Chem Dry and urine damage

Feb 24, 2008
Temecula, CA
I had a customer call me out to her home after she paid Chem Dry to clean her carpets and treat her urine spots. The stains didnt come out and it still smelled terrible. I googled their PURT product which is an alkaline and to me is weird to use on urine damage since usually by the time we get to it its now in alkaline form. It would be a great spotter to sell to the clients though if it works. Anyways, their tech dumped his inline filter basket out in her planter in which she has pictures and its still there. To top it all off, her carpets were wet were 4 days. She called them, wrote them a letter without any response and so I tried to help her out. I called the manager to see if we could work together to help her out. Maybe they can refund some of her money back and come clean up the mess their tech left and I can remove the pet damage if they couldnt. I have employees and realize some time things can go wrong but gave an opportunity for both of our companies to be heroes in this case. After being nice to them the whole time and even being in a seperate room from the client when we talked, the manager told me that urine stains are acidic and if I knew what I was doing then I would know there is no way to remove urine stains and they will always be permanent. I told him I wasnt sure why they were selling Urine Stain Remover if urine stains were permanent and I was 100% sure I could remove the urine stains (since I removed a couple when out there already) and that if He knew what He was doing then they could too. So they are going out tomorrow morning to take pictures of the clients carpet and said if I can remove the pet stains then they will pay me $300. I figured after cleaning, odor treat and urine treat I should have about $230 left over, what to spend that money on now? lol Maybe a devastator filter. You think I can get them to pay me $1500 to come in and teach their techs how to treat pet damage? Probably not!

Neil King

Nov 13, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
Neil King
I have always been curious about their PURT service. They guarantee it works in my area. I figured they must charge out the nose for it and issue a good amount of refunds, or have some sort of waiver for "heavy contamination" since that isn't something that can be guaranteed to work.
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Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Even though their name is chem DRY. I have seen several times where they have dumped several 5 gal buckets ( Up to 50 gallons or more) on the carpet and then water claw it. It takes forever to dry and leaves white reside. Saw one bid this way where the urine treatment was $1200.00 for a small single story 2 bedroom house.

Kevin B

Nov 17, 2006
Coeur D Alene ID
Kevin Bunce
I worked for this franchise for a while. The PURT product is very effective. One of the most effective products I have ever used on urine.

I guarantee pet urine odor removal, how hard is that? Many companies water claw urine, nothing new here. Including 5 gallon buckets dumped onto large areas.

Now, you guarantee you can get the stains out, and a fool you will be!

I would be careful how you talk online about CD they have a lot more money than you ever will.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
I worked for this franchise for a while. The PURT product is very effective. One of the most effective products I have ever used on urine.

I guarantee pet urine odor removal, how hard is that? Many companies water claw urine, nothing new here. Including 5 gallon buckets dumped onto large areas.

Now, you guarantee you can get the stains out, and a fool you will be!

I would be careful how you talk online about CD they have a lot more money than you ever will.

And wth are they gona do, sue him because the dude talked about them? :oldrolleyes: Come on man... Chem dry sucks! now sue me...:oldrolleyes: Also- do you know this guy that posted? How do you know he doesn't have as much or more money than chemwho? Some of you are so quick to assume that a carpet cleaner can only be BD.
Some ex chemwho guys can sure be sensitive about their old brainwashmentors.
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Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I really don't think it was any of your business to call CD and brow beat them.

Kevin B

Nov 17, 2006
Coeur D Alene ID
Kevin Bunce
Yah, I've actually seen CD sue people. They pay MILLIONS for their name brand and I don't care how rich this owner operator is, throwing 50K down to defend the lawsuit would not bode well, even if you "don't lose".

Harris Research sold when I worked for them in the mid 90's for 500 million dollars...don't be stupid is all I'm saying and start putting "cd sucks" in your ads.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Yah, I've actually seen CD sue people. They pay MILLIONS for their name brand and I don't care how rich this owner operator is, throwing 50K down to defend the lawsuit would not bode well, even if you "don't lose".

Harris Research sold when I worked for them in the mid 90's for 500 million dollars...don't be stupid is all I'm saying and start putting "cd sucks" in your ads.

Yeah you don't put cd sucks in your ads but you do have the freedom to bash them as they bash to say "be careful what you say about cd" is dumb because they have no right to take away your free speech.
I have zero respect towards chemwho since they were acting like jerks at connections and were telling me face to face how they will make sure we all will have to surrender our glides..that's why Lisa's victory was so sweet for all of us.

And to know that more and more chemwho franchises are running truckmounts, yet they still somehow try to make people believe they are so different than the rest of the cleaning companies- is also a joke.

So yeah chemdry sucks with their scare tacticts towards carpet cleaners AND their own customers. (by telling their potential customers how other companies will make a giant mess and will leave the carpets wet for days and prepare for mold damage etc..)


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Stepping away from the great CD controversy......

Urine stains in Temecula must be of a different variety. As my experience is that quite frequently urine stains will not come out and or alter the dyes. Unless we are talking Olefin specialty here.

