John Olson
SO we have been trying to figure out what we where told was a carb problem on a 427. TW has been pulling his hair out. Took the carb off cleaned it up etc etc etc. We can get the machine to start but it won't run. TW is sure it is a problem with the soleniod can can't figure out WTF because it should be working. We chasing the wires brings him to this....
First person that can identifying what your looking at and who the retards were who did it and guess how to fix it gets a free jug of Juice just pay shipping (any that we carry except protectors)
We are not sure what else is FUBAR because of this as the machine should have gave us a friggin light but this for sure has to be fixed before we can do anything else.
Oh and everyone just left 20 minutes ago except me....
First person that can identifying what your looking at and who the retards were who did it and guess how to fix it gets a free jug of Juice just pay shipping (any that we carry except protectors)
We are not sure what else is FUBAR because of this as the machine should have gave us a friggin light but this for sure has to be fixed before we can do anything else.
Oh and everyone just left 20 minutes ago except me....