BrushPro Cleaning Speed - MB Ad


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
I noticed this ad for the BrushPro machine on MB.

That looks to be the smaller version of the BrushPro. I'm wondering has anyone here ever actually "cleaned" in the 10,000 sq. ft. per hour range with a 17" CRB? Am I missing something? How is that achieved?

My thinking would be that perhaps 1,000 to 2,000 sq. ft. per hour would be the average in this case, when you factor that the carpet will need to be pre-sprayed, and then the carpet will normally require two passes with the machine. We sell CRB machines too, so I am curious to know what kind of numbers "real world" cleaners are experiencing.
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Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
Didn't I hear you say YOU were a "Real world" cleaner? The Real World cleaner around here is leaving a trail of:bullshit: all over the place!

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
It makes more sense . . .

than this blanket marketing statement on Rick's encap:

Cleaning productivity can be doubled or even tripled

Not possible when compared to another well-formulated encap !

That would be only 30,000 sq. ft./ hour !

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Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
That is the 20" in the pic and I think what they mean by the 10,000 sq ft per hour is that you could achieve that goal by using the tandem bar By itself you can do roughly 3,500 to 5,000 sq ft with one machine with someone spraying and another person running the Brush Pro. Using the Tandem Bar and 2 machines it could be possible to reach 10,000 sq ft.

Bill Morgan

Aug 9, 2012
Auburn, Maine
Captain Morgan
Forgot to mention it can only clean 10,000 sq ft carpet.. if the carpet is "not dirty". That was my bitch a couple weeks ago with the El Diablo HE system. It's "heat" is only achieved using 4 flow and others said that the "claim" of being a "dual wand" with use of kunkle valve is also a joke.

Seems manufacturers can claim whatever they want.. until some medling carpet cleaner and his dog comes along sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. I've played along and asked dumb questions that I've known the answers to for long enough. It's old.. where's the proof to substantiate the claims? They disappear.. ask you to contact them off the board if you have specific questions. It's a joke!

If all those claims are true then why are guys having to spend so much time and money to "pimp" their equipment? Adding post heaters, opening up their plumbing on their vac systems or their blower ports to get the results they truely want and need? I suppose the arguement will be made the El D or other systems can dual wand "in a pinch or those rare instances that come along" but don't expect it on an everyday occurance. But that's doesn't stop them from manipulating or bastardizing the exception for the rule.

You're right Rick... how is that possible? Even if it was a larger CRB. 10K sq ft an hour? Really? You bring up a good point too, Larry. Double and triple your productivity! Holy shit, sign me up! But compared to what, apples to oranges? Mmm hmm.. sounds good, as long as Dorothy pays no attention to the man behind the green curtain.. right?
As long there is a fresh crop of newbs entering the market and nobody holds manufacturers feet to the fire to prove it.. the crap will continue to roll down hill..

Sadly, I fell for it too.. and bought a Bane. Don't get me wrong. It was a good system. It cleaned carpet. But it took all day to clean 3 bedrooms, hallway and stairs.. And it took all frigging night to heat the water.. which wasn't cheap. My electric bill increased 6X over what it was! It never broke down and maintanence was cheap and simple. It just NEVER came close to the performance they "insinuated".

Yup, I got taken because I was too wet behind the ears to know enough to ask the right questions that would have saved me 10 grand.!!! I could have easily bought a used Prochem 405 and had a kick as single wand system that might hold it's own dual wanding with the right conditions. And I guess that's the angle MasterBlend and others are banking on. In's my own fault. I wish I had known about Mikeysboard A LOT SOONER than I did.. but I didn't. I've tried to make a go of it while my pants were on fire and it didn't work out so good for me. Some cleaners are the exception. They make good decisions, the stars align for them and in 2 years they are running 2 vans and are taking their family on vacation to Disneyland..

Hopefully we, as a collective, continue to push equipment and chemical manufactures for the truth and the proof.



Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
Larry back when I cleaned commercial carpet with a wand I could max out at 1,000 sq ft per hour (on a good day). A Cimex running at a realistic rate of 2,000 - 3,000 sq ft per hour is in fact exactly 2 to 3 times greater. That's a pretty fat increase from my perspective.

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman

Bill Morgan

Aug 9, 2012
Auburn, Maine
Captain Morgan
... I think, ..... what they mean by, .... is that, ... you could achieve that,... with someone spraying and another person running,... using the Brush Pro Tandem Bar and 2 machines, .... it could be possible,... to reach 10,000 sq ft.

Sorry to bust your nuts Chris but those are A LOT OF BULLSHIT QUALIFIYING WORDS!! Whether yours or some marketing guys. That's quite a stretch.. from what you said, to what some unsuspecting know-nothing beginner is going to get, from that picture and the caption contained within it.

Like Lee said.. UP TO.. plus all the other stuff that has to be in place for that statement to SORT OF be true..
Sorry Chris I know you're a stand up guy but what you pointed out just set me off.
Yeah... I bitter and jaded..sorry
All this, living in the grey areas, dancing around the edges.. see the small print, bull shit really is too much.


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
You can call them bullshit words if you want but I have helped out on some commercial jobs with brush pros and we were averaging 3,500 sq ft per hour using singles going at a decent pace. With a tandem set up it can be very possible to get close to those numbers. Everyone cleans at a different pace and if you don't think you could do those numbers that's cool but I've used them and with the proper conditions those numbers could be reached IMO. Maybe not 10,000 but pretty close. Up to is used because every situation is different. That includes soil levels, chemicals, speed of employees, etc.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Larry back when I cleaned commercial carpet with a wand I could max out at 1,000 sq ft per hour (on a good day). A Cimex running at a realistic rate of 2,000 - 3,000 sq ft per hour is in fact exactly 2 to 3 times greater. That's a pretty fat increase from my perspective.