Surely its what they're feeding the pets there............ or is it the shoes? :winky:
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Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I get pis stains out all the time. After urine treatment I spray stain magic on top and then cover with plastic wrap and put books on top of that so no air can get under. About 7 hours later the stain is usually gone. Usually, but not always a guarantee.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I get pis stains out all the time. After urine treatment I spray stain magic on top and then cover with plastic wrap and put books on top of that so no air can get under. About 7 hours later the stain is usually gone. Usually, but not always a guarantee.

I'd love it if you tried that on some of the wool carpets here. Also on some of the brown carpets that lost the red primary and look green.


Oct 10, 2012

I have nothing against them I think they are hard working people who bought a system that happens to be inferior, Yes inferior go tell them that pinosan said that and they can come over and read this post.

I have challenged a few of those guy to put their method against my method in a public demonstration I even challenge them to bring it to Vegas and record the challenge. We would have to sign consent to upload it to youtube and all platforms in the internet and even give it to the news channels to let the public see the results. Never had a response from them. If you think they are so millionaire and they can make me shup up my info is in my signature give it to them and tell them the challenge is still on
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Aug 9, 2012
sam miller
Ya most know not to put an oxidizer on wool, if it turns green blame the urine duh.

Is the purt an enzyme? I know they charge a grip for it.

I have done jobs after them for pennies on the dollar and kicked them to the curb, Be happy they're your competition.

USR or meta bisulfite works

Most urine stain that disappear during cleaning is removable, if it wicks retreat.

If it doesn't budge its usually because the vitamins in the food they eat. Vitamins can change the color of urine, this need's the USR and the plastic, I usually spray and walk away and it does too.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I'm smart enough to know when to try it and when not to. Ofer, you do know about stain magic for wool don't you. I used it on a wool and silk carpet last year to take out about 10 urine stains. All the stains came out completely.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I'm smart enough to know when to try it and when not to. Ofer, you do know about stain magic for wool don't you. I used it on a wool and silk carpet last year to take out about 10 urine stains. All the stains came out completely.

Cleaned plenty of wool rugs and carpets and silk rugs with "wool" products.
Dye strippers are still a risky proposition and far from perfect. Yes, I have various wool products 'Stain Magic for wool' being one, on the van. Halo around stains still has a good chance of happening. Other potential issues are pile distortion, change in feel and color changes.

Do you discuss potential damage with clients or assume all risk?
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Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Yes. I always tell them the risks with anything I do. It's easier to overcome objections before they have them.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Good, otherwise you may own some very expensive rugs.
I always disclose the risks involved, surprisingly (or not) once you do, many clients opt not to take the risk.

Since It's their property, they should make the final decision that may permanently affect it. The fact that many (most) choose not to, tells me that people are risk averse and one is better off not assuming that risk.

That is those of us who are not devout rug collectors :winky:

Kevin B

Nov 17, 2006
Coeur D Alene ID
Kevin Bunce
PURT is ground up root mixed with an alkaline polymer deodorizer. That was, meh, 15 years ago.

I know the local CD owner. He's a nice guy. He knows his stuff, but being a multi truck operation can only be as good as his best technicians.

I in no way endorse them, or I would of bought a franchise. I will say that I am proud that I was a huge part in them converting from bonnet to the truck mounted systems they use today. Anyways, don't say I didnt warn you. HRI has lawyers, and if you ask anyone that was involved in the glide legal fiasco. It has nothing to do with right wrong win lose, but who has more money. Those things are why you fight, but in the end or middle, it's easy to lose hope when your writing big checks to lawyers. All because your pride got the best of you.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
HRI has lawyers, and if you ask anyone that was involved in the glide legal fiasco. It has nothing to do with right wrong win lose, but who has more money. Those things are why you fight, but in the end or middle, it's easy to lose hope when your writing big checks to lawyers. All because your pride got the best of you.


Lisa did not have more money than chemwho...


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Did 1 today (which i have a question about in a min)

how can you GUARANTEE everything??? sure sure the basics....but even the red i say is about a 10-15% chance it wont....

and blues, or greens...and some tans or browns, if it turned it usually cant get out...I just find it silly to 100% guarantee things...because you dont know whats been done to them...more so on stripping and waxing....its either coming out or it aint...

Ok job today....piss damn near every where..nothing heavy, but the uv said all over....they had 2 kids who had some medical issues.....and 2 small dogs (oh it was a move out this was for the new people so 3rd party explaining)

How do you treat those??? certainly not 5 gal buckets every where....can you say ALL DAY

being that they are smallish people/ you just guess it hasnt hit pad...(pretty thick carpet)

I seem to always get these kind...and always think..."there is no f'ing way people are water clawing this much carpet"

Anyway...I hit it with 15oz of slop & gobble...and about the same maybe a tich more of interlinks lemon deodorizer...(not to bad of stuff) save my judsons for an after spray on bad areas

and the lady was pretty happy....told her it would take a few weeks for it to fully be known if they dodge a bullet, ad that it was indeed on the surface....heavy areas I hit with an enzyme soak and extract..

figure with the nice weather, open some windows, use some other types of odor counteractant on it febreeze and the like....get a little air change over, and they should be good....

