come to the door. One's a 30-something blonde haired, blue-eyed (I think) white dude. The other is a hefty tall brown dude, could be Mexican, could be Samoan, could be Filipino, I don't know, but we're both brown.

I greet them both cheerfully, wave, say hi, greet them, let them in. Immediately, brown dude is cheerful, polite. He's also clearly the leader. He is friendly, professional, warm, a total utter pleasure to work with.

The other dude? He made me think "smart-ass" - and when I wasn't in the room he was yukking it up with brown dude, making snarky comments (just general coworker conversation) and when I was in the room, he was just NOT professional in the same warm way as the other dude was. He was very prickly. I didn't like it.

An example - I forgot to tell them I had a cat. Now, my cat is not smart enough to escape, so she'll run PAST the front door when it's open. I start trying to tell the guys that and blonde dude spends his time cutting me off, giving me attitude-face, etc., because apparently he's miffed I didn't tell them about the cat. Was the cat a problem in the first hour of work? No. Who's house is this? Mine. Be respectful and let me explain the situation, which was really just a "oh by the way, heads up" and nothing to get your panties in a wad about.

Now, the attitude I'd have let roll, and given this 4 stars, except two things:

1) They really tout the rotary cleaning. Well, I dunno if the machine was wacky or if this is just not part of the service and maybe I had to pay extra, but the buffer smushes your carpet. And floods it with water. And leaves it SOAKING WET. Like, does not dry within 12 hours on a hot day wet, but, needs all the windows open on a hot day with fans blowing for 48 hours wet.

So next time, I'm going to hire the people with the vacuum thing that sucks out all the water because I was living in fear I was going to have carpet rot or mold because of the amount of water they left in the carpet.

2) They wore their sneakers - dirty, of course - through the house while doing what they were doing. What happens when you wear dirty sneakers on a wet, freshly cleaned carpet? Uh, you leave dirt. What happens when you step on linoelum? Uh, you leave dirt smudges. Guess what I found when they left and stuff started to dry?

The carpet wasn't too major but I just thought - come on. Common sense. Put footies on or stick some special rubber sole on your shoes so you don't mix dirty shoes with wet carpet and cause drama.

3) Ok this is an add on. Total pet peeve. The brown guy was totally nice about it and I really liked him, BUT - he used my bathroom. The irony being I'd had cleaners come over and JUST cleaned everything, including the bathroom, and he's like, can I use your toilet? And I'm like, OK, but please take off your shoes.

But you know, worker etiquette, is generally you take care of that before you come to the client's house. They were at my place for like 3 hours. I've had plenty of other cleaners and service men come over and never had them need to use the toilet. I'm just saying. Totally bitchy but, gotta be honest, not my fav thing when someone does that.

Not gonna use these guys again. It got the job done but crushed clean soggy carpet is not ideal when I can have fluffy nearly dry clean carpet.

sam miller

damn I checked her profile and she writes a book every time guess she's lonely! Has 117 reviews with a grip of friends.

No more dumpimg in the custy's toilet God its attached to a friggin sewerline lady thats where it goes! I would not clean for her she's anal.

God help the next guy.

ps the over wetting part is inexcusable

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Those lonely people that all they do is post......

kinda sick isn't it....

Ivebeensold they need to get a life.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
So the tech goes into the bedroom and he's wanding under the bed and he drags out by mistake on the end of his wand head what he originally thought was an artificial limb but WAIT, it's a :shock:

sam miller

I dont mind she posts and reviews thats great, its the 8 page book report that gets me!

She's the type that watchs everymove so she can review about it after the fact, suprised she didnt have a pen and pad in hand!

I hate when people follow me the whole job better yet when thier kids follow the whole job!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Sam, she reminded me of a lady who I cleaned for when I worked for you.
I used her head with out asking and when I came out she gave me the " how dare you!!! And I bet you wiped your AIDES ridden hands all over my towles."

When it came time to upsell she says she has forty dollars to spend for the whole house, take it or leave it.

I left it much to Gary Taylors dismay

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I am very careful about using a customer's bathroom. I just don't think it's cool. People let us into their homes to add things to their lives. Askig something from them is just and inconvenience, IMO.


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
bob vawter said:
what if ya get diarrhea....all sudden like....?

Come on Bob, have these in stock, do you not?


bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
naw...i havn't started "leaking anything" yet........
but i won't trust a fart any longer.....

sam miller

Ya I go to 8 out of 10 repeats and they're like family, they would be insulted if I didnt use the bathroom!

I'm glad You walked that Job Mike Your the Man!

I here someguys wear depends to football games so they can drink more and not miss any of the action????

Thats nasty.

Hey dude your diapers full!

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