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman

Right around our numbers rick, although closer to the lower end on cimex #. Dont want jobs to turn into a race either, too many mistakes happen.

Bill Morgan

Aug 9, 2012
Auburn, Maine
Captain Morgan
You can call them bullshit words if you want but we were averaging 3,500 sq ft per hour using singles going at a decent pace. With a tandem set up it can be very possible to get close to those numbers. Everyone cleans at a different pace and if you don't think you could do those numbers that's cool but I've used them and with the proper conditions those numbers could be reached IMO. Maybe not 10,000 but pretty close. Up to is used because every situation is different. That includes soil levels, chemicals, speed of employees, etc.

Hi Chris, I know you didn't make the advertisement Rick mentioned. And I'm not saying 10k feet per hour isn't possible. I think it's unlikely. You have used them, I haven't so I have no experience to back up my opinions, just my gut feeling. And my use of Bull Shit was not so say the numbers are a out and out lie. My issue is with the use of Qualifying Words that are NON-Commital. They don't say YES and they don't say NO. They are in between.

The ad doesn't use words you've mentioned like: "it can be, very possible" "could be reached" "but pretty close" "with proper conditions" "every situation is different" ?? I'm not an English major but don't you think a disclaimer at the bottom, noting "your results will vary" because if they were to say everything you've just mentioned it would blow a huge hole and essentially make their ad useless?

Instead of a picture of 1 machine and 1 pair of feet, it should have a picture of 2 machines in tandem with one person vacuuming, one prespraying, one aggitating, one setting up fans, one post vacuuming. But I guess that's too much of a realistic visual than the other.

Anything is possible if enough helpers are there, light soiling, why not just take a picture of 3 machines in tandem together with solution tanks on them? Then I might believe 10k feet an hour is possible. I know you sell the machines and used them too but even then, you've back peddled and made exceptions to help justify the numbers claim.

Again, my issue is the picture used. 1 machine with no solution tank.. and nothing else mentioned. What you've stated and all the dancing around you've done hasn't help convince me and I think it is pretty lame advertising. That's all. Nothing personal.

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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Hi Chris, I know you didn't make the advertisement Rick mentioned. And I'm not saying 10k feet per hour isn't possible. I think it's unlikely.



It's a fcking joke and everyone knows it .
I started a thread on this a month ago

I find it interesting that Ricky Cimex (the "other" sCampoo method salesman ) starts a thread calling out the competing method .
Cobby with his "well formulated " non sales, sale pitch for his juice jumps in

all we need now Gurkink to join in the fun and it'll be "off to the races"

"racing" thru a com carpet that is.....:lol:...and calling it "clean" :icon_rolleyes:

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Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
Actually Larry I don't only sell a "competing method" with the Cimex - I also sell CRB machines as well. We sell the Austrian built BrushEncap CRB's as well as the Duplex CRB machines. But regardless of whether I'm selling CRB's, Cimex machines, OP machines, Extractors, or Chemicals, I always try to make sure that my statements are accurate. And that's why I called out this ad. Because it's so ridiculously far from accurate that it couldn't be overlooked. And honestly I think the folks at Interlink are basically square shooters, so this ad may have been a mistake, oversight, or a case of an over zealous sales person. At any rate, it's not accurate and since the ad has been there for quite some time, it really needed to be addressed.

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
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J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
The ad was inspired from a cleaner who wrote how he had cleaned 10,000 sq. ft. per hour using two 20" Brush Pro machines connected with a tandem bar, just the way Chris explained.

I agree that it is "unlikely" and most cleaners will not be cleaning close to 10,000 sq. ft. per hour.

We have just been leaving up until we have a new ad to takes its place. Hopefully soon. :)


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Larry, please!
You misunderstood!
That statement needs to be put in the right historic perspective. It belongs to the "I had a dream" series.

P.S. Good try though, Scott. Sorry, but no cigar.
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Have any of you guys ever tried doing a PROPER prespray at the rate of 10k sq. ft. per hr. ?? I used a machine that would clean at that rate under the right condition which very rarely exists but found the only way I could keep up with pre spraying is if I had a sprayer on a cart with at least a 4 ft. boom on it. LOL
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Truth in advertising is not something they teach the marketing guys in school so give them a break. I'm sure the right people either did t get a chance to sign off on it or they ignored warrington when he told them it wasn't accurate. And Chris if your using two guys and they do 5000 sqft in an hour it is only 2500' an hour as you used two man hours to do it :)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Have any of you guys ever tried doing a PROPER prespray at the rate of 10k sq. ft. per hr. ?? I used a machine that would clean at that rate under the right condition which very rarely exists but found the only way I could keep up with pre spraying is if I had a sprayer on a cart with at least a 4 ft. boom on it. LOL

Mardie, you might be able to run a machine over 10K sf in an hour, but you ain't "cleaning" chit at that pace .
You're doing little more than making clean carpet damp and smell nice



Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Mardie, you might be able to run a machine over 10K sf in an hour, but you ain't "cleaning" chit at that pace .
You're doing little more than making clean carpet damp and smell nice


No chit ( Pun intended)
That is why I only used it as a demo one time then sent it back. The point I was making is about doing a proper pre spray at 10 k sq. ft. per hr. Seems to me the advocators of these cleaning rates left out the part on how you going to keep up with pre spraying.

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