Did the master worried me... a TON of little spots and it wreaked....when i was done...smelled very nice and she was very happy....

thats all that matters right??


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Your right. How much did it cost her? how long did she fight the glide battle. Years...probably 6 figure lawyer fees. Sounds fun

Do you use a glide?
I am certain that part of the money from glides sales went into the we all paid indirectly I would guess. I bought extra glides that we didn't even need just to help out..


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Doug, simple answer is: You can't.

This being the top dog internet CC board, people seem to have 100% success, every day, all day, 365. Including, yet not limited to holidays.

It's a mind boggler :winky:
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Kevin B

Nov 17, 2006
Coeur D Alene ID
Kevin Bunce
Did 1 today (which i have a question about in a min)

how can you GUARANTEE everything??? sure sure the basics....but even the red i say is about a 10-15% chance it wont....

and blues, or greens...and some tans or browns, if it turned it usually cant get out...I just find it silly to 100% guarantee things...because you dont know whats been done to them...more so on stripping and waxing....its either coming out or it aint...

Ok job today....piss damn near every where..nothing heavy, but the uv said all over....they had 2 kids who had some medical issues.....and 2 small dogs (oh it was a move out this was for the new people so 3rd party explaining)

How do you treat those??? certainly not 5 gal buckets every where....can you say ALL DAY

being that they are smallish people/ you just guess it hasnt hit pad...(pretty thick carpet)

I seem to always get these kind...and always think..."there is no f'ing way people are water clawing this much carpet"

Anyway...I hit it with 15oz of slop & gobble...and about the same maybe a tich more of interlinks lemon deodorizer...(not to bad of stuff) save my judsons for an after spray on bad areas

and the lady was pretty happy....told her it would take a few weeks for it to fully be known if they dodge a bullet, ad that it was indeed on the surface....heavy areas I hit with an enzyme soak and extract..

figure with the nice weather, open some windows, use some other types of odor counteractant on it febreeze and the like....get a little air change over, and they should be good....

Did the master worried me... a TON of little spots and it wreaked....when i was done...smelled very nice and she was very happy....

thats all that matters right??

Ok, first of all, the urine is in the pad. if its all over via uv, its on the pad.

Here is what I tell someone like that. I explain to them the complexity of the odor, etc. When cleaned, it is likely that it will smell good the day you clean it and stink tomorrow.

I give them options for flooding/water clawing pad. (I only do this if its moderate). If its real bad or cat pee, then I tell them the pad has to go and floor needs sealed. I give pricing and expectations with both. If I pull pad route, I guarantee odor removal as I would with water clawing if its one or two spots.

I don't even offer pet urine odor treatments if the stains don't come out


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
these spots are like silver dollar size to smaller, and very uhhhh rough edges...

either way they knew they may have to replace...but if it is fixed..then so be it
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Supportive Member
Feb 4, 2012
Jurupa Valley, CA - So. Calif.
Barry Rhoads
Stepping away from the great CD controversy......

Urine stains in Temecula must be of a different variety. :winky:

As a former CD owner I have a sneaky suspicion on which CD franchise this might be. I had "trouble" with them when I was in CD and I still hear stories about the things they do currently in customers homes. Bad apples - but then again I'm just guessing who the CD is.

Just as a reminder, there are good CD franchises, who do good work -just like there are plenty of good independent carpet cleaners. Goes the other way for both too.

CD Franchise owners are NOT HRI. Remember that when you complain about "chemDry".

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
If they still have the pet and it is going to be a continued and long-term problem. Sometimes you just have to make the situation better and more livable for the client. After explaining the alternatives. Let the client decide which solution works best for their needs. Then the ball is in their court and you won't end up owning THEIR problem.
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Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
If they still have the pet and it is going to be a continued and long-term problem. Sometimes you just have to make the situation better and more livable for the client. After explaining the alternatives. Let the client decide which solution works best for their needs. Then the ball is in their court and you won't end up owning THEIR problem.

You always need to explain in detail that it is their home, their carpet, their animals, their problem. We are here to help to make it better. Better is a key word!
Many times the stain color will not change no matter what you do or how you do it. Also explain that it is possible to guarantee the the source removal and the odor removal too but what that will cost them is most likely what will stop the process. It is rare that you get to pull the carpet and pad and seal floor...etc.

When I see the heavy urine damaged places, I often recommend new carpet and pad with an in depth explanation about how urine works and the odors with that. If it is a similar cost to replace- might as well replace it. What stops people from that is that they are afraid that they have to move all the furniture out for the installers. Which then I explain we can do it quickly and efficiently..move everything out in the morning and everything back later in the day when the new carpet is installed.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
What is troubling, is the fact that so many carpet cleaners out there simply will promise big and guaranteed odor removal with the idea of spraying it down and wand it out....and its done. If the odor is still there then they tell customers "well yeah..we only guarantee the carpet cleanliness not what's below it so if you want that taken care of we need to do more and charge a heck of a lot more."